defmodule Plausible.Workers.NotifyAnnualRenewal do use Plausible.Repo use Oban.Worker, queue: :notify_annual_renewal @yearly_plans Plausible.Billing.Plans.yearly_product_ids() @impl Oban.Worker @doc """ Sends a notification at most 7 days and at least 1 day before the renewal of an annual subscription """ def perform(_job) do current_subscriptions = from( s in Plausible.Billing.Subscription, group_by: s.user_id, select: %{ user_id: s.user_id, inserted_at: max(s.inserted_at) } ) sent_notification = from( s in "sent_renewal_notifications", where: s.timestamp > fragment("now() - INTERVAL '1 month'") ) users = Repo.all( from u in Plausible.Auth.User, join: cs in subquery(current_subscriptions), on: cs.user_id ==, join: s in Plausible.Billing.Subscription, on: s.inserted_at == cs.inserted_at, left_join: sent in ^sent_notification, on: s.user_id == sent.user_id, where: is_nil(, where: s.paddle_plan_id in @yearly_plans, where: s.next_bill_date > fragment("now()::date") and s.next_bill_date <= fragment("now()::date + INTERVAL '7 days'"), preload: [subscription: s] ) for user <- users do case user.subscription.status do "active" -> template = PlausibleWeb.Email.yearly_renewal_notification(user) Plausible.Mailer.send(template) "deleted" -> template = PlausibleWeb.Email.yearly_expiration_notification(user) Plausible.Mailer.send(template) _ -> Sentry.capture_message("Invalid subscription for renewal", user: user) end Repo.insert_all("sent_renewal_notifications", [ %{ user_id:, timestamp: NaiveDateTime.utc_now() } ]) end :ok end end