defmodule Mix.Tasks.SendEmailReports do use Mix.Task use Plausible.Repo require Logger def run(args) do Application.ensure_all_started(:plausible) execute(args) end @doc""" The email report should be sent on Monday at 9am according to the timezone of the site. This job runs every hour to be able to send it with hourly precision. """ def execute(args \\ []) do sites = Repo.all( from s in Plausible.Site, join: es in Plausible.Site.EmailSettings, on: es.site_id ==, left_join: se in "sent_email_reports", on: se.site_id == and se.year == fragment("EXTRACT(year from (now() at time zone ?))", s.timezone) and se.week == fragment("EXTRACT(week from (now() at time zone ?))", s.timezone), where: is_nil(se), # We haven't sent a report for this site on this week where: fragment("EXTRACT(dow from (now() at time zone ?))", s.timezone) == 1, # It's monday in the local timezone where: fragment("EXTRACT(hour from (now() at time zone ?))", s.timezone) >= 9, # It's after 9am select: s, preload: [email_settings: es] ) for site <- sites do email = IO.puts("Sending email report for #{site.domain} to #{email}") send_report(email, site) end end defp send_report(email, site) do query = Plausible.Stats.Query.from(site.timezone, %{"period" => "7d"}) {pageviews, unique_visitors} = Plausible.Stats.pageviews_and_visitors(site, query) {change_pageviews, change_visitors} = Plausible.Stats.compare_pageviews_and_visitors(site, query, {pageviews, unique_visitors}) referrers = Plausible.Stats.top_referrers(site, query) pages = Plausible.Stats.top_pages(site, query) settings_link = PlausibleWeb.Endpoint.url() <> "/#{site.domain}/settings#email-reports" view_link = PlausibleWeb.Endpoint.url() <> "/#{site.domain}?period=7d" PlausibleWeb.Email.weekly_report(email, site, unique_visitors: unique_visitors, change_visitors: change_visitors, pageviews: pageviews, change_pageviews: change_pageviews, referrers: referrers, settings_link: settings_link, view_link: view_link, pages: pages, query: query ) |> Plausible.Mailer.deliver_now() email_report_sent(site) end defp email_report_sent(site) do {year, week} = |> DateTime.to_date |> Timex.iso_week Repo.insert_all("sent_email_reports", [%{ site_id:, year: year, week: week, timestamp: }]) end end