defmodule PlausibleWeb.StatsControllerTest do use PlausibleWeb.ConnCase use Plausible.Repo import Plausible.TestUtils describe "as an anonymous visitor" do test "public site - shows site stats", %{conn: conn} do insert(:site, domain: "", public: true) insert(:pageview, hostname: "") conn = get(conn, "/") assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Analytics for" end test "can not view stats of a private website", %{conn: conn} do insert(:pageview, hostname: "") conn = get(conn, "/") assert html_response(conn, 404) =~ "There's nothing here" end end describe "as a logged in user" do setup [:create_user, :log_in, :create_site] test "can view stats of a website I've created", %{conn: conn, site: site} do insert(:pageview, hostname: site.domain) conn = get(conn, "/" <> site.domain) assert html_response(conn, 200) =~ "Analytics for" end test "can not view stats of someone else's website", %{conn: conn} do insert(:pageview, hostname: "") conn = get(conn, "/") assert html_response(conn, 404) =~ "There's nothing here" end end end