Plausible is tracking your website stats without compromising the user experience and the privacy of your visitors.

Here's how to get even more out of your Plausible experience:

* <%= link("Set up custom events", to: "") %> and <%= link("pageview goals", to: "") %> to count actions you want your visitors to take
* Running an ecommerce? Assign monetary values to custom events to track <%= link("revenue attribution", to: "") %>
* Follow the journey from a landing page to conversion with <%= link("funnel analysis", to: "") %>
* <%= link("Tag your social media, email and paid links", to: "") %> to see which campaigns are responsible for most conversions
* <%= link("Send custom properties", to: "") %> to collect data that we don't track automatically
* Explore our <%= link("stats API", to: "") %> to retrieve your stats and our <%= link("sites API", to: "") %> to create and manage sites programmatically

<%= link("View your Plausible dashboard now", to: "#{plausible_url()}") %> for the most valuable traffic insights at a glance.

Do reply back to this email if you have any questions or need some guidance.