Hey <%= user_salutation(@user) %>,

We are building Plausible to provide a simple and ethical approach to tracking website visitors. We're super excited to have you on board!

Here are five steps to get the most out of your Plausible experience:

* <%= link("Enable email reports", to: "https://docs.plausible.io/email-reports/") %> and notifications for <%= link("traffic spikes", to: "https://plausible.io/docs/traffic-spikes") %>
* <%= link("Integrate with Search Console", to: "https://plausible.io/docs/google-search-console-integration") %> to get keyword phrases people find your site with
* Set up some easy goals including <%= link("404 error pages", to: "https://plausible.io/docs/404-error-pages-tracking") %> and <%= link("outbound link clicks", to: "https://plausible.io/docs/outbound-link-click-tracking/") %>
* <%= link("Opt out from counting your own visits", to: "https://plausible.io/docs/excluding") %>
* If you're concerned about adblockers, <%= link("set up a proxy to bypass them", to: "https://plausible.io/docs/proxy/introduction") %>

Then you're ready to start exploring your fast loading, ethical and actionable <%= link("Plausible dashboard", to: "https://plausible.io/sites") %>.

Have a question, feedback or need some guidance? Do reply back to this email.

Uku and Marko
<%= plausible_url() %>
{{{ pm:unsubscribe }}}