defmodule PlausibleWeb.Email do use Bamboo.Phoenix, view: PlausibleWeb.EmailView import Bamboo.PostmarkHelper def mailer_email_from do Application.get_env(:plausible, :mailer_email) end def activation_email(user, code) do base_email() |> to(user) |> tag("activation-email") |> subject("#{code} is your Plausible email verification code") |> render("activation_email.html", user: user, code: code) end def welcome_email(user) do base_email() |> to(user) |> tag("welcome-email") |> subject("Welcome to Plausible") |> render("welcome_email.html", user: user) end def create_site_email(user) do base_email() |> to(user) |> tag("create-site-email") |> subject("Your Plausible setup: Add your website details") |> render("create_site_email.html", user: user) end def site_setup_help(user, site) do base_email() |> to(user) |> tag("help-email") |> subject("Your Plausible setup: Waiting for the first page views") |> render("site_setup_help_email.html", user: user, site: site) end def site_setup_success(user, site) do base_email() |> to(user) |> tag("setup-success-email") |> subject("Plausible is now tracking your website stats") |> render("site_setup_success_email.html", user: user, site: site) end def check_stats_email(user) do base_email() |> to(user) |> tag("check-stats-email") |> subject("Check your Plausible website stats") |> render("check_stats_email.html", user: user) end def password_reset_email(email, reset_link) do base_email() |> to(email) |> tag("password-reset-email") |> subject("Plausible password reset") |> render("password_reset_email.html", reset_link: reset_link) end def trial_one_week_reminder(user) do base_email() |> to(user) |> tag("trial-one-week-reminder") |> subject("Your Plausible trial expires next week") |> render("trial_one_week_reminder.html", user: user) end def trial_upgrade_email(user, day, {pageviews, custom_events}) do suggested_plan = Plausible.Billing.Plans.suggested_plan(user, pageviews + custom_events) base_email() |> to(user) |> tag("trial-upgrade-email") |> subject("Your Plausible trial ends #{day}") |> render("trial_upgrade_email.html", user: user, day: day, custom_events: custom_events, usage: pageviews + custom_events, suggested_plan: suggested_plan ) end def trial_over_email(user) do base_email() |> to(user) |> tag("trial-over-email") |> subject("Your Plausible trial has ended") |> render("trial_over_email.html", user: user) end def weekly_report(email, site, assigns) do base_email() |> to(email) |> tag("weekly-report") |> subject("#{assigns[:name]} report for #{site.domain}") |> render("weekly_report.html", Keyword.put(assigns, :site, site)) end def spike_notification(email, site, current_visitors, sources, dashboard_link) do base_email() |> to(email) |> tag("spike-notification") |> subject("Traffic spike on #{site.domain}") |> render("spike_notification.html", %{ site: site, current_visitors: current_visitors, sources: sources, link: dashboard_link }) end def over_limit_email(user, usage, last_cycle, suggested_plan) do base_email() |> to(user) |> tag("over-limit") |> subject("You have outgrown your Plausible subscription tier") |> render("over_limit.html", %{ user: user, usage: usage, last_cycle: last_cycle, suggested_plan: suggested_plan }) end def enterprise_over_limit_email(user, usage, last_cycle, site_usage, site_allowance) do base_email() |> to("") |> tag("enterprise-over-limit") |> subject("#{} has outgrown their enterprise plan") |> render("enterprise_over_limit.html", %{ user: user, usage: usage, last_cycle: last_cycle, site_usage: site_usage, site_allowance: site_allowance }) end def yearly_renewal_notification(user) do date = Timex.format!(user.subscription.next_bill_date, "{Mfull} {D}, {YYYY}") base_email() |> to(user) |> tag("yearly-renewal") |> subject("Your Plausible subscription is up for renewal") |> render("yearly_renewal_notification.html", %{ user: user, date: date, next_bill_amount: user.subscription.next_bill_amount, currency: user.subscription.currency_code }) end def yearly_expiration_notification(user) do date = Timex.format!(user.subscription.next_bill_date, "{Mfull} {D}, {YYYY}") base_email() |> to(user) |> tag("yearly-expiration") |> subject("Your Plausible subscription is about to expire") |> render("yearly_expiration_notification.html", %{ user: user, date: date }) end def cancellation_email(user) do base_email() |> to( |> tag("cancelled-email") |> subject("Your Plausible Analytics subscription has been canceled") |> render("cancellation_email.html", name: end def new_user_invitation(invitation) do base_email() |> to( |> tag("new-user-invitation") |> subject("[Plausible Analytics] You've been invited to #{}") |> render("new_user_invitation.html", invitation: invitation ) end def existing_user_invitation(invitation) do base_email() |> to( |> tag("existing-user-invitation") |> subject("[Plausible Analytics] You've been invited to #{}") |> render("existing_user_invitation.html", invitation: invitation ) end def ownership_transfer_request(invitation, new_owner_account) do base_email() |> to( |> tag("ownership-transfer-request") |> subject("[Plausible Analytics] Request to transfer ownership of #{}") |> render("ownership_transfer_request.html", invitation: invitation, new_owner_account: new_owner_account ) end def invitation_accepted(invitation) do base_email() |> to( |> tag("invitation-accepted") |> subject( "[Plausible Analytics] #{} accepted your invitation to #{}" ) |> render("invitation_accepted.html", invitation: invitation ) end def invitation_rejected(invitation) do base_email() |> to( |> tag("invitation-rejected") |> subject( "[Plausible Analytics] #{} rejected your invitation to #{}" ) |> render("invitation_rejected.html", invitation: invitation ) end def ownership_transfer_accepted(invitation) do base_email() |> to( |> tag("ownership-transfer-accepted") |> subject( "[Plausible Analytics] #{} accepted the ownership transfer of #{}" ) |> render("ownership_transfer_accepted.html", invitation: invitation ) end def ownership_transfer_rejected(invitation) do base_email() |> to( |> tag("ownership-transfer-rejected") |> subject( "[Plausible Analytics] #{} rejected the ownership transfer of #{}" ) |> render("ownership_transfer_rejected.html", invitation: invitation ) end def site_member_removed(membership) do base_email() |> to( |> tag("site-member-removed") |> subject("[Plausible Analytics] Your access to #{} has been revoked") |> render("site_member_removed.html", membership: membership ) end defp base_email() do mailer_from = Application.get_env(:plausible, :mailer_email) new_email() |> put_param("TrackOpens", false) |> from(mailer_from) end end