defmodule Plausible.Repo.Migrations.BackfillAcceptTrafficUntil do use Ecto.Migration def change do # trials that are about to expire get extra 14 days # regardless of the effective end date, this still leaves a room for both notifications execute """ UPDATE users SET accept_traffic_until = trial_expiry_date + 14 WHERE trial_expiry_date IS NOT NULL AND trial_expiry_date >= CURRENT_DATE """ # free plans execute """ UPDATE users AS u SET accept_traffic_until = '2135-01-01' WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM subscriptions s WHERE user_id = AND paddle_plan_id = 'free_10k' ) """ # abandoned accounts (trial ended and no valid subscriptions) still get a random # phase-out period so that both notifications can be delivered execute """ UPDATE users SET accept_traffic_until = CURRENT_DATE + TRUNC(RANDOM() * (20 - 8 + 1) + 8)::int WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM subscriptions WHERE subscriptions.user_id = ) AND trial_expiry_date IS NOT NULL AND trial_expiry_date < CURRENT_DATE """ # all the non-free subscriptions execute """ UPDATE users u1 SET accept_traffic_until = s.next_bill_date + 30 FROM users u2 INNER JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT * FROM subscriptions sub WHERE = sub.user_id ORDER BY sub.inserted_at DESC LIMIT 1 ) s ON (true) WHERE = AND s.user_id = AND s.paddle_plan_id != 'free_10k' """ # subscription for which current period needs payment) execute """ UPDATE users u1 SET accept_traffic_until = CURRENT_DATE + TRUNC(RANDOM() * (20 - 8 + 1) + 8)::int FROM users u2 INNER JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT * FROM subscriptions sub WHERE = sub.user_id ORDER BY sub.inserted_at DESC LIMIT 1 ) s ON (true) WHERE s.user_id = AND = AND s.next_bill_date < CURRENT_DATE """ end end