defmodule Plausible.Release do use Plausible.Repo @app :plausible @start_apps [ :postgrex, :ecto ] def init_admin do prepare() {admin_email, admin_user, admin_pwd} = validate_admin( {Application.get_env(:plausible, :admin_email), Application.get_env(:plausible, :admin_user), Application.get_env(:plausible, :admin_pwd)} ) case Plausible.Auth.find_user_by(email: admin_email) do nil -> {:ok, admin} = Plausible.Auth.create_user(admin_user, admin_email) # set the password {:ok, admin} = Plausible.Auth.User.set_password(admin, admin_pwd) |> Repo.update() # bump-up the trail period admin |> Ecto.Changeset.cast(%{trial_expiry_date: |> Timex.shift(years: 100)}, [ :trial_expiry_date ]) |> Repo.update() IO.puts("Admin user created successful!") _ -> IO.puts("Admin user already exists. I won't override, bailing") end end def migrate do prepare() Enum.each(repos(), &run_migrations_for/1) prepare_clickhouse() run_migrations_for_ch() IO.puts("Migrations successful!") end def seed do prepare() # Run seed script Enum.each(repos(), &run_seeds_for/1) # Signal shutdown IO.puts("Success!") end def createdb do prepare() do_create_db() prepare_clickhouse(:default_db) do_create_ch_db() IO.puts("Creation of Db successful!") end def rollback do prepare() get_step = IO.gets("Enter the number of steps: ") |> String.trim() |> Integer.parse() case get_step do {int, _trailing} -> Enum.each(repos(), fn repo -> run_rollbacks_for(repo, int) end) IO.puts("Rollback successful!") :error -> IO.puts("Invalid integer") end end def configure_ref_inspector() do priv_dir = Application.app_dir(:plausible, "priv/ref_inspector") Application.put_env(:ref_inspector, :database_path, priv_dir) end def configure_ua_inspector() do priv_dir = Application.app_dir(:plausible, "priv/ua_inspector") Application.put_env(:ua_inspector, :database_path, priv_dir) end ############################## defp validate_admin({nil, nil, nil}) do random_user = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(8) |> Base.encode64() |> binary_part(0, 8) random_pwd = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(20) |> Base.encode64() |> binary_part(0, 20) random_email = "#{random_user}@#{System.get_env("HOST")}" IO.puts("generated admin user/password: #{random_email} / #{random_pwd}") {random_email, random_user, random_pwd} end defp validate_admin({admin_email, admin_user, admin_password}) do {admin_email, admin_user, admin_password} end defp repos do Application.fetch_env!(@app, :ecto_repos) end defp run_seeds_for(repo) do # Run the seed script if it exists seed_script = seeds_path(repo) if File.exists?(seed_script) do IO.puts("Running seed script..") Code.eval_file(seed_script) end end defp run_migrations_for(repo) do app = Keyword.get(repo.config, :otp_app) IO.puts("Running migrations for #{app}") {:ok, _, _} = Ecto.Migrator.with_repo(repo, &, :up, all: true)) end defp run_migrations_for_ch() do db = Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:plausible, :clickhouse), :database) tb_events = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS #{db}.events ( timestamp DateTime, name String, domain String, user_id UInt64, session_id UInt64, hostname String, pathname String, referrer String, referrer_source String, country_code LowCardinality(FixedString(2)), screen_size LowCardinality(String), operating_system LowCardinality(String), browser LowCardinality(String) ) ENGINE = MergeTree() PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(timestamp) ORDER BY (name, domain, user_id, timestamp) SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192 """ Clickhousex.query(:clickhouse, tb_events, []) tb_sessions = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS #{db}.sessions ( session_id UInt64, sign Int8, domain String, user_id UInt64, hostname String, timestamp DateTime, start DateTime, is_bounce UInt8, entry_page String, exit_page String, pageviews Int32, events Int32, duration UInt32, referrer String, referrer_source String, country_code LowCardinality(FixedString(2)), screen_size LowCardinality(String), operating_system LowCardinality(String), browser LowCardinality(String) ) ENGINE = CollapsingMergeTree(sign) PARTITION BY toYYYYMM(start) ORDER BY (domain, user_id, session_id, start) SETTINGS index_granularity = 8192 """ Clickhousex.query(:clickhouse, tb_sessions, []) end defp do_create_db do for repo <- repos() do :ok = ensure_repo_created(repo) end end defp do_create_ch_db() do db_to_create = Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:plausible, :clickhouse), :database) IO.puts("create #{inspect(db_to_create)} clickhouse database/tables if it doesn't exist") Clickhousex.query(:clickhouse, "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS #{db_to_create}", []) end defp ensure_repo_created(repo) do IO.puts("create #{inspect(repo)} database if it doesn't exist") case repo.__adapter__.storage_up(repo.config) do :ok -> :ok {:error, :already_up} -> :ok {:error, term} -> {:error, term} end end defp run_rollbacks_for(repo, step) do app = Keyword.get(repo.config, :otp_app) IO.puts("Running rollbacks for #{app} (STEP=#{step})") {:ok, _, _} = Ecto.Migrator.with_repo(repo, &, :down, all: false, step: step)) end defp prepare do IO.puts("Loading #{@app}..") # Load the code for myapp, but don't start it :ok = Application.load(@app) IO.puts("Starting dependencies..") # Start apps necessary for executing migrations Enum.each(@start_apps, &Application.ensure_all_started/1) # Start the Repo(s) for myapp IO.puts("Starting repos..") Enum.each(repos(), & &1.start_link(pool_size: 2)) end # connect to the default db for creating the required db defp prepare_clickhouse(:default_db) do Application.ensure_all_started(:db_connection) Application.ensure_all_started(:hackney) Clickhousex.start_link( scheme: :http, port: 8123, name: :clickhouse, database: "default", username: "default", hostname: Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:plausible, :clickhouse), :hostname), password: Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:plausible, :clickhouse), :password) ) end defp prepare_clickhouse() do Application.ensure_all_started(:db_connection) Application.ensure_all_started(:hackney) Clickhousex.start_link( scheme: :http, port: 8123, name: :clickhouse, username: Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:plausible, :clickhouse), :username), database: Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:plausible, :clickhouse), :database), hostname: Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:plausible, :clickhouse), :hostname), password: Keyword.get(Application.get_env(:plausible, :clickhouse), :password) ) end defp seeds_path(repo), do: priv_path_for(repo, "seeds.exs") defp priv_path_for(repo, filename) do app = Keyword.get(repo.config, :otp_app) IO.puts("App: #{app}") repo_underscore = repo |> Module.split() |> List.last() |> Macro.underscore() Path.join([priv_dir(app), repo_underscore, filename]) end defp priv_dir(app), do: "#{:code.priv_dir(app)}" end