defmodule PlausibleWeb.Live.SentryContext do @moduledoc """ This module tries to supply LiveViews with some common Sentry context (without it, there is practically none). Use via `use PlausibleWeb.Live.SentryContext` in your LiveView module, or preferably via `use PlausibleWeb, :live_view`. In case you have multiple LiveViews, there is `use PlausibleWeb, live_view: :no_sentry_context` exposed that allows you to skip using this module. This is because only the root LiveView has access to `connect_info` and an exception will be thrown otherwise. """ defmacro __using__(_) do quote do on_mount PlausibleWeb.Live.SentryContext end end def on_mount(:default, _params, session, socket) do if Phoenix.LiveView.connected?(socket) do peer = Phoenix.LiveView.get_connect_info(socket, :peer_data) uri = Phoenix.LiveView.get_connect_info(socket, :uri) user_agent = Phoenix.LiveView.get_connect_info(socket, :user_agent) request_context = %{ url: socket.host_uri, env: %{ "REMOTE_ADDR" => get_ip(peer), "REMOTE_PORT" => peer && peer.port, "SEVER_NAME" => uri && } } request_context = if user_agent do Map.merge(request_context, %{ headers: %{ "User-Agent" => user_agent } }) else request_context end Sentry.Context.set_request_context(request_context) user_id = session["current_user_id"] if user_id do Sentry.Context.set_user_context(%{ id: user_id }) end end {:cont, socket} end defp get_ip(%{address: addr}) do case :inet.ntoa(addr) do {:error, _} -> "" address -> to_string(address) end end defp get_ip(_), do: "" end