defmodule Plausible.Workers.SendSiteSetupEmailsTest do use Plausible.DataCase use Bamboo.Test import Plausible.TestUtils alias Plausible.Workers.SendSiteSetupEmails defp perform() do{}) |> Oban.insert!() Oban.drain_queue(:site_setup_emails) end describe "when user has not managed to set up the site" do test "does not send an email 47 hours after site creation" do user = insert(:user) insert(:site, members: [user], inserted_at: hours_ago(47)) perform() assert_no_emails_delivered() end test "sends a setup help email 48 hours after site has been created" do user = insert(:user) insert(:site, members: [user], inserted_at: hours_ago(49)) perform() assert_email_delivered_with( to: [{,}], subject: "Your Plausible setup: Waiting for the first page views" ) end test "does not send an email more than 72 hours after signup" do user = insert(:user) insert(:site, members: [user], inserted_at: hours_ago(73)) perform() assert_no_emails_delivered() end end describe "when user has managed to set up their site" do test "sends the setup completed email as soon as possible" do user = insert(:user) insert(:site, members: [user], domain: "") perform() assert_email_delivered_with( to: [{,}], subject: "Plausible is now tracking your website stats" ) end test "sends the setup completed email after the help email has been sent" do user = insert(:user) site = insert(:site, members: [user], inserted_at: hours_ago(49)) perform() assert_email_delivered_with( to: [{,}], subject: "Your Plausible setup: Waiting for the first page views" ) create_pageviews([%{domain: site.domain}]) perform() assert_email_delivered_with( to: [{,}], subject: "Plausible is now tracking your website stats" ) end end describe "trial user who has not set up a website" do test "does not send an email before 48h have passed" do insert(:user, inserted_at: hours_ago(47)) perform() assert_no_emails_delivered() end test "sends the create site email after 48h" do user = insert(:user, inserted_at: hours_ago(49)) perform() assert_email_delivered_with( to: [{,}], subject: "Your Plausible setup: Add your website details" ) end end defp hours_ago(hours) do NaiveDateTime.utc_now() |> NaiveDateTime.truncate(:second) |> Timex.shift(hours: -hours) end end