defmodule PlausibleWeb.Live.InstallationTest do use PlausibleWeb.ConnCase, async: true import Phoenix.LiveViewTest import Plausible.Test.Support.HTML setup [:create_user, :log_in, :create_site] describe "GET /:domain/installation" do test "static verification screen renders", %{conn: conn, site: site} do resp = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/installation") |> html_response(200) assert resp =~ "Determining installation type" refute resp =~ "Review your existing installation." end test "static verification screen renders for flow=review", %{conn: conn, site: site} do resp = conn |> get("/#{site.domain}/installation?flow=review&installation_type=manual") |> html_response(200) assert resp =~ "Review your existing installation." assert resp =~ "Verify your installation" assert resp =~ Routes.site_path(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :verification, site.domain, flow: ) end test "static verification screen renders for flow=domain_change", %{conn: conn, site: site} do resp = conn |> get("/#{site.domain}/installation?flow=#{PlausibleWeb.Flows.domain_change()}") |> html_response(200) assert resp =~ "Your domain has been changed" assert resp =~ "I understand, I'll update my website" assert resp =~ "Manual installation" refute resp =~ "Review your existing installation." assert resp =~ Routes.site_path(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :verification, site.domain, flow: PlausibleWeb.Flows.domain_change() ) end test "static verification screen renders for flow=domain_change using original installation type", %{conn: conn, site: site} do site = Plausible.Sites.update_installation_meta!(site, %{installation_type: "WordPress"}) resp = conn |> get("/#{site.domain}/installation?flow=#{PlausibleWeb.Flows.domain_change()}") |> html_response(200) assert resp =~ "Your domain has been changed" assert resp =~ "I understand, I'll update my website" assert resp =~ "WordPress plugin" refute resp =~ "Manuial installation" refute resp =~ "Review your existing installation." assert resp =~ Routes.site_path(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :verification, site.domain, flow: PlausibleWeb.Flows.domain_change() ) end test "renders pre-determined installation type: WordPress", %{conn: conn, site: site} do resp = conn |> get("/#{site.domain}/installation?installation_type=WordPress") |> html_response(200) assert resp =~ "Install WordPress plugin" assert resp =~ "Start collecting data" refute resp =~ "Review your existing installation." assert resp =~ Routes.site_path(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :verification, site.domain, installation_type: "WordPress" ) end test "renders pre-determined installation type: GTM", %{conn: conn, site: site} do resp = conn |> get("/#{site.domain}/installation?installation_type=GTM") |> html_response(200) assert resp =~ "Install Google Tag Manager" assert resp =~ "Start collecting data" refute resp =~ "Review your existing installation." assert resp =~ Routes.site_path(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :verification, site.domain, installation_type: "GTM" ) end test "renders pre-determined installation type: manual", %{conn: conn, site: site} do resp = conn |> get("/#{site.domain}/installation?installation_type=manual") |> html_response(200) assert resp =~ "Manual installation" assert resp =~ "Start collecting data" refute resp =~ "Review your existing installation." assert resp =~ Routes.site_path(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :verification, site.domain, installation_type: "manual" ) end test "ignores unknown installation types", %{conn: conn, site: site} do resp = conn |> get("/#{site.domain}/installation?installation_type=UM_NO") |> html_response(200) assert resp =~ "Determining installation type" end end describe "LiveView" do test "mounts and detects installation type", %{conn: conn, site: site} do stub_fetch_body(200, "wp-content") {lv, _} = get_lv(conn, site) assert eventually(fn -> html = render(lv) { text(html) =~ "Install WordPress", html } end) _ = render(lv) end @tag :slow test "mounts and does not detect installation type, if it's provided", %{ conn: conn, site: site } do stub_fetch_body(200, "wp-content") {lv, _} = get_lv(conn, site, "?installation_type=GTM") refute eventually(fn -> html = render(lv) { text(html) =~ "Install WordPress", html } end) _ = render(lv) end test "allows manual snippet customization", %{conn: conn, site: site} do {lv, html} = get_lv(conn, site, "?installation_type=manual") assert text_of_element(html, "textarea#snippet") == "&lt;script defer data-domain=&quot;#{site.domain}&quot; src=&quot;http://localhost:8000/js/script.js&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;" for param <- PlausibleWeb.Live.Installation.script_extension_params() do lv |> element(~s|form#snippet-form|) |> render_change(%{ param => "on" }) html = lv |> render() assert text_of_element(html, "textarea#snippet") =~ "/js/script.