Plausible is a lightweight, fully open-source alternative to Google Analytics
<%= link("Start free trial", to: "/register", class: "button w-full sm:w-auto mt-6 mr-2") %> <%= link("View live demo", to: "/", class: "button button-outline w-full sm:w-auto mt-4 md:mt-0") %>
Plausible is built by and for privacy-conscious minimalists
Here’s what makes it different from other solutions
Stop digging through complex reports to find what you’re looking for. Plausible presents the most important information to you on a single page.
Plausible works by loading a script on your website, like Google Analytics. Our script is 14x smaller, making your website quicker to load.
Plausible is fully open source and <%= link("available on Github", to: "", class: "text-indigo") %>. Feel free to check out the code and <%= link("read in depth about our data policy", to: "/data-policy", class: "text-indigo") %>
Plausible is focused on exactly what I need: clear insights into my site visitors, without getting in my way
All the stats you need in a single page. Plausible's user experience and user interface are the stark opposite of Google Analytics.
I love Plausible because it is lightweight and looks beautiful. It shows me all the statistics that I need in a simple and unique style.