Congrats! We've recorded the first visitor on <%= link(@site.domain, to: "https://#{@site.domain}") %>. Your traffic is now being counted without compromising the user experience and privacy of your visitors.

Do check out your <%= link("easy to use, fast-loading and privacy-friendly dashboard", to: "#{plausible_url()}/#{URI.encode_www_form(@site.domain)}") %>.

Something looks off? Take a look at our <%= link("installation troubleshooting guide", to: "") %>.

<%= if Plausible.Billing.on_trial?(@user) do %> You're on a 30-day free trial with no obligations so do take your time to explore Plausible. Here's how to get <%= link("the most out of your Plausible experience", to: "") %>.

<% end %> PS: You can import your historical Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) stats into your Plausible dashboard. <%= link("Learn how our GA importer works", to: "") %>.

Do reply back to this email if you have any questions. We're here to help.