defmodule Plausible.Workers.ProvisionSslCertificates do use Plausible.Repo use Oban.Worker, queue: :provision_ssl_certificates, max_attempts: 1 require Logger @impl Oban.Worker def perform(_args, _job, ssh \\ SSHEx) do config = get_config() {:ok, conn} = ssh.connect( ip: to_charlist(config[:ip]), user: to_charlist(config[:user]), password: to_charlist(config[:password]) ) recent_custom_domains = Repo.all( from cd in Plausible.Site.CustomDomain, where: cd.updated_at > fragment("now() - '3 days'::interval"), where: not cd.has_ssl_certificate ) for domain <- recent_custom_domains do {:ok, res, code} =, 'sudo certbot certonly --nginx -n -d \"#{domain.domain}\"') report_result({res, code}, domain) end :ok end defp report_result({_, 0}, domain) do Ecto.Changeset.change(domain, has_ssl_certificate: true) |> Repo.update!() Plausible.Slack.notify("Obtained SSL cert for #{domain.domain}") :ok end defp report_result({error_msg, error_code}, domain) do Logger.warn( "Error obtaining SSL certificate for #{domain.domain}: #{error_msg} (code=#{error_code})" ) # Failing to obtain is expected, not a failure for the job queue :ok end defp get_config() do Application.get_env(:plausible, :custom_domain_server) end end