defmodule PlausibleWeb.Endpoint do use Sentry.PlugCapture use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :plausible @session_options [ # key to be patched key: "", store: :cookie, signing_salt: "I45i0SKHEku2f3tJh6y4v8gztrb/eG5KGCOe/o/AwFb7VHeuvDOn7AAq6KsdmOFM", # 5 years, this is super long but the SlidingSessionTimeout will log people out if they don't return for 2 weeks max_age: 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 5, extra: "SameSite=Lax" # domain added dynamically via RuntimeSessionAdapter, see below ] socket("/live", Phoenix.LiveView.Socket, websocket: [ check_origin: true, connect_info: [session: {__MODULE__, :runtime_session_opts, []}] ] ) # Serve at "/" the static files from "priv/static" directory. # # You should set gzip to true if you are running phx.digest # when deploying your static files in production. plug(PlausibleWeb.Tracker) plug(PlausibleWeb.Favicon) plug(Plug.Static, at: "/", from: :plausible, gzip: false, only: ~w(css js images favicon.ico robots.txt) ) plug(Plug.Static, at: "/kaffy", from: :kaffy, gzip: false, only: ~w(assets) ) # Code reloading can be explicitly enabled under the # :code_reloader configuration of your endpoint. if code_reloading? do socket("/phoenix/live_reload/socket", Phoenix.LiveReloader.Socket) plug(Phoenix.LiveReloader) plug(Phoenix.CodeReloader) end plug(Plug.RequestId) plug(PromEx.Plug, prom_ex_module: Plausible.PromEx) plug(Plug.Telemetry, event_prefix: [:phoenix, :endpoint]) plug(Plug.Parsers, parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json], pass: ["*/*"], json_decoder: Phoenix.json_library() ) plug(Sentry.PlugContext) plug(Plug.MethodOverride) plug(Plug.Head) plug(:runtime_session) plug(CORSPlug) plug(PlausibleWeb.Router) def secure_cookie?, do: config!(:secure_cookie) def websocket_url() do config!(:websocket_url) end def runtime_session(conn, _opts) do, [{Plug.Session, runtime_session_opts()}]) end def runtime_session_opts() do # `host()` provided by Phoenix.Endpoint's compilation hooks # is used to inject the domain - this way we can authenticate # websocket requests within single root domain, in case websocket_url() # returns a ws{s}:// scheme (in which case SameSite=Lax is not applicable). @session_options |> Keyword.put(:domain, host()) |> Keyword.put(:key, "_plausible_#{Application.fetch_env!(:plausible, :environment)}") |> Keyword.put(:secure, secure_cookie?()) end defp config!(key) do :plausible |> Application.fetch_env!(__MODULE__) |> Keyword.fetch!(key) end end