defmodule PlausibleWeb.RemoteIP do @moduledoc """ Implements the strategy of retrieving client's remote IP """ def get(conn) do x_plausible_ip = List.first(Plug.Conn.get_req_header(conn, "x-plausible-ip")) cf_connecting_ip = List.first(Plug.Conn.get_req_header(conn, "cf-connecting-ip")) x_forwarded_for = List.first(Plug.Conn.get_req_header(conn, "x-forwarded-for")) b_forwarded_for = List.first(Plug.Conn.get_req_header(conn, "b-forwarded-for")) forwarded = List.first(Plug.Conn.get_req_header(conn, "forwarded")) cond do x_plausible_ip -> clean_ip(x_plausible_ip) cf_connecting_ip -> clean_ip(cf_connecting_ip) b_forwarded_for -> parse_forwarded_for(b_forwarded_for) x_forwarded_for -> parse_forwarded_for(x_forwarded_for) forwarded -> Regex.named_captures(~r/for=(?[^;,]+).*$/, forwarded) |> Map.get("for") # IPv6 addresses are enclosed in quote marks and square brackets: |> String.trim("\"") |> clean_ip() true -> to_string(:inet_parse.ntoa(conn.remote_ip)) end end # Removes port from both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. From # Removes surrounding [] of an IPv6 address @port_regex ~r/((\.\d+)|(\]))(?:[0-9]+)$/ defp clean_ip(ip_and_port) do ip = case Regex.named_captures(@port_regex, ip_and_port) do %{"port" => port} -> String.trim_trailing(ip_and_port, port) _ -> ip_and_port end ip |> String.trim_leading("[") |> String.trim_trailing("]") end defp parse_forwarded_for(header) do String.split(header, ",") |> |> List.first() |> clean_ip() end end