import React from "react"; import { Tooltip } from '../../util/tooltip' import { SecondsSinceLastLoad } from '../../util/seconds-since-last-load' import classNames from "classnames"; import numberFormatter, { durationFormatter } from '../../util/number-formatter' import { METRIC_MAPPING } from './graph-util' export default class TopStats extends React.Component { renderComparison(name, comparison) { const formattedComparison = numberFormatter(Math.abs(comparison)) if (comparison > 0) { const color = name === 'Bounce rate' ? 'text-red-400' : 'text-green-500' return {formattedComparison}% } else if (comparison < 0) { const color = name === 'Bounce rate' ? 'text-green-500' : 'text-red-400' return {formattedComparison}% } else if (comparison === 0) { return 〰 0% } } topStatNumberShort(stat) { if (['visit duration', 'time on page'].includes( { return durationFormatter(stat.value) } else if (['bounce rate', 'conversion rate'].includes( { return stat.value + '%' } else { return numberFormatter(stat.value) } } topStatNumberLong(stat) { if (['visit duration', 'time on page'].includes( { return durationFormatter(stat.value) } else if (['bounce rate', 'conversion rate'].includes( { return stat.value + '%' } else { return stat.value.toLocaleString() } } topStatTooltip(stat) { let statName = statName = stat.value === 1 ? statName.slice(0, -1) : statName return (
{this.topStatNumberLong(stat)} {statName}
{this.canMetricBeGraphed(stat) &&
} { === 'Current visitors' &&

Last updated s ago

) } titleFor(stat) { const isClickable = this.canMetricBeGraphed(stat) if (isClickable && this.props.metric === METRIC_MAPPING[]) { return "Click to hide" } else if (isClickable) { return "Click to show" } else { return null } } canMetricBeGraphed(stat) { const isTotalUniqueVisitors = this.props.query.filters.goal && === 'Unique visitors' const isKnownMetric = Object.keys(METRIC_MAPPING).includes( return isKnownMetric && !isTotalUniqueVisitors } maybeUpdateMetric(stat) { if (this.canMetricBeGraphed(stat)) { this.props.updateMetric(METRIC_MAPPING[]) } } blinkingDot() { return (
) } renderStatName(stat) { const { metric } = this.props const isSelected = metric === METRIC_MAPPING[] const [statDisplayName, statExtraName] =\(.+\))/g) const statDisplayNameClass = classNames('text-xs font-bold tracking-wide text-gray-500 uppercase dark:text-gray-400 whitespace-nowrap flex w-content border-b', { 'text-indigo-700 dark:text-indigo-500 border-indigo-700 dark:border-indigo-500': isSelected, 'group-hover:text-indigo-700 dark:group-hover:text-indigo-500 border-transparent': !isSelected }) return(
{statDisplayName} {statExtraName && {statExtraName}}
) } render() { const { topStatData, query } = this.props const stats = topStatData &&, index) => { const className = classNames('px-4 md:px-6 w-1/2 my-4 lg:w-auto group select-none', { 'cursor-pointer': this.canMetricBeGraphed(stat), 'lg:border-l border-gray-300': index > 0, 'border-r lg:border-r-0': index % 2 === 0 }) return ( { this.maybeUpdateMetric(stat) }} boundary={this.props.tooltipBoundary}> {this.renderStatName(stat)}
{this.topStatNumberShort(stat)} {this.renderComparison(, stat.change)}
) }) if (stats && query && query.period === 'realtime') { stats.push(this.blinkingDot()) } return stats || null; } }