Simple analytics for your website

Plausible is a lightweight, fully open-source alternative to Google Analytics

<%= link("Start free trial", to: "/register", class: "button w-full sm:w-auto mt-6 mr-2") %> <%= link("View live demo", to: "/", class: "button button-outline w-full sm:w-auto mt-4 md:mt-0") %>

Why Plausible?

Plausible is built by and for privacy-conscious minimalists
Here’s what makes it different from other solutions


Stop digging through complex reports to find what you’re looking for. Plausible presents the most important information to you on a single page.


Plausible works by loading a script on your website, like Google Analytics. Our script is 14x smaller, making your website quicker to load.

Open source

Plausible is fully open source and <%= link("available on Github", to: "", class: "text-indigo") %>. Feel free to check out the code and <%= link("read in depth about our data policy", to: "/data-policy", class: "text-indigo") %>

Email reports

Keep an eye on your traffic with a weekly email report including pageviews, visitor numbers, top pages and top referrers for the week.

Search keywords

Integrate your dashboard with Google Search Console to get the most accurate reporting on your search keywords.

SPA support

Plausible is built with modern web frameworks in mind and it works automatically with any pushState based router on the frontend.

Check out our analytics

<%= link("View live demo →", to: "/", class: "button mt-6") %>

Simple, traffic based pricing

Try Plausible free for 30 days

per month
Up to 10k pageviews/mo
Unlimited websites
100% data ownership
Email support
<%= link("Start free trial →", to: "/register", class: "button mt-6 inline-block") %>
No credit card required
per month
Up to 100k pageviews/mo
Unlimited websites
100% data ownership
Priority support
<%= link("Start free trial →", to: "/register", class: "button mt-6 inline-block") %>
No credit card required
per month
Up to 1m pageviews/mo
Unlimited websites
100% data ownership
Priority support
<%= link("Start free trial →", to: "/register", class: "button mt-6 inline-block") %>
No credit card required

What people are saying

Plausible is focused on exactly what I need: clear insights into my site visitors, without getting in my way

All the stats you need in a single page. Plausible's user experience and user interface are the stark opposite of Google Analytics.

I love Plausible because it is lightweight and looks beautiful. It shows me all the statistics that I need in a simple and unique style.

Frequently asked questions

1. Can I use Plausible on more than one website?

Yes. You can add as many websites as you want under a single account. You will be charged for the total pageviews on all of your websites combined. For example, on the 10k plan you can either have 10 websites that each get 1000 pageviews per month, or one website that gets 10,000 pageviews per month.

2. What happens if I go over my plan limit?

You don't have to pay for a one-time spike in traffic, but if you go over your plan limit for 2 months in a row, we will contact you to discuss upgrade options.

3. How do you make sure my visitors' privacy is protected?

We take painstaking care to not collect or store any personal information that could be tied back to the visitor. You own your data and we will never sell it or use it in nefarious ways. <%= link("Read more about our data policy", to: "/data-policy", class: "text-indigo") %>.
<%= link("Ask a question from the founder", to: "", class: "text-indigo") %>