defmodule PlausibleWeb.BillingController do use PlausibleWeb, :controller use Plausible.Repo require Logger require Plausible.Billing.Subscription.Status alias Plausible.Billing alias Plausible.Billing.{Plans, Subscription} plug PlausibleWeb.RequireAccountPlug def ping_subscription(%Plug.Conn{} = conn, _params) do subscribed? = Billing.has_active_subscription?( json(conn, %{is_subscribed: subscribed?}) end def choose_plan(conn, _params) do user = conn.assigns.current_user if Plausible.Auth.enterprise_configured?(user) do redirect(conn, to: Routes.billing_path(conn, :upgrade_to_enterprise_plan)) else render(conn, "choose_plan.html", skip_plausible_tracking: true, user: user, layout: {PlausibleWeb.LayoutView, "focus.html"}, connect_live_socket: true ) end end def upgrade_to_enterprise_plan(conn, _params) do user = Plausible.Users.with_subscription(conn.assigns.current_user) {latest_enterprise_plan, price} = Plans.latest_enterprise_plan_with_price(user) subscription_resumable? = Plausible.Billing.Subscriptions.resumable?(user.subscription) subscribed_to_latest? = subscription_resumable? && user.subscription.paddle_plan_id == latest_enterprise_plan.paddle_plan_id cond do, [ Subscription.Status.past_due(), Subscription.Status.paused() ]) -> redirect(conn, to: Routes.auth_path(conn, :user_settings)) subscribed_to_latest? -> render(conn, "change_enterprise_plan_contact_us.html", skip_plausible_tracking: true, layout: {PlausibleWeb.LayoutView, "focus.html"} ) true -> render(conn, "upgrade_to_enterprise_plan.html", user: user, latest_enterprise_plan: latest_enterprise_plan, price: price, subscription_resumable: subscription_resumable?, contact_link: "", skip_plausible_tracking: true, layout: {PlausibleWeb.LayoutView, "focus.html"} ) end end def upgrade_success(conn, _params) do render(conn, "upgrade_success.html", layout: {PlausibleWeb.LayoutView, "focus.html"}) end def change_plan_preview(conn, %{"plan_id" => new_plan_id}) do user = conn.assigns.current_user case preview_subscription(user, new_plan_id) do {:ok, {subscription, preview_info}} -> render(conn, "change_plan_preview.html", back_link: Routes.billing_path(conn, :choose_plan), skip_plausible_tracking: true, subscription: subscription, preview_info: preview_info, layout: {PlausibleWeb.LayoutView, "focus.html"} ) _ -> msg = "Something went wrong with loading your plan change information. Please try again, or contact us at if the issue persists." Sentry.capture_message("Error loading change plan preview", extra: %{ message: msg, new_plan_id: new_plan_id, user_id: } ) conn |> put_flash(:error, msg) |> redirect(to: Routes.billing_path(conn, :choose_plan)) end end def change_plan(conn, %{"new_plan_id" => new_plan_id}) do case Billing.change_plan(conn.assigns.current_user, new_plan_id) do {:ok, _subscription} -> conn |> put_flash(:success, "Plan changed successfully") |> redirect(to: "/settings") {:error, e} -> msg = case e do {:over_plan_limits, exceeded_limits} -> "Unable to subscribe to this plan because the following limits are exceeded: #{PlausibleWeb.TextHelpers.pretty_list(exceeded_limits)}" %{"code" => 147} -> # "We were unable to charge your card. Click 'update billing info' to update your payment details and try again." %{"message" => msg} when not is_nil(msg) -> msg _ -> "Something went wrong. Please try again or contact support at" end Sentry.capture_message("Error changing plans", extra: %{ errors: inspect(e), message: msg, new_plan_id: new_plan_id, user_id: conn.assigns[:current_user].id } ) conn |> put_flash(:error, msg) |> redirect(to: "/settings") end end defp preview_subscription(%{id: user_id}, new_plan_id) do subscription = Billing.active_subscription_for(user_id) if subscription do with {:ok, preview_info} <- Billing.change_plan_preview(subscription, new_plan_id) do {:ok, {subscription, preview_info}} end else {:error, :no_subscription} end end def preview_susbcription(_, _) do {:error, :no_user_id} end end