defmodule PlausibleWeb.StatsControllerTest do use PlausibleWeb.ConnCase use Plausible.Repo import Plausible.TestUtils describe "GET /:website - anonymous user" do test "public site - shows site stats", %{conn: conn} do insert(:site, domain: "", public: true) conn = get(conn, "/") assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "stats-react-container" end test "public site - shows waiting for first pageview", %{conn: conn} do insert(:site, domain: "", public: true) conn = get(conn, "/") assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Need to see the snippet again?" end test "can not view stats of a private website", %{conn: conn} do conn = get(conn, "/") assert html_response(conn, 404) =~ "There's nothing here" end end describe "GET /:website - as a logged in user" do setup [:create_user, :log_in, :create_site] test "can view stats of a website I've created", %{conn: conn, site: site} do conn = get(conn, "/" <> site.domain) assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "stats-react-container" end test "shows locked page if page is locked", %{conn: conn, user: user} do locked_site = insert(:site, locked: true, members: [user]) conn = get(conn, "/" <> locked_site.domain) assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Site locked" end test "can not view stats of someone else's website", %{conn: conn} do conn = get(conn, "/") assert html_response(conn, 404) =~ "There's nothing here" end end describe "GET /:website/export" do setup [:create_user, :create_new_site, :log_in] test "exports data in zipped csvs", %{conn: conn, site: site} do populate_exported_stats(site) conn = get(conn, "/" <> site.domain <> "/export?date=2021-10-20") assert_zip(conn, "30d") end end describe "GET /:website/export - via shared link" do test "exports data in zipped csvs", %{conn: conn} do site = insert(:site, domain: "") link = insert(:shared_link, site: site) populate_exported_stats(site) conn = get(conn, "/" <> site.domain <> "/export?auth=#{link.slug}&date=2021-10-20") assert_zip(conn, "30d") end end describe "GET /:website/export - for past 6 months" do setup [:create_user, :create_new_site, :log_in] test "exports 6 months of data in zipped csvs", %{conn: conn, site: site} do populate_exported_stats(site) conn = get(conn, "/" <> site.domain <> "/export?period=6mo&date=2021-10-20") assert_zip(conn, "6m") end end describe "GET /:website/export - with path filter" do setup [:create_user, :create_new_site, :log_in] test "exports filtered data in zipped csvs", %{conn: conn, site: site} do populate_exported_stats(site) filters = Jason.encode!(%{page: "/some-other-page"}) conn = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/export?date=2021-10-20&filters=#{filters}") assert_zip(conn, "30d-filter-path") end end defp assert_zip(conn, folder) do assert conn.status == 200 assert {"content-type", "application/zip; charset=utf-8"} = List.keyfind(conn.resp_headers, "content-type", 0) {:ok, zip} = :zip.unzip(response(conn, 200), [:memory]) folder = Path.expand(folder, "test/plausible_web/controllers/CSVs"), &assert_csv(&1, folder)) end defp assert_csv({file, downloaded}, folder) do file = Path.expand(file, folder) {:ok, content} = assert downloaded == content end defp populate_exported_stats(site) do populate_stats(site, [ build(:pageview, country_code: "EE", pathname: "/", timestamp: Timex.shift(~N[2021-10-20 12:00:00], minutes: -1), referrer_source: "Google", user_id: 123 ), build(:pageview, country_code: "EE", pathname: "/some-other-page", timestamp: Timex.shift(~N[2021-10-20 12:00:00], minutes: -2), referrer_source: "Google", user_id: 123 ), build(:pageview, pathname: "/", utm_campaign: "ads", timestamp: Timex.shift(~N[2021-10-20 12:00:00], days: -1), browser: "ABrowserName" ), build(:pageview, timestamp: Timex.shift(~N[2021-10-20 12:00:00], months: -1), country_code: "EE", browser: "ABrowserName" ), build(:pageview, timestamp: Timex.shift(~N[2021-10-20 12:00:00], months: -5), utm_campaign: "ads", country_code: "EE", referrer_source: "Google", browser: "ABrowserName" ), build(:event, timestamp: Timex.shift(~N[2021-10-20 12:00:00], days: -1), name: "Signup", "meta.key": ["variant"], "meta.value": ["A"] ) ]) insert(:goal, %{domain: site.domain, event_name: "Signup"}) end describe "GET /:website/export - with goal filter" do setup [:create_user, :create_new_site, :log_in] test "exports goal-filtered data in zipped csvs", %{conn: conn, site: site} do populate_exported_stats(site) filters = Jason.encode!(%{goal: "Signup"}) conn = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/export?date=2021-10-20&filters=#{filters}") assert_zip(conn, "30d-filter-goal") end end describe "GET /share/:slug" do test "prompts a password for a password-protected link", %{conn: conn} do site = insert(:site) link = insert(:shared_link, site: site, password_hash: Plausible.Auth.Password.hash("password")) conn = get(conn, "/share/#{site.domain}?auth=#{link.slug}") assert response(conn, 200) =~ "Enter password" end test "logs anonymous user in straight away if the link is not password-protected", %{ conn: conn } do site = insert(:site, domain: "") link = insert(:shared_link, site: site) conn = get(conn, "/share/{link.slug}") assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "stats-react-container" end test "returns page with X-Frame-Options disabled so it can be embedded in an iframe", %{ conn: conn } do site = insert(:site, domain: "") link = insert(:shared_link, site: site) conn = get(conn, "/share/{link.slug}") assert Plug.Conn.get_resp_header(conn, "x-frame-options") == [] end end describe "POST /share/:slug/authenticate" do test "logs anonymous user in with correct password", %{conn: conn} do site = insert(:site, domain: "") link = insert(:shared_link, site: site, password_hash: Plausible.Auth.Password.hash("password")) conn = post(conn, "/share/#{link.slug}/authenticate", %{password: "password"}) assert redirected_to(conn, 302) == "/share/#{site.domain}?auth=#{link.slug}" conn = get(conn, "/share/#{site.domain}?auth=#{link.slug}") assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "stats-react-container" end test "shows form again with wrong password", %{conn: conn} do site = insert(:site, domain: "") link = insert(:shared_link, site: site, password_hash: Plausible.Auth.Password.hash("password")) conn = post(conn, "/share/#{link.slug}/authenticate", %{password: "WRONG!"}) assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Enter password" end end end