#{param}.js" lv |> element(~s|form#snippet-form|) |> render_change(%{}) html = lv |> render() assert text_of_element(html, "textarea#snippet") =~ "/js/script.js" assert html =~ "Snippet updated" end end test "allows GTM snippet customization", %{conn: conn, site: site} do {lv, html} = get_lv(conn, site, "?installation_type=GTM") assert text_of_element(html, "textarea#snippet") =~ "script.defer = true" for param <- PlausibleWeb.Live.Installation.script_extension_params() do lv |> element(~s|form#snippet-form|) |> render_change(%{ param => "on" }) html = lv |> render() assert text_of_element(html, "textarea#snippet") =~ "/js/script.#{param}.js" lv |> element(~s|form#snippet-form|) |> render_change(%{}) html = lv |> render() assert text_of_element(html, "textarea#snippet") =~ "/js/script.js" assert html =~ "Snippet updated" end end test "allows manual snippet customization with 404 links", %{conn: conn, site: site} do {lv, _html} = get_lv(conn, site, "?installation_type=manual") lv |> element(~s|form#snippet-form|) |> render_change(%{ "404" => "on" }) html = lv |> render() assert text_of_element(html, "textarea#snippet") =~ "function() { (window.plausible.q = window.plausible.q || []).push(arguments) }&lt;/script&gt;" lv |> element(~s|form#snippet-form|) |> render_change(%{}) html = lv |> render() refute text_of_element(html, "textarea#snippet") =~ "function() { (window.plausible.q = window.plausible.q || []).push(arguments) }&lt;/script&gt;" end test "turning on file-downloads, outbound-links and 404 creates special goals", %{ conn: conn, site: site } do {lv, _html} = get_lv(conn, site, "?installation_type=manual") assert Plausible.Goals.for_site(site) == [] lv |> element(~s|form#snippet-form|) |> render_change(%{ "file-downloads" => "on", "outbound-links" => "on", "404" => "on" }) lv |> render() assert [clicks, downloads, error_404] = Plausible.Goals.for_site(site) assert clicks.event_name == "Outbound Link: Click" assert downloads.event_name == "File Download" assert error_404.event_name == "404" end test "turning off file-downloads, outbound-links and 404 deletes special goals", %{ conn: conn, site: site } do {lv, _html} = get_lv(conn, site, "?installation_type=manual") assert Plausible.Goals.for_site(site) == [] lv |> element(~s|form#snippet-form|) |> render_change(%{ "file-downloads" => "on", "outbound-links" => "on", "404" => "on" }) assert [_, _, _] = Plausible.Goals.for_site(site) lv |> element(~s|form#snippet-form|) |> render_change(%{ "file-downloads" => "on", "outbound-links" => "on" }) assert render(lv) =~ "Snippet updated and goal deleted" lv |> element(~s|form#snippet-form|) |> render_change(%{ "file-downloads" => "on" }) assert render(lv) =~ "Snippet updated and goal deleted" lv |> element(~s|form#snippet-form|) |> render_change(%{}) assert render(lv) =~ "Snippet updated and goal deleted" assert [] = Plausible.Goals.for_site(site) end test "turning off remaining checkboxes doesn't render goal deleted flash", %{ conn: conn, site: site } do {lv, _html} = get_lv(conn, site, "?installation_type=manual") lv |> element(~s|form#snippet-form|) |> render_change(%{ "tagged-events" => "on", "hash" => "on", "pageview-props" => "on", "revenue" => "on" }) assert render(lv) =~ "Snippet updated. Please insert the newest snippet into your site" lv |> element(~s|form#snippet-form|) |> render_change(%{}) assert render(lv) =~ "Snippet updated. Please insert the newest snippet into your site" end end defp stub_fetch_body(f) when is_function(f, 1) do Req.Test.stub(Plausible.Verification.Checks.FetchBody, f) end defp stub_fetch_body(status, body) do stub_fetch_body(fn conn -> conn |> put_resp_content_type("text/html") |> send_resp(status, body) end) end defp get_lv(conn, site, qs \\ nil) do {:ok, lv, html} = live(conn, "/#{site.domain}/installation#{qs}") {lv, html} end end