defmodule PlausibleWeb.Live.FunnelSettings.FormTest do use PlausibleWeb.ConnCase, async: true import Phoenix.LiveViewTest import Plausible.Test.Support.HTML describe "integration - live rendering" do setup [:create_user, :log_in, :create_site] test "search reacts to the input, the user types in", %{conn: conn, site: site} do setup_goals(site, ["Hello World", "Plausible", "Another World"]) lv = get_liveview(conn, site) doc = type_into_combo(lv, 1, "hello") assert text_of_element(doc, "#dropdown-step-1-option-1") == "Hello World" doc = type_into_combo(lv, 1, "plausible") assert text_of_element(doc, "#dropdown-step-1-option-1") == "Plausible" end test "selecting an option prefills input values", %{conn: conn, site: site} do {:ok, [_, _, g3]} = setup_goals(site, ["Hello World", "Plausible", "Another World"]) lv = get_liveview(conn, site) doc = type_into_combo(lv, 1, "another") refute element_exists?(doc, ~s/input[type="hidden"][value="#{}"]/) refute element_exists?(doc, ~s/input[type="text"][value="Another World"]/) lv |> element("li#dropdown-step-1-option-1 a") |> render_click() assert lv |> element("#submit-step-1") |> render() |> element_exists?(~s/input[type="hidden"][value="#{}"]/) assert lv |> element("#step-1") |> render() |> element_exists?(~s/input[type="text"][value="Another World"]/) end test "selecting one option reduces suggestions in the other", %{conn: conn, site: site} do setup_goals(site, ["Hello World", "Plausible", "Another World"]) lv = get_liveview(conn, site) type_into_combo(lv, 1, "another") lv |> element("li#dropdown-step-1-option-1 a") |> render_click() doc = type_into_combo(lv, 2, "another") refute text_of_element(doc, "ul#dropdown-step-1 li") =~ "Another World" refute text_of_element(doc, "ul#dropdown-step-2 li") =~ "Another World" end test "suggestions are limited on change", %{conn: conn, site: site} do setup_goals(site, for(i <- 1..20, do: "Goal #{i}")) lv = get_liveview(conn, site) doc = lv |> element("li#dropdown-step-1-option-1 a") |> render_click() assert element_exists?(doc, ~s/#li#dropdown-step-1-option-15/) refute element_exists?(doc, ~s/#li#dropdown-step-1-option-16/) end test "removing one option alters suggestions for other", %{conn: conn, site: site} do setup_goals(site, ["Hello World", "Plausible", "Another World"]) lv = get_liveview(conn, site) lv |> element(~s/a[phx-click="add-step"]/) |> render_click() type_into_combo(lv, 2, "hello") lv |> element("li#dropdown-step-2-option-1 a") |> render_click() doc = type_into_combo(lv, 1, "hello") refute text_of_element(doc, "ul#dropdown-step-0 li") =~ "Hello World" lv |> element(~s/#remove-step-2/) |> render_click() doc = type_into_combo(lv, 1, "hello") assert text_of_element(doc, "ul#dropdown-step-1 li") =~ "Hello World" end end defp get_liveview(conn, site) do conn = assign(conn, :live_module, PlausibleWeb.Live.FunnelSettings) {:ok, lv, _html} = live(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/funnels") lv |> element(~s/button[phx-click="add-funnel"]/) |> render_click() assert form_view = find_live_child(lv, "funnels-form") form_view |> element("form") |> render_change(%{funnel: %{name: "My test funnel"}}) form_view end defp setup_goals(site, goal_names) when is_list(goal_names) do goals =, fn goal_name -> {:ok, g} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"event_name" => goal_name}) g end) {:ok, goals} end defp type_into_combo(lv, idx, text) do lv |> element("input#step-#{idx}") |> render_change(%{ "_target" => ["display-step-#{idx}"], "display-step-#{idx}" => "#{text}" }) end end