defmodule PlausibleWeb.Live.GoalSettings do @moduledoc """ LiveView allowing listing, creating and deleting goals. """ use Phoenix.LiveView use Phoenix.HTML use Plausible.Funnel alias Plausible.{Sites, Goals} def mount( _params, %{"site_id" => _site_id, "domain" => domain, "current_user_id" => user_id}, socket ) do site = Sites.get_for_user!(user_id, domain, [:owner, :admin, :super_admin]) goals = Goals.for_site(site, preload_funnels?: true) {:ok, assign(socket, site_id:, domain: site.domain, all_goals: goals, displayed_goals: goals, add_goal?: false, current_user_id: user_id, filter_text: "" )} end # Flash sharing with live views within dead views can be done via re-rendering the flash partial. # Normally, we'd have to use live_patch which we can't do with views unmounted at the router it seems. def render(assigns) do ~H"""
<.live_component id="embedded_liveview_flash" module={PlausibleWeb.Live.Flash} flash={@flash} /> <%= if @add_goal? do %> <%= live_render( @socket, PlausibleWeb.Live.GoalSettings.Form, id: "goals-form", session: %{ "current_user_id" => @current_user_id, "domain" => @domain, "site_id" => @site_id, "rendered_by" => self() } ) %> <% end %> <.live_component module={PlausibleWeb.Live.GoalSettings.List} id="goals-list" goals={@displayed_goals} domain={@domain} filter_text={@filter_text} />
""" end def handle_event("reset-filter-text", _params, socket) do {:noreply, assign(socket, filter_text: "", displayed_goals: socket.assigns.all_goals)} end def handle_event("filter", %{"filter-text" => filter_text}, socket) do new_list = PlausibleWeb.Live.Components.ComboBox.StaticSearch.suggest( filter_text, socket.assigns.all_goals ) {:noreply, assign(socket, displayed_goals: new_list, filter_text: filter_text)} end def handle_event("add-goal", _value, socket) do {:noreply, assign(socket, add_goal?: true)} end def handle_event("delete-goal", %{"goal-id" => goal_id}, socket) do goal_id = String.to_integer(goal_id) case Plausible.Goals.delete(goal_id, socket.assigns.site_id) do :ok -> socket = socket |> put_flash(:success, "Goal deleted successfully") |> assign( all_goals: Enum.reject(socket.assigns.all_goals, &(& == goal_id)), displayed_goals: Enum.reject(socket.assigns.displayed_goals, &(& == goal_id)) ) Process.send_after(self(), :clear_flash, 5000) {:noreply, socket} _ -> {:noreply, socket} end end def handle_info(:cancel_add_goal, socket) do {:noreply, assign(socket, add_goal?: false)} end def handle_info({:goal_added, goal}, socket) do socket = socket |> assign( add_goal?: false, filter_text: "", all_goals: [goal | socket.assigns.all_goals], displayed_goals: [goal | socket.assigns.all_goals] ) |> put_flash(:success, "Goal saved successfully") {:noreply, socket} end def handle_info(:clear_flash, socket) do {:noreply, clear_flash(socket)} end end