defmodule Mix.Tasks.SendIntroEmails do use Mix.Task use Plausible.Repo require Logger @doc """ This is scheduled to run every 6 hours. """ def run(args) do Application.ensure_all_started(:plausible) execute(args) end def execute(args \\ []) do q = from(u in Plausible.Auth.User, left_join: ie in "intro_emails", on: ie.user_id ==, where: is_nil(, where: u.inserted_at > fragment("(now() at time zone 'utc') - '24 hours'::interval") and u.inserted_at < fragment("(now() at time zone 'utc') - '6 hours'::interval") ) for user <- Repo.all(q) do if Plausible.Auth.user_completed_setup?(user) do"#{} has completed the setup. Sending welcome email.") send_welcome_email(args, user) else"#{} has not completed the setup. Sending help email.") send_help_email(args, user) end end end defp send_welcome_email(["--dry-run"], user) do"DRY RUN: welcome email to #{}") end defp send_welcome_email(_, user) do PlausibleWeb.Email.welcome_email(user) |> Plausible.Mailer.deliver_now() intro_email_sent(user) end defp send_help_email(["--dry-run"], user) do"DRY RUN: help email to #{}") end defp send_help_email(_, user) do PlausibleWeb.Email.help_email(user) |> Plausible.Mailer.deliver_now() intro_email_sent(user) end defp intro_email_sent(user) do Repo.insert_all("intro_emails", [%{ user_id:, timestamp: NaiveDateTime.utc_now() }]) end end