Upgrade your free trial

You've used <%= PlausibleWeb.AuthView.delimit_integer(@usage) %> billable pageviews in the last 30 days
With this link you can upgrade to a plan with <%= PlausibleWeb.StatsView.large_number_format(@plan[:limit]) %> monthly pageviews, billed on a <%= @plan[:cycle] %> basis.

What happens if I go over my page views limit?

You will never be charged extra for an occasional traffic spike. There are no surprise fees and your card will never be charged unexpectedly.

If your page views exceed your plan for two consecutive months, we will contact you to upgrade to a higher plan for the following month. You will have two weeks to make a decision. You can decide to continue with a higher plan or to cancel your account at that point.
Questions? Contact <%= link("support@plausible.io", to: "mailto: support@plausible.io", class: "text-indigo-500") %>