defmodule Plausible.Workers.CheckUsage do use Plausible.Repo use Oban.Worker, queue: :check_usage defmacro yesterday() do quote do fragment("now() - INTERVAL '1 day'") end end defmacro last_day_of_month(day) do quote do fragment( "(date_trunc('month', ?::date) + interval '1 month' - interval '1 day')::date", unquote(day) ) end end defmacro day_of_month(date) do quote do fragment("EXTRACT(day from ?::date)", unquote(date)) end end defmacro least(left, right) do quote do fragment("least(?, ?)", unquote(left), unquote(right)) end end @impl Oban.Worker def perform(_job, billing_mod \\ Plausible.Billing, today \\ do yesterday = today |> Timex.shift(days: -1) active_subscribers = Repo.all( from u in Plausible.Auth.User, join: s in Plausible.Billing.Subscription, on: s.user_id ==, left_join: ep in Plausible.Billing.EnterprisePlan, on: ep.user_id ==, where: s.status == "active", where: not is_nil(s.last_bill_date), # Accounts for situations like last_bill_date==2021-01-31 AND today==2021-03-01. Since February never reaches the 31st day, the account is checked on 2021-03-01. where: least(day_of_month(s.last_bill_date), day_of_month(last_day_of_month(^yesterday))) == day_of_month(^yesterday), preload: [subscription: s, enterprise_plan: ep] ) for subscriber <- active_subscribers do if subscriber.enterprise_plan do check_enterprise_subscriber(subscriber, billing_mod) else check_regular_subscriber(subscriber, billing_mod) end end :ok end def check_enterprise_subscriber(subscriber, billing_mod) do pageview_limit = check_pageview_limit(subscriber, billing_mod) site_limit = check_site_limit(subscriber) case {pageview_limit, site_limit} do {{:within_limit, _}, {:within_limit, _}} -> nil {{_, {last_cycle, last_cycle_usage}}, {_, {site_usage, site_allowance}}} -> template = PlausibleWeb.Email.enterprise_over_limit_email( subscriber, last_cycle_usage, last_cycle, site_usage, site_allowance ) Plausible.Mailer.send_email_safe(template) end end defp check_regular_subscriber(subscriber, billing_mod) do case check_pageview_limit(subscriber, billing_mod) do {:over_limit, {last_cycle, last_cycle_usage}} -> suggested_plan = Plausible.Billing.Plans.suggested_plan(subscriber, last_cycle) template = PlausibleWeb.Email.over_limit_email( subscriber, last_cycle_usage, last_cycle, suggested_plan ) Plausible.Mailer.send_email_safe(template) _ -> nil end end defp check_pageview_limit(subscriber, billing_mod) do allowance = Plausible.Billing.Plans.allowance(subscriber.subscription) {_, last_cycle} = billing_mod.last_two_billing_cycles(subscriber) {last_last_cycle_usage, last_cycle_usage} = billing_mod.last_two_billing_months_usage(subscriber) if last_last_cycle_usage > allowance && last_cycle_usage > allowance do {:over_limit, {last_cycle, last_cycle_usage}} else {:within_limit, {last_cycle, last_cycle_usage}} end end defp check_site_limit(subscriber) do allowance = subscriber.enterprise_plan.site_limit total_sites = Plausible.Sites.count_owned_by(subscriber) if total_sites >= allowance do {:over_limit, {total_sites, allowance}} else {:within_limit, {total_sites, allowance}} end end end