You can integrate with Google Search Console to get all of your important search results stats such as keyword phrases people find your site with.
NB: Your Google account does not have access to your currently configured property, <%= %>. Please select a verified property from the list below.
<% else %>Select the Google Search Console property you would like to pull keyword data from. If you don't see your domain, <.styled_link href="" new_tab={true} > set it up and verify on Search Console first.
<% end %> <%= form_for Plausible.Site.GoogleAuth.changeset(@site.google_auth), "/#{URI.encode_www_form(@site.domain)}/settings/google", [class: "max-w-xs"], fn f -> %>The following error happened when fetching your Google Search Console domains:
<%= case error do %> <% "invalid_grant" -> %>Invalid Grant error returned from Google. See here on how to fix it.
<% "google_auth_error" -> %>Your Search Console account hasn't been connected successfully. Please unlink your Google account and try linking it again.
<% _ -> %>Something went wrong, but looks temporary. If the problem persists, try re-linking your Google account.
<% end %> <% end %> <% else %>An extra step is needed to set up your Plausible Analytics Self Hosted for the Google Search Console integration. Find instructions <%= link("here", to: "", class: "text-indigo-500" ) %>