# we can not use the pre-built tar because the distribution is # platform specific, it makes sense to build it in the docker #### Builder FROM hexpm/elixir:1.16.0-erlang-26.2.1-alpine-3.18.4 as buildcontainer ARG MIX_ENV=ce # preparation ENV MIX_ENV=$MIX_ENV ENV NODE_ENV=production ENV NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider # custom ERL_FLAGS are passed for (public) multi-platform builds # to fix qemu segfault, more info: https://github.com/erlang/otp/pull/6340 ARG ERL_FLAGS ENV ERL_FLAGS=$ERL_FLAGS RUN mkdir /app WORKDIR /app # install build dependencies RUN apk add --no-cache git nodejs yarn python3 npm ca-certificates wget gnupg make gcc libc-dev && \ npm install npm@latest -g COPY mix.exs ./ COPY mix.lock ./ COPY config ./config RUN mix local.hex --force && \ mix local.rebar --force && \ mix deps.get --only prod && \ mix deps.compile COPY assets/package.json assets/package-lock.json ./assets/ COPY tracker/package.json tracker/package-lock.json ./tracker/ RUN npm install --prefix ./assets && \ npm install --prefix ./tracker COPY assets ./assets COPY tracker ./tracker COPY priv ./priv COPY lib ./lib COPY extra ./extra RUN npm run deploy --prefix ./tracker && \ mix assets.deploy && \ mix phx.digest priv/static && \ mix download_country_database && \ mix sentry.package_source_code WORKDIR /app COPY rel rel RUN mix release plausible # Main Docker Image FROM alpine:3.18.4 LABEL maintainer="plausible.io " ARG BUILD_METADATA={} ENV BUILD_METADATA=$BUILD_METADATA ENV LANG=C.UTF-8 ARG MIX_ENV=ce ENV MIX_ENV=$MIX_ENV RUN adduser -S -H -u 999 -G nogroup plausible -g 'Plausible Analytics' RUN apk upgrade --no-cache RUN apk add --no-cache openssl ncurses libstdc++ libgcc ca-certificates COPY --from=buildcontainer --chmod=a+rX /app/_build/${MIX_ENV}/rel/plausible /app COPY --chmod=755 ./rel/docker-entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh USER 999 WORKDIR /app ENV LISTEN_IP= ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"] EXPOSE 8000 CMD ["run"]