hq1 c81cb16933
Snippet integration verification (#4106)
* Allow running locally

* Compile tailwind classes based on extra/ too

* Add browserless runtime configuration

* Ignore verification events on ingestion

* Improve extracting HTML text in tests

* Update dependencies

- Floki will be used on production to parse site contents
- Req will be used to handle redundant stuff like retrying etc.

* Add shuttle SVG to generic components

Later on we'll use it to indicate verification errors

* Connect live socket & allow skipping awaiting the first pageview

* Connect live socket in general settings

* Implement verification checks & diagnostics

* Stub remote services with Req for testing

* Change snippet screen copy

* Update tracker script, so that:

1. headless browsers aren't ignored if `window.__plausible` is defined
2. callback optionally supplies the event response HTTP status

This will be later used to check whether the server acknowledged
the verification event.

* Implement LiveView verification UI

* Embed the verification UIs into settings and onboarding

* Implement browserless puppeteer verification script

 - tries to visit the site
 - defines window.__plausible, so the tracker doesn't ignore test events
 - sends a verification event and instruments the callback
 - awaits the callback to fire and returns the result

* Improve diagnostics for CSP

Only report CSP error if the snippet is already found

* Put verification behind a feature flag/env setting

* Contact Us hint only for Enterprise Edition

* For headless code, use JS context instead of EEx interpolation

* Update diagnostics test with WordPress scenarios

* Shorten exception/throw interception

* Rename test

* Tidy up

* Bust URL always on headless check

* Update moduledoc

* Detect official Plausible WordPress Plugin

and act accordingly on diagnostics interoperation

* Stop using 'rating' in favour of 'interpretation'

* Only report CSP error if no proxy is likely


* Allow event-* attributes on snippet elements

* Improve naive GTM detection, not to confuse it with GA4

* Update lib/plausible/verification.ex

Co-authored-by: Adrian Gruntkowski <>

* Update test/plausible/site/verification/checks_test.exs

Co-authored-by: Adrian Gruntkowski <>

* s/perform_wrapped/perform_safe

* Update lib/plausible/verification/checks/installation.ex

Co-authored-by: Adrian Gruntkowski <>

* Remove garbage


Co-authored-by: Adrian Gruntkowski <>
2024-05-23 15:00:50 +02:00

53 lines
2.6 KiB

.PHONY: help install server clickhouse clickhouse-prod clickhouse-stop postgres postgres-prod postgres-stop
@perl -nle'print $& if m{^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
install: ## Run the initial setup
mix deps.get
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
mix download_country_database
npm install --prefix assets
npm install --prefix tracker
npm run deploy --prefix tracker
server: ## Start the web server
mix phx.server
CH_FLAGS ?= --detach -p 8123:8123 -p 9000:9000 --ulimit nofile=262144:262144 --name plausible_clickhouse
clickhouse: ## Start a container with a recent version of clickhouse
docker run $(CH_FLAGS) --volume=$$PWD/.clickhouse_db_vol:/var/lib/clickhouse clickhouse/clickhouse-server:latest-alpine
clickhouse-prod: ## Start a container with the same version of clickhouse as the one in prod
docker run $(CH_FLAGS) --volume=$$PWD/.clickhouse_db_vol_prod:/var/lib/clickhouse clickhouse/clickhouse-server:
clickhouse-stop: ## Stop and remove the clickhouse container
docker stop plausible_clickhouse && docker rm plausible_clickhouse
PG_FLAGS ?= --detach -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="postgres" -p 5432:5432 --name plausible_db
postgres: ## Start a container with a recent version of postgres
docker run $(PG_FLAGS) --volume=plausible_db:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres:latest
postgres-prod: ## Start a container with the same version of postgres as the one in prod
docker run $(PG_FLAGS) --volume=plausible_db_prod:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres:15
postgres-stop: ## Stop and remove the postgres container
docker stop plausible_db && docker rm plausible_db
docker run -e "TOKEN=dummy_token" -p 3000:3000 --network host
minio: ## Start a transient container with a recent version of minio (s3)
docker run -d --rm -p 10000:10000 -p 10001:10001 --name plausible_minio minio/minio server /data --address ":10000" --console-address ":10001"
while ! docker exec plausible_minio mc alias set local http://localhost:10000 minioadmin minioadmin; do sleep 1; done
docker exec plausible_minio sh -c 'mc mb local/dev-exports && mc ilm add --expiry-days 7 local/dev-exports'
docker exec plausible_minio sh -c 'mc mb local/dev-imports && mc ilm add --expiry-days 7 local/dev-imports'
docker exec plausible_minio sh -c 'mc mb local/test-exports && mc ilm add --expiry-days 7 local/test-exports'
docker exec plausible_minio sh -c 'mc mb local/test-imports && mc ilm add --expiry-days 7 local/test-imports'
minio-stop: ## Stop and remove the minio container
docker stop plausible_minio