defmodule PlausibleWeb.Api.ExternalStatsController do use PlausibleWeb, :controller use Plausible.Repo use PlausibleWeb.Plugs.ErrorHandler alias Plausible.Stats.{Query, Compare, Comparisons, Metrics} def realtime_visitors(conn, _params) do site = query = Query.from(site, %{"period" => "realtime"}) json(conn, Plausible.Stats.Clickhouse.current_visitors(site, query)) end def aggregate(conn, params) do site = Repo.preload(, :owner) with :ok <- validate_period(params), :ok <- validate_date(params), query <- Query.from(site, params), :ok <- validate_goal_filter(site, query.filters), {:ok, metrics} <- parse_and_validate_metrics(params, nil, query), :ok <- ensure_custom_props_access(site, query) do results = if params["compare"] == "previous_period" do {:ok, prev_query} =, query, "previous_period") [prev_result, curr_result] = Plausible.ClickhouseRepo.parallel_tasks([ fn -> Plausible.Stats.aggregate(site, prev_query, metrics) end, fn -> Plausible.Stats.aggregate(site, query, metrics) end ]), fn {metric, %{value: current_val}} -> %{value: prev_val} = prev_result[metric] change = Compare.calculate_change(metric, prev_val, current_val) {metric, %{value: current_val, change: change}} end) |> Enum.into(%{}) else Plausible.Stats.aggregate(site, query, metrics) end json(conn, %{results: results}) else err_tuple -> send_json_error_response(conn, err_tuple) end end def breakdown(conn, params) do site = Repo.preload(, :owner) with :ok <- validate_period(params), :ok <- validate_date(params), {:ok, property} <- validate_property(params), query <- Query.from(site, params), :ok <- validate_goal_filter(site, query.filters), {:ok, metrics} <- parse_and_validate_metrics(params, property, query), {:ok, limit} <- validate_or_default_limit(params), :ok <- ensure_custom_props_access(site, query, property) do page = String.to_integer(Map.get(params, "page", "1")) results = Plausible.Stats.breakdown(site, query, property, metrics, {limit, page}) json(conn, %{results: results}) else err_tuple -> send_json_error_response(conn, err_tuple) end end defp validate_property(%{"property" => property}) do if Plausible.Stats.Props.valid_prop?(property) do {:ok, property} else {:error, "Invalid property '#{property}'. Please provide a valid property for the breakdown endpoint:"} end end defp validate_property(_) do {:error, "The `property` parameter is required. Please provide at least one property to show a breakdown by."} end @max_breakdown_limit 1000 defp validate_or_default_limit(%{"limit" => limit}) do with {limit, ""} when limit > 0 and limit <= @max_breakdown_limit <- Integer.parse(limit) do {:ok, limit} else _ -> {:error, "Please provide limit as a number between 1 and #{@max_breakdown_limit}."} end end @default_breakdown_limit 100 defp validate_or_default_limit(_), do: {:ok, @default_breakdown_limit} defp parse_and_validate_metrics(params, property, query) do metrics = Map.get(params, "metrics", "visitors") |> String.split(",") case validate_metrics(metrics, property, query) do {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason} metrics -> {:ok,, &Metrics.from_string!/1)} end end @spec ensure_custom_props_access(Plausible.Site.t(), Query.t(), String.t() | nil) :: :ok | {:error, {402, String.t()}} defp ensure_custom_props_access(site, query, property \\ nil) do allowed_props = Plausible.Props.allowed_for(site, bypass_setup?: true) prop_filter = Query.get_filter_by_prefix(query, "event:props:") query_allowed? = case {prop_filter, property, allowed_props} do {_, _, :all} -> true {{"event:props:" <> prop, _}, _property, allowed_props} -> prop in allowed_props {_filter, "event:props:" <> prop, allowed_props} -> prop in allowed_props _ -> true end if query_allowed? do :ok else msg = "The owner of this site does not have access to the custom properties feature" {:error, {402, msg}} end end defp validate_metrics(metrics, property, query) do if length(metrics) == length(Enum.uniq(metrics)) do validate_each_metric(metrics, property, query) else {:error, "Metrics cannot be queried multiple times."} end end defp validate_each_metric(metrics, property, query) do Enum.reduce_while(metrics, [], fn metric, acc -> case validate_metric(metric, property, query) do {:ok, metric} -> {:cont, acc ++ [metric]} {:error, reason} -> {:halt, {:error, reason}} end end) end defp validate_metric("time_on_page" = metric, property, query) do cond do query.filters["event:goal"] -> {:error, "Metric `#{metric}` cannot be queried when filtering by `event:goal`"} query.filters["event:name"] -> {:error, "Metric `#{metric}` cannot be queried when filtering by `event:name`"} property == "event:page" -> {:ok, metric} not is_nil(property) -> {:error, "Metric `#{metric}` is not supported in breakdown queries (except `event:page` breakdown)"} query.filters["event:page"] -> {:ok, metric} true -> {:error, "Metric `#{metric}` can only be queried in a page breakdown or with a page filter."