import numberFormatter, {durationFormatter} from '../../util/number-formatter' import dateFormatter from './date-formatter.js' export const METRIC_MAPPING = { 'Unique visitors (last 30 min)': 'visitors', 'Pageviews (last 30 min)': 'pageviews', 'Unique visitors': 'visitors', 'Visit duration': 'visit_duration', 'Total pageviews': 'pageviews', 'Bounce rate': 'bounce_rate', 'Unique conversions': 'conversions', } export const METRIC_LABELS = { 'visitors': 'Visitors', 'pageviews': 'Pageviews', 'bounce_rate': 'Bounce Rate', 'visit_duration': 'Visit Duration', 'conversions': 'Converted Visitors', } export const METRIC_FORMATTER = { 'visitors': numberFormatter, 'pageviews': numberFormatter, 'bounce_rate': (number) => (`${number}%`), 'visit_duration': durationFormatter, 'conversions': numberFormatter, } export const GraphTooltip = (graphData, metric, query) => { return (context) => { const tooltipModel = context.tooltip; const offset = document.getElementById("main-graph-canvas").getBoundingClientRect() // Tooltip Element let tooltipEl = document.getElementById('chartjs-tooltip'); // Create element on first render if (!tooltipEl) { tooltipEl = document.createElement('div'); = 'chartjs-tooltip'; = 'none'; = 0; document.body.appendChild(tooltipEl); } if (tooltipEl && offset && window.innerWidth < 768) { = offset.y + offset.height + window.scrollY + 15 + 'px' = offset.x + 'px' = null; = 1; } // Stop if no tooltip showing if (tooltipModel.opacity === 0) { = 'none'; return; } function getBody(bodyItem) { return bodyItem.lines; } // Returns a string describing the bucket. Used when hovering the graph to // show time buckets. function renderBucketLabel(label) { const isPeriodFull = graphData.full_intervals?.[label] const formattedLabel = dateFormatter(graphData.interval, true, query.period, isPeriodFull)(label) if (query.period === 'realtime') { return dateFormatter(graphData.interval, true, query.period)(label) } if (graphData.interval === 'hour' || graphData.interval == 'minute') { const date = dateFormatter("date", true, query.period)(label) return `${date}, ${formattedLabel}` } return formattedLabel } // Set Tooltip Body if (tooltipModel.body) { var bodyLines =; // Remove duplicated line on overlap between dashed and normal if (bodyLines.length == 3) { bodyLines[1] = false } const data = tooltipModel.dataPoints[0] const label = graphData.labels[data.dataIndex] const point = data.raw || 0 let innerHtml = `
${graphData.interval === 'month' ? 'Click to view month' : graphData.interval === 'date' ? 'Click to view day' : ''}
`; tooltipEl.innerHTML = innerHtml; } = null; } } export const buildDataSet = (plot, present_index, ctx, label, isPrevious) => { var gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 300); var prev_gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 300); gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(101,116,205, 0.2)'); gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(101,116,205, 0)'); prev_gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(101,116,205, 0.075)'); prev_gradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(101,116,205, 0)'); if (!isPrevious) { if (present_index) { var dashedPart = plot.slice(present_index - 1, present_index + 1); var dashedPlot = (new Array(present_index - 1)).concat(dashedPart) const _plot = [...plot] for (var i = present_index; i < _plot.length; i++) { _plot[i] = undefined } return [{ label, data: _plot, borderWidth: 3, borderColor: 'rgba(101,116,205)', pointBackgroundColor: 'rgba(101,116,205)', pointHoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(71, 87, 193)', pointBorderColor: 'transparent', pointHoverRadius: 4, backgroundColor: gradient, fill: true, }, { label, data: dashedPlot, borderWidth: 3, borderDash: [3, 3], borderColor: 'rgba(101,116,205)', pointHoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(71, 87, 193)', pointBorderColor: 'transparent', pointHoverRadius: 4, backgroundColor: gradient, fill: true, }] } else { return [{ label, data: plot, borderWidth: 3, borderColor: 'rgba(101,116,205)', pointHoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(71, 87, 193)', pointBorderColor: 'transparent', pointHoverRadius: 4, backgroundColor: gradient, fill: true, }] } } else { return [{ label, data: plot, borderWidth: 2, borderColor: 'rgba(166,187,210,0.5)', pointHoverBackgroundColor: 'rgba(166,187,210,0.8)', pointBorderColor: 'transparent', pointHoverBorderColor: 'transparent', pointHoverRadius: 4, backgroundColor: prev_gradient, fill: true, }] } }