defmodule PlausibleWeb.Plugins.API.Controllers.GoalsTest do use PlausibleWeb.PluginsAPICase, async: true alias PlausibleWeb.Plugins.API.Schemas describe "examples" do test "Goal.CreateRequest.Revenue" do assert_schema( Schemas.Goal.CreateRequest.Revenue.schema().example, "Goal.CreateRequest.Revenue", spec() ) end test "Goal.CreateRequest.Pageview" do assert_schema( Schemas.Goal.CreateRequest.Pageview.schema().example, "Goal.CreateRequest.Pageview", spec() ) end test "Goal.CreateRequest.CustomEvent" do assert_schema( Schemas.Goal.CreateRequest.CustomEvent.schema().example, "Goal.CreateRequest.CustomEvent", spec() ) end end describe "unauthorized calls" do for {method, url} <- [ {:get, Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :index)}, {:get, Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :get, 1)}, {:put, Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :create, %{})}, {:delete, Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :delete, 1)}, {:delete, Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :delete_bulk, %{})} ] do test "unauthorized call: #{method} #{url}", %{conn: conn} do conn |> unquote(method)(unquote(url)) |> json_response(401) |> assert_schema("UnauthorizedError", spec()) end end end describe "business tier" do @tag :full_build_only test "fails on revenue goal creation attempt with insufficient plan", %{ site: site, token: token, conn: conn } do site = Plausible.Repo.preload(site, :owner) insert(:growth_subscription, user: site.owner) url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :create) payload = %{ goal_type: "Goal.Revenue", goal: %{event_name: "Purchase", currency: "EUR"} } assert_request_schema(payload, "Goal.CreateRequest.Revenue", spec()) conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") |> put(url, payload) |> json_response(402) |> assert_schema("PaymentRequiredError", spec()) end @tag :full_build_only test "fails on bulk revenue goal creation attempt with insufficient plan", %{ site: site, token: token, conn: conn } do site = Plausible.Repo.preload(site, :owner) insert(:growth_subscription, user: site.owner) url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :create) payload = %{ goals: [ %{ goal_type: "Goal.CustomEvent", goal: %{event_name: "Signup"} }, %{ goal_type: "Goal.Revenue", goal: %{event_name: "Purchase", currency: "EUR"} }, %{ goal_type: "Goal.Pageview", goal: %{path: "/checkout"} } ] } conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") |> put(url, payload) |> json_response(402) |> assert_schema("PaymentRequiredError", spec()) end end describe "put /goals - create a single goal" do test "validates input according to the schema", %{conn: conn, token: token, site: site} do url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :create) conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") |> put(url, %{goal_type: "Goal.SomeTypo", goal: %{event_name: "Signup"}}) |> json_response(422) |> assert_schema("UnprocessableEntityError", spec()) end test "creates a custom event goal", %{conn: conn, token: token, site: site} do url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :create) payload = %{goal_type: "Goal.CustomEvent", goal: %{event_name: "Signup"}} assert_request_schema(payload, "Goal.CreateRequest.CustomEvent", spec()) conn = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") |> put(url, payload) resp = conn |> json_response(201) |> assert_schema("Goal.ListResponse", spec()) resp.goals |> List.first() |> assert_schema("Goal.CustomEvent", spec()) [location] = get_resp_header(conn, "location") assert location == Routes.plugins_api_goals_url( PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :get, List.first(resp.goals) ) assert [%{event_name: "Signup"}] = Plausible.Goals.for_site(site) end @tag :full_build_only test "creates a revenue goal", %{conn: conn, token: token, site: site} do url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :create) payload = %{ goal_type: "Goal.Revenue", goal: %{event_name: "Purchase", currency: "EUR"} } assert_request_schema(payload, "Goal.CreateRequest.Revenue", spec()) conn = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") |> put(url, payload) resp = conn |> json_response(201) |> assert_schema("Goal.ListResponse", spec()) resp.goals |> List.first() |> assert_schema("Goal.Revenue", spec()) [location] = get_resp_header(conn, "location") assert location == Routes.plugins_api_goals_url( PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :get, List.first(resp.goals) ) assert [%{event_name: "Purchase", currency: :EUR}] = Plausible.Goals.for_site(site) end @tag :full_build_only test "fails to create a revenue goal with unknown currency", %{ conn: conn, token: token, site: site } do url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :create) payload = %{ goal_type: "Goal.Revenue", goal: %{event_name: "Purchase", currency: "DFJKHJESFHYU"} } assert_request_schema(payload, "Goal.CreateRequest.Revenue", spec()) conn = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") |> put(url, payload) resp = conn |> json_response(422) |> assert_schema("UnprocessableEntityError", spec()) assert [%{detail: "currency: is invalid"}] = resp.errors end @tag :full_build_only test "edge case - revenue goal exists under the same name and different currency", %{ conn: conn, token: token, site: site } do url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :create) {:ok, _} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"event_name" => "Purchase", "currency" => "USD"}) conn = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") |> put(url, %{goal_type: "Goal.Revenue", goal: %{event_name: "Purchase", currency: "EUR"}}) resp = conn |> json_response(422) |> assert_schema("UnprocessableEntityError", spec()) assert [%{detail: "event_name: 'Purchase' (with currency: USD) has already been taken"}] = resp.errors end test "creates a pageview goal", %{conn: conn, token: token, site: site} do url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :create) payload = %{goal_type: "Goal.Pageview", goal: %{path: "/checkout"}} assert_request_schema(payload, "Goal.CreateRequest.Pageview", spec()) conn = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") |> put(url, payload) resp = conn |> json_response(201) |> assert_schema("Goal.ListResponse", spec()) resp.goals |> List.first() |> assert_schema("Goal.Pageview", spec()) [location] = get_resp_header(conn, "location") assert location == Routes.plugins_api_goals_url( PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :get, List.first(resp.goals) ) assert [%{page_path: "/checkout"}] = Plausible.Goals.for_site(site) end test "is idempotent", %{conn: conn, token: token, site: site} do url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :create) initial_conn = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") resp1 = initial_conn |> put(url, %{goal_type: "Goal.Pageview", goal: %{path: "/checkout"}}) |> json_response(201) |> assert_schema("Goal.ListResponse", spec()) resp1.goals |> List.first() |> assert_schema("Goal.Pageview", spec()) assert initial_conn |> put(url, %{goal_type: "Goal.Pageview", goal: %{path: "/checkout"}}) |> json_response(201) |> assert_schema("Goal.ListResponse", spec()) == resp1 end end describe "put /goals - bulk creation" do @tag :full_build_only test "creates a goal of each type", %{conn: conn, token: token, site: site} do url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :create) payload = %{ goals: [ %{ goal_type: "Goal.CustomEvent", goal: %{event_name: "Signup"} }, %{ goal_type: "Goal.Revenue", goal: %{event_name: "Purchase", currency: "EUR"} }, %{ goal_type: "Goal.Pageview", goal: %{path: "/checkout"} } ] } assert_request_schema(payload, "Goal.CreateRequest.BulkGetOrCreate", spec()) conn = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") |> put(url, payload) resp = conn |> json_response(201) |> assert_schema("Goal.ListResponse", spec()) [l1, l2, l3] = get_resp_header(conn, "location") assert l1 == Routes.plugins_api_goals_url( PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :get,, 0) ) assert l2 == Routes.plugins_api_goals_url( PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :get,, 1) ) assert l3 == Routes.plugins_api_goals_url( PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :get,, 2) ) assert Enum.count(resp.goals) == 3 assert [ %{page_path: "/checkout"}, %{event_name: "Purchase", currency: :EUR}, %{event_name: "Signup"} ] = Plausible.Goals.for_site(site) end test "no more than 8 goals can be created in bulk", %{conn: conn, token: token, site: site} do # if this test fails due to implementation change, consider what to do with the pagination meta # object returned in the response and also revise how funnels are created based on a list of goals # - the funnels creation endpoint will likely reuse this schema's constraints url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :create) payload =, fn i -> %{goal_type: "Goal.CustomEvent", goal: %{event_name: "Bulk Goal ##{i}"}} end) resp = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") |> put(url, %{ goals: payload }) |> json_response(422) |> assert_schema("UnprocessableEntityError", spec()) assert %Schemas.Error{ detail: "Array length 9 is larger than maxItems: 8" } in resp.errors end @tag :full_build_only test "is idempotent", %{conn: conn, token: token, site: site} do url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :create) initial_conn = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") payload = [ %{ goal_type: "Goal.CustomEvent", goal: %{event_name: "Signup"} }, %{ goal_type: "Goal.Revenue", goal: %{event_name: "Purchase", currency: "EUR"} }, %{ goal_type: "Goal.Pageview", goal: %{path: "/checkout"} } ] initial_conn |> put(url, %{goals: payload}) |> json_response(201) |> assert_schema("Goal.ListResponse", spec()) initial_conn |> put(url, %{goals: payload}) |> json_response(201) |> assert_schema("Goal.ListResponse", spec()) end @tag :full_build_only test "edge case - revenue goals exist under the same name and different currency", %{ conn: conn, token: token, site: site } do url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :create) initial_conn = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") payload1 = [%{goal_type: "Goal.Revenue", goal: %{event_name: "Purchase", currency: "EUR"}}] payload2 = [%{goal_type: "Goal.Revenue", goal: %{event_name: "Purchase", currency: "USD"}}] initial_conn |> put(url, %{goals: payload1}) |> json_response(201) |> assert_schema("Goal.ListResponse", spec()) resp = initial_conn |> put(url, %{goals: payload2}) |> json_response(422) |> assert_schema("UnprocessableEntityError", spec()) assert [%{detail: "event_name: 'Purchase' (with currency: EUR) has already been taken"}] = resp.errors end end describe "get /goals/:id" do test "validates input out of the box", %{conn: conn, token: token, site: site} do url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :get, "hello") resp = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> get(url) |> json_response(422) |> assert_schema("UnprocessableEntityError", spec()) assert %{errors: [%{detail: "Invalid integer. Got: string"}]} = resp end @tag :full_build_only test "retrieves revenue goal by ID", %{conn: conn, site: site, token: token} do {:ok, goal} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"event_name" => "Purchase", "currency" => "EUR"}) url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :get, resp = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> get(url) |> json_response(200) |> assert_schema("Goal", spec()) |> assert_schema("Goal.Revenue", spec()) assert == assert resp.goal_type == "Goal.Revenue" assert resp.goal.display_name == "Purchase (EUR)" end test "retrieves pageview goal by ID", %{conn: conn, site: site, token: token} do {:ok, goal} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"page_path" => "/checkout"}) url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :get, resp = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> get(url) |> json_response(200) |> assert_schema("Goal", spec()) |> assert_schema("Goal.Pageview", spec()) assert == assert resp.goal_type == "Goal.Pageview" assert resp.goal.display_name == "Visit /checkout" end test "retrieves custom event goal by ID", %{conn: conn, site: site, token: token} do {:ok, goal} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"event_name" => "Signup"}) url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :get, resp = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> get(url) |> json_response(200) |> assert_schema("Goal", spec()) |> assert_schema("Goal.CustomEvent", spec()) assert == assert resp.goal_type == "Goal.CustomEvent" assert resp.goal.display_name == "Signup" end end describe "get /goals" do test "returns an empty goals list if there's none", %{ conn: conn, token: token, site: site } do url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :index) resp = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> get(url) |> json_response(200) |> assert_schema("Goal.ListResponse", spec()) assert resp.goals == [] assert resp.meta.pagination.has_next_page == false assert resp.meta.pagination.has_prev_page == false assert resp.meta.pagination.links == %{} end @tag :full_build_only test "returns a list of goals of each possible goal type", %{ conn: conn, site: site, token: token } do {:ok, g1} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"event_name" => "Signup"}) {:ok, g2} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"event_name" => "Purchase", "currency" => "EUR"}) {:ok, g3} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"page_path" => "/checkout"}) url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :index) resp = conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> get(url) |> json_response(200) |> assert_schema("Goal.ListResponse", spec()) assert [checkout, purchase, signup] = resp.goals assert checkout.goal.display_name == "Visit /checkout" assert checkout.goal.path == "/checkout" assert == assert checkout.goal_type == "Goal.Pageview" assert purchase.goal.display_name == "Purchase (EUR)" assert purchase.goal.currency == "EUR" assert purchase.goal.event_name == "Purchase" assert == assert purchase.goal_type == "Goal.Revenue" assert signup.goal.display_name == "Signup" assert signup.goal.event_name == "Signup" assert == assert signup.goal_type == "Goal.CustomEvent" end test "returns a list of goals with pagination", %{conn: conn, site: site, token: token} do for i <- 1..5 do insert(:goal, site: site, event_name: "Goal #{i}") end url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :index, limit: 2) initial_conn = authenticate(conn, site.domain, token) page1 = initial_conn |> get(url) |> json_response(200) |> assert_schema("Goal.ListResponse", spec()) assert [%{goal: %{event_name: "Goal 5"}}, %{goal: %{event_name: "Goal 4"}}] = page1.goals assert page1.meta.pagination.has_next_page == true assert page1.meta.pagination.has_prev_page == false assert refute page1.meta.pagination.links[:prev] page2 = initial_conn |> get( |> json_response(200) |> assert_schema("Goal.ListResponse", spec()) assert [%{goal: %{event_name: "Goal 3"}}, %{goal: %{event_name: "Goal 2"}}] = page2.goals assert page2.meta.pagination.has_next_page == true assert page2.meta.pagination.has_prev_page == true assert assert page2.meta.pagination.links.prev assert ^page1 = initial_conn |> get(page2.meta.pagination.links.prev.url) |> json_response(200) |> assert_schema("Goal.ListResponse", spec()) end end describe "delete /goals/:id" do test "deletes goal by id", %{conn: conn, site: site, token: token} do {:ok, %{id: goal_id}} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"event_name" => "Purchase", "currency" => "USD"}) url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :delete, goal_id) conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> delete(url) |> response(204) refute Plausible.Repo.exists?(Plausible.Goal) end test "is idempotent", %{conn: conn, site: site, token: token} do url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :delete, 666) conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> delete(url) |> response(204) end end describe "delete - bulk" do test "delete multiple goals", %{conn: conn, site: site, token: token} do {:ok, g1} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"event_name" => "Purchase", "currency" => "USD"}) {:ok, g2} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"event_name" => "Signup"}) {:ok, g3} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"page_path" => "/home"}) url = Routes.plugins_api_goals_url(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :delete_bulk) payload = %{ goal_ids: [,, ] } conn |> authenticate(site.domain, token) |> put_req_header("content-type", "application/json") |> delete(url, payload) |> response(204) refute Plausible.Repo.exists?(Plausible.Goal) end end end