defmodule PlausibleWeb.Live.FunnelSettingsTest do use PlausibleWeb.ConnCase, async: true use Plausible @moduletag :full_build_only on_full_build do import Phoenix.LiveViewTest import Plausible.Test.Support.HTML describe "GET /:website/settings/funnels" do setup [:create_user, :log_in, :create_site] test "lists funnels for the site and renders help link", %{conn: conn, site: site} do {:ok, _} = setup_funnels(site) conn = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/funnels") resp = html_response(conn, 200) assert resp =~ "Compose Goals into Funnels" assert resp =~ "From blog to signup" assert resp =~ "From signup to blog" assert element_exists?(resp, "a[href=\"\"]") end test "search funnels input is rendered", %{conn: conn, site: site} do setup_goals(site) conn = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/funnels") resp = html_response(conn, 200) assert element_exists?(resp, ~s/input[type="text"]#filter-text/) assert element_exists?(resp, ~s/form[phx-change="filter"]#filter-form/) end test "lists funnels with delete actions", %{conn: conn, site: site} do {:ok, [f1_id, f2_id]} = setup_funnels(site) conn = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/funnels") resp = html_response(conn, 200) assert element_exists?( resp, ~s/button[phx-click="delete-funnel"][phx-value-funnel-id=#{f1_id}]#delete-funnel-#{f1_id}/ ) assert element_exists?( resp, ~s/button[phx-click="delete-funnel"][phx-value-funnel-id=#{f2_id}]#delete-funnel-#{f2_id}/ ) end test "if goals are present, Add Funnel button is rendered", %{conn: conn, site: site} do {:ok, _} = setup_funnels(site) conn = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/funnels") resp = conn |> html_response(200) assert element_exists?(resp, ~S/button[phx-click="add-funnel"]/) end test "if not enough goals are present, renders a hint to create goals + no search", %{ conn: conn, site: site } do {:ok, _} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"page_path" => "/go/to/blog/**"}) conn = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/funnels") doc = conn |> html_response(200) assert Floki.text(doc) =~ "You need to define at least two goals to create a funnel." add_goals_path = Routes.site_path(conn, :settings_goals, site.domain) assert element_exists?(doc, ~s/a[href="#{add_goals_path}"]/) refute element_exists?(doc, ~s/input[type="text"]#filter-text/) refute element_exists?(doc, ~s/form[phx-change="filter"]#filter-form/) end end describe "FunnelSettings live view" do setup [:create_user, :log_in, :create_site] test "allows list filtering / search", %{conn: conn, site: site} do {:ok, _} = setup_funnels(site, ["Funnel One", "Search Me"]) {lv, html} = get_liveview(conn, site, with_html?: true) assert html =~ "Funnel One" assert html =~ "Search Me" html = type_into_search(lv, "search") refute html =~ "Funnel One" assert html =~ "Search Me" end test "allows resetting filter text via backspace icon", %{conn: conn, site: site} do {:ok, _} = setup_funnels(site, ["Funnel One", "Another"]) {lv, html} = get_liveview(conn, site, with_html?: true) refute element_exists?(html, ~s/svg[phx-click="reset-filter-text"]#reset-filter/) html = type_into_search(lv, "one") refute html =~ "Another" assert element_exists?(html, ~s/svg[phx-click="reset-filter-text"]#reset-filter/) html = lv |> element(~s/svg#reset-filter/) |> render_click() assert html =~ "Funnel One" assert html =~ "Another" end test "allows resetting filter text via no match link", %{conn: conn, site: site} do {:ok, _} = setup_funnels(site) lv = get_liveview(conn, site) html = type_into_search(lv, "Definitely this is not going to render any matches") assert html =~ "No funnels found for this site. Please refine or" assert html =~ "reset your search" assert element_exists?(html, ~s/a[phx-click="reset-filter-text"]#reset-filter-hint/) html = lv |> element(~s/a#reset-filter-hint/) |> render_click() refute html =~ "No funnels found for this site. Please refine or" end test "allows to delete funnels", %{conn: conn, site: site} do {:ok, [f1_id, _f2_id]} = setup_funnels(site) {lv, html} = get_liveview(conn, site, with_html?: true) assert html =~ "From blog to signup" assert html =~ "From signup to blog" html = lv |> element(~s/button#delete-funnel-#{f1_id}/) |> render_click() refute html =~ "From blog to signup" assert html =~ "From signup to blog" html = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/funnels") |> html_response(200) refute html =~ "From blog to signup" assert html =~ "From signup to blog" end test "renders the funnel form on clicking 'Add Funnel' button", %{conn: conn, site: site} do setup_goals(site) lv = get_liveview(conn, site) doc = render_click(lv, "add-funnel") assert element_exists?