defimpl FunWithFlags.Actor, for: BitString do def id(str) do str end end defmodule PlausibleWeb.Api.ExternalController do use PlausibleWeb, :controller require Logger def event(conn, _params) do with {:ok, ingestion_request} <-, _ <- Sentry.Context.set_extra_context(%{request: ingestion_request.params}), :ok <- Plausible.Ingestion.add_to_buffer(ingestion_request) do conn |> put_status(202) |> text("ok") else {:error, :invalid_json} -> conn |> put_status(400) |> json(%{errors: %{request: "Unable to parse request body as json"}}) {:error, errors} -> conn |> put_status(400) |> json(%{errors: errors}) end end def error(conn, _params) do Sentry.capture_message("JS snippet error") send_resp(conn, 200, "") end def health(conn, _params) do postgres_health = case Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(Plausible.Repo, "SELECT 1", []) do {:ok, _} -> "ok" e -> "error: #{inspect(e)}" end clickhouse_health = case Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(Plausible.ClickhouseRepo, "SELECT 1", []) do {:ok, _} -> "ok" e -> "error: #{inspect(e)}" end status = case {postgres_health, clickhouse_health} do {"ok", "ok"} -> 200 _ -> 500 end put_status(conn, status) |> json(%{ postgres: postgres_health, clickhouse: clickhouse_health }) end def info(conn, _params) do build_metadata = System.get_env("BUILD_METADATA", "{}") |> Jason.decode!() geo_database = case Geolix.metadata(where: :geolocation) do %{database_type: type} -> type _ -> "(not configured)" end info = %{ geo_database: geo_database, build: %{ version: get_in(build_metadata, ["labels", "org.opencontainers.image.version"]), commit: get_in(build_metadata, ["labels", "org.opencontainers.image.revision"]), created: get_in(build_metadata, ["labels", "org.opencontainers.image.created"]), tags: get_in(build_metadata, ["tags"]) } } json(conn, info) end end