Hey <%= user_salutation(@user) %>,
Thanks for exploring Plausible, a simple and privacy-friendly alternative to Google Analytics. Your free 30-day trial is ending <%= @day %>, but you can keep using Plausible by upgrading to a paid plan.
In the last month, your account has used <%= PlausibleWeb.AuthView.delimit_integer(@usage) %> billable pageviews<%= if @custom_events > 0, do: " and custom events in total", else: "" %>.
<%= if @usage <= 20_000_000 do %>
Based on that we recommend you select the <%= Plausible.Billing.Plans.suggested_plan_name(@usage) %> plan which runs at <%= Plausible.Billing.Plans.suggested_plan_cost(@usage) %>.
You can also go with yearly billing to get 33% off on your plan.
<%= link("Upgrade now", to: "#{plausible_url()}/billing/upgrade") %>
Have a question, feedback or need some guidance? Just reply to this email to get in touch!
<% else %>
This is more than our standard plans, so please reply back to this email to get a quote for your volume.
<% end %>
Uku and Marko
<%= plausible_url() %>
{{{ pm:unsubscribe }}}