defmodule ObanErrorReporter do use Plausible require Logger def handle_event(name, measurements, metadata, _) do # handling telemetry event in a try/catch block # to avoid handler detachment in the case of an error # see try do handle_event(name, measurements, metadata) catch kind, reason -> message = Exception.format(kind, reason, __STACKTRACE__) Logger.error(message) end end defp handle_event([:oban, :job, :exception], measure, %{job: job} = meta) do extra = job |> Map.take([:id, :args, :meta, :queue, :worker]) |> Map.merge(measure) on_job_exception(job) capture_error(meta, extra) end defp handle_event([:oban, :notifier, :exception], _timing, meta) do extra = Map.take(meta, ~w(channel payload)a) capture_error(meta, extra) end defp handle_event([:oban, :plugin, :exception], _timing, meta) do extra = Map.take(meta, ~w(plugin)a) capture_error(meta, extra) end defp on_job_exception(%Oban.Job{ queue: "analytics_imports", args: %{"import_id" => import_id}, state: "executing", attempt: attempt, max_attempts: max_attempts }) when attempt >= max_attempts do site_import = Plausible.Repo.get(Plausible.Imported.SiteImport, import_id) if site_import do Plausible.Workers.ImportAnalytics.import_fail(site_import, []) end end defp on_job_exception(%Oban.Job{ queue: "analytics_imports", args: %{"import_id" => import_id}, state: "executing" }) do site_import = Plausible.Repo.get(Plausible.Imported.SiteImport, import_id) if site_import do Plausible.Workers.ImportAnalytics.import_fail_transient(site_import) end end defp on_job_exception(_job), do: :ignore # Logs the error and sends it to Sentry defp capture_error(meta, extra) do Logger.error( # this message is ignored by Sentry "Background job (#{inspect(extra)}) failed:\n\n " <> Exception.format(:error, meta.reason, meta.stacktrace), # Sentry report is built entirely from crash_reason crash_reason: {meta.reason, meta.stacktrace}, sentry: %{extra: extra} ) end end