} end end defp validate_metric("conversion_rate" = metric, property, query) do cond do property == "event:goal" -> {:ok, metric} query.filters["event:goal"] -> {:ok, metric} true -> {:error, "Metric `#{metric}` can only be queried in a goal breakdown or with a goal filter"} end end defp validate_metric("events" = metric, _, query) do if query.include_imported do {:error, "Metric `#{metric}` cannot be queried with imported data"} else {:ok, metric} end end defp validate_metric(metric, _, _) when metric in ["visitors", "pageviews"] do {:ok, metric} end defp validate_metric("views_per_visit" = metric, property, query) do cond do query.filters["event:page"] -> {:error, "Metric `#{metric}` cannot be queried with a filter on `event:page`."} property != nil -> {:error, "Metric `#{metric}` is not supported in breakdown queries."} true -> validate_session_metric(metric, property, query) end end defp validate_metric(metric, property, query) when metric in ["visits", "bounce_rate", "visit_duration"] do validate_session_metric(metric, property, query) end defp validate_metric(metric, _, _) do {:error, "The metric `#{metric}` is not recognized. Find valid metrics from the documentation:"} end defp validate_session_metric(metric, property, query) do cond do event_only_property?(property) -> {:error, "Session metric `#{metric}` cannot be queried for breakdown by `#{property}`."} event_only_filter = find_event_only_filter(query) -> {:error, "Session metric `#{metric}` cannot be queried when using a filter on `#{event_only_filter}`."} true -> {:ok, metric} end end defp find_event_only_filter(query) do Map.keys(query.filters) |> Enum.find(&event_only_property?/1) end defp event_only_property?("event:name"), do: true defp event_only_property?("event:goal"), do: true defp event_only_property?("event:props:" <> _), do: true defp event_only_property?(_), do: false def timeseries(conn, params) do site = Repo.preload(, :owner) with :ok <- validate_period(params), :ok <- validate_date(params), :ok <- validate_interval(params), query <- Query.from(site, params), :ok <- validate_goal_filter(site, query.filters), {:ok, metrics} <- parse_and_validate_metrics(params, nil, query), :ok <- ensure_custom_props_access(site, query) do graph = Plausible.Stats.timeseries(site, query, metrics) json(conn, %{results: graph}) else err_tuple -> send_json_error_response(conn, err_tuple) end end defp validate_date(%{"period" => "custom"} = params) do with {:ok, date} <- Map.fetch(params, "date"), [from, to] <- String.split(date, ","), {:ok, _from} <- Date.from_iso8601(String.trim(from)), {:ok, _to} <- Date.from_iso8601(String.trim(to)) do :ok else :error -> {:error, "The `date` parameter is required when using a custom period. See"} _ -> {:error, "Invalid format for `date` parameter. When using a custom period, please include two ISO-8601 formatted dates joined by a comma. See"} end end defp validate_date(%{"date" => date}) do case Date.from_iso8601(date) do {:ok, _date} -> :ok {:error, msg} -> {:error, "Error parsing `date` parameter: #{msg}. Please specify a valid date in ISO-8601 format."} end end defp validate_date(_), do: :ok defp validate_period(%{"period" => period}) do if period in ["day", "7d", "30d", "month", "6mo", "12mo", "custom"] do :ok else {:error, "Error parsing `period` parameter: invalid period `#{period}`. Please find accepted values in our docs:"} end end defp validate_period(_), do: :ok @valid_intervals ["date", "month"] @valid_intervals_str, &("`" <> &1 <> "`")) |> Enum.join(", ") defp validate_interval(%{"interval" => interval}) do if interval in @valid_intervals do :ok else {:error, "Error parsing `interval` parameter: invalid interval `#{interval}`. Valid intervals are #{@valid_intervals_str}"} end end defp validate_interval(_), do: :ok defp validate_goal_filter(site, %{"event:goal" => {_type, goal_filter}}) do configured_goals = Plausible.Goals.for_site(site) |> %{page_path: path} when is_binary(path) -> "Visit " <> path %{event_name: event_name} -> event_name end) goals_in_filter = List.wrap(goal_filter) |> Plausible.Stats.Filters.Utils.unwrap_goal_value() if found = Enum.find(goals_in_filter, &(&1 not in configured_goals)) do msg = goal_not_configured_message(found) <> "Find out how to configure goals here:" {:error, msg} else :ok end end defp validate_goal_filter(_site, _filters), do: :ok defp goal_not_configured_message("Visit " <> page_path) do "The pageview goal for the pathname `#{page_path}` is not configured for this site. " end defp goal_not_configured_message(goal) do "The goal `#{goal}` is not configured for this site. " end defp send_json_error_response(conn, {:error, {status, msg}}) do conn |> put_status(status) |> json(%{error: msg}) end defp send_json_error_response(conn, {:error, msg}) do conn |> put_status(400) |> json(%{error: msg}) end end