( doc, ~s/form[phx-change="validate"][phx-submit="save"][phx-click-away="cancel-add-funnel"]/ ) assert element_exists?(doc, ~s/form input[type="text"][name="funnel[name]"]/) assert element_exists?( doc, ~s/input[type="hidden"][name="funnel[steps][][goal_id]"]#submit-step-1/ ) step_setup_controls = [ ~s/input[type="hidden"][name="funnel[steps][][goal_id]"]#submit-step-1/, ~s/input[type="hidden"][name="funnel[steps][][goal_id]"]#submit-step-2/, ~s/input[type="text"][name="display-step-1"]#step-1/, ~s/input[type="text"][name="display-step-2"]#step-2/, ~s/a[phx-click="add-step"]/ ] Enum.each(step_setup_controls, &assert(element_exists?(doc, &1))) end test "clicking 'Add another step' adds a pair of inputs and renders remove step buttons", %{ conn: conn, site: site } do setup_goals(site) lv = get_liveview(conn, site) lv |> element(~s/button[phx-click="add-funnel"]/) |> render_click() assert lv = find_live_child(lv, "funnels-form") lv |> element("form") |> render_change(%{funnel: %{name: "My test funnel"}}) doc = lv |> element(~s/a[phx-click="add-step"]/) |> render_click() assert element_exists?( doc, ~s/input[type="hidden"][name="funnel[steps][][goal_id]"]#submit-step-3/ ) assert element_exists?(doc, ~s/input[type="text"][name="display-step-1"]#step-1/) assert element_exists?( doc, ~s/svg#remove-step-1[phx-click="remove-step"][phx-value-step-idx="1"]/ ) assert element_exists?( doc, ~s/svg#remove-step-2[phx-click="remove-step"][phx-value-step-idx="2"]/ ) assert element_exists?( doc, ~s/svg#remove-step-3[phx-click="remove-step"][phx-value-step-idx="3"]/ ) end test "clicking the 'remove step' button removes a step", %{site: site, conn: conn} do setup_goals(site) lv = get_liveview(conn, site) lv |> element(~s/button[phx-click="add-funnel"]/) |> render_click() assert lv = find_live_child(lv, "funnels-form") lv |> element("form") |> render_change(%{funnel: %{name: "My test funnel"}}) lv |> element(~s/a[phx-click="add-step"]/) |> render_click() doc = lv |> element(~s/#remove-step-2/) |> render_click() assert element_exists?(doc, ~s/input#step-1/) assert element_exists?(doc, ~s/input#step-3/) refute element_exists?(doc, ~s/input#step-2/) end test "save button becomes active once at least two steps are selected", %{ conn: conn, site: site } do setup_goals(site) lv = get_liveview(conn, site) lv |> element(~s/button[phx-click="add-funnel"]/) |> render_click() assert lv = find_live_child(lv, "funnels-form") lv |> element("li#dropdown-step-1-option-1 a") |> render_click() doc = lv |> element("li#dropdown-step-2-option-1 a") |> render_click() assert element_exists?(doc, ~s/form button#save:disabled/) doc = lv |> element("form") |> render_change(%{ funnel: %{ name: "My test funnel", steps: [ %{goal_id: 1}, %{goal_id: 2} ] } }) assert element_exists?(doc, ~s/form button#save/) refute element_exists?(doc, ~s/form button#save:disabled/) end @tag :slow test "funnel gets evaluated on every select, assuming a second has passed between selections", %{ conn: conn, site: site } do setup_goals(site) lv = get_liveview(conn, site) lv |> element(~s/button[phx-click="add-funnel"]/) |> render_click() assert lv = find_live_child(lv, "funnels-form") lv |> element("li#dropdown-step-1-option-1 a") |> render_click() :timer.sleep(1001) lv |> element("li#dropdown-step-2-option-1 a") |> render_click() doc = lv |> element("#step-eval-0") |> render() assert text_of_element(doc, ~s/#step-eval-0/) =~ "Entering Visitors: 0" doc = lv |> element("#step-eval-1") |> render() assert text_of_element(doc, ~s/#step-eval-1/) =~ "Dropoff: 0%" doc = lv |> element("#funnel-eval") |> render() assert text_of_element(doc, ~s/#funnel-eval/) =~ "Last month conversion rate: 0%" end end defp setup_funnels(site, names \\ []) do {:ok, [g1, g2]} = setup_goals(site) {:ok, f1} = Plausible.Funnels.create( site,, 0) || "From blog to signup", [%{"goal_id" =>}, %{"goal_id" =>}] ) {:ok, f2} = Plausible.Funnels.create( site,, 1) || "From signup to blog", [%{"goal_id" =>}, %{"goal_id" =>}] ) {:ok, [,]} end defp setup_goals(site) do {:ok, g1} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"page_path" => "/go/to/blog/**"}) {:ok, g2} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"event_name" => "Signup"}) {:ok, [g1, g2]} end defp get_liveview(conn, site, opts \\ []) do conn = assign(conn, :live_module, PlausibleWeb.Live.FunnelSettings) {:ok, lv, html} = live(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/funnels") if Keyword.get(opts, :with_html?) do {lv, html} else lv end end defp type_into_search(lv, text) do lv |> element("form#filter-form") |> render_change(%{ "_target" => ["filter-text"], "filter-text" => "#{text}" }) end end end