hq1 cc769dfb3d
Edit goals with display names (#4415)
* Update Goal schema

* Equip ComboBox with the ability of JS selection callbacks

* Update factory so display_name is always present

* Extend Goals context interface

* Update seeds

Also farming unsuspecting BEAM programmers for better
sample page paths :)

* Update ComboBox test

* Unify error message color class with helpers seen elsewhere

* Use goal.display_name where applicable

* Implement LiveView extensions for editing goals

* Sprinkle display name in external stats controller tests

* Format

* Fix goal list mobile view

* Update lib/plausible_web/live/goal_settings/list.ex

Co-authored-by: Artur Pata <>

* Update lib/plausible_web/live/goal_settings/form.ex

Co-authored-by: Artur Pata <>

* Update the APIs: plugins and external

* Update test so the intent is clearer

* Format


* Simplify form tabs tests

* Revert "Format"

This reverts commit c1647b5307.

* Fixup format commit that went too far

* ComboBox: select the input contents on first focus

* Update lib/plausible/goal/schema.ex

Co-authored-by: Adrian Gruntkowski <>

* Update lib/plausible/goals/goals.ex

Co-authored-by: Adrian Gruntkowski <>

* Update lib/plausible_web/live/goal_settings/form.ex

Co-authored-by: Adrian Gruntkowski <>

* Pass form goal instead of just ID

* Make tab component dumber

* Extract separate render functions for edit and create forms

* Update test to account for extracted forms

* Inline goal get query

* Extract revenue goal settings to a component and avoid computing assigns in flight

* Make LV modal preload optional

* Disable preload for goal settings form modal

* Get rid of phash component ID hack

* For another render after render_submit when testing goal updates

* Fix LV preload option

* Enable preload back for goals modal for now

* Make formatter happy

* Implement support for preopening of LV modal

* Preopen goals modal to avoid feedback gap on loading edited goal

* Remove `console.log` call from modal JS

* Clean up display name input IDs

* Make revenue settings functional on first edit again

* Display names: 2nd stage migration

* Update migration with data backfill


Co-authored-by: Artur Pata <>
Co-authored-by: Adrian Gruntkowski <>
2024-08-09 11:12:00 +02:00

253 lines
8.3 KiB

defmodule PlausibleWeb.Live.GoalSettingsTest do
use PlausibleWeb.ConnCase, async: true
import Phoenix.LiveViewTest
import Plausible.Test.Support.HTML
describe "GET /:website/settings/goals" do
setup [:create_user, :log_in, :create_site]
@tag :ee_only
test "lists goals for the site and renders links", %{conn: conn, site: site} do
{:ok, [g1, g2, g3]} = setup_goals(site)
conn = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/goals")
resp = html_response(conn, 200)
assert resp =~ "Define actions that you want your users to take"
assert resp =~ "compose Goals into Funnels"
assert resp =~ "/#{URI.encode_www_form(site.domain)}/settings/funnels"
assert element_exists?(resp, ~s|a[href=""]|)
assert resp =~ to_string(g1)
assert resp =~ "Pageview"
assert resp =~ to_string(g2)
assert resp =~ "Custom Event"
assert resp =~ to_string(g3)
assert resp =~ "Revenue Goal"
@tag :ee_only
test "lists Revenue Goals with feature availability annotation if the plan does not cover them",
%{conn: conn, user: user, site: site} do
{:ok, [_, _, g3]} = setup_goals(site)
|> Plausible.Auth.User.end_trial()
|> Plausible.Repo.update!()
conn = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/goals")
resp = html_response(conn, 200)
assert g3.currency
assert resp =~ to_string(g3)
assert resp =~ "Unlock Revenue Goals by upgrading to a business plan"
refute element_exists?(
test "lists goals with actions", %{conn: conn, site: site} do
{:ok, goals} = setup_goals(site)
conn = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/goals")
resp = html_response(conn, 200)
for g <- goals do
assert element_exists?(
assert element_exists?(
test "if no goals are present, a proper info is displayed", %{conn: conn, site: site} do
conn = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/goals")
resp = html_response(conn, 200)
assert resp =~ "No goals configured for this site"
test "if goals are present, no info about missing goals is displayed", %{
conn: conn,
site: site
} do
{:ok, _goals} = setup_goals(site)
conn = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/goals")
resp = html_response(conn, 200)
refute resp =~ "No goals configured for this site"
test "add goal button is rendered", %{conn: conn, site: site} do
conn = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/goals")
resp = html_response(conn, 200)
assert element_exists?(resp, ~s/button#add-goal-button[phx-click="add-goal"]/)
test "search goals input is rendered", %{conn: conn, site: site} do
conn = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/goals")
resp = html_response(conn, 200)
assert element_exists?(resp, ~s/input[type="text"]#filter-text/)
assert element_exists?(resp, ~s/form[phx-change="filter"]#filter-form/)
describe "GoalSettings live view" do
setup [:create_user, :log_in, :create_site]
test "allows goal deletion", %{conn: conn, site: site} do
{:ok, [g1, g2 | _]} = setup_goals(site)
{lv, html} = get_liveview(conn, site, with_html?: true)
assert html =~ to_string(g1)
assert html =~ to_string(g2)
html = lv |> element(~s/button#delete-goal-#{}/) |> render_click()
refute html =~ to_string(g1)
assert html =~ to_string(g2)
html = get(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/goals") |> html_response(200)
refute html =~ to_string(g1)
assert html =~ to_string(g2)
test "allows list filtering / search", %{conn: conn, site: site} do
{:ok, [g1, g2, g3]} = setup_goals(site)
{lv, html} = get_liveview(conn, site, with_html?: true)
assert html =~ to_string(g1)
assert html =~ to_string(g2)
assert html =~ to_string(g3)
html = type_into_search(lv, to_string(g3))
refute html =~ to_string(g1)
refute html =~ to_string(g2)
assert html =~ to_string(g3)
test "allows resetting filter text via backspace icon", %{conn: conn, site: site} do
{:ok, [g1, g2, g3]} = setup_goals(site)
{lv, html} = get_liveview(conn, site, with_html?: true)
refute element_exists?(html, ~s/svg[phx-click="reset-filter-text"]#reset-filter/)
html = type_into_search(lv, to_string(g3))
assert element_exists?(html, ~s/svg[phx-click="reset-filter-text"]#reset-filter/)
html = lv |> element(~s/svg#reset-filter/) |> render_click()
assert html =~ to_string(g1)
assert html =~ to_string(g2)
assert html =~ to_string(g3)
test "allows resetting filter text via no match link", %{conn: conn, site: site} do
{:ok, _goals} = setup_goals(site)
lv = get_liveview(conn, site)
html = type_into_search(lv, "Definitely this is not going to render any matches")
assert html =~ "No goals found for this site. Please refine or"
assert html =~ "reset your search"
assert element_exists?(html, ~s/a[phx-click="reset-filter-text"]#reset-filter-hint/)
html = lv |> element(~s/a#reset-filter-hint/) |> render_click()
refute html =~ "No goals found for this site. Please refine or"
test "Add Goal form view is rendered immediately, though hidden", %{conn: conn, site: site} do
{:ok, _goals} = setup_goals(site)
{_, html} = get_liveview(conn, site, with_html?: true)
assert html =~ "Add Goal for #{site.domain}"
assert element_exists?(
~s/#goals-form-modal form[phx-submit="save-goal"]/
test "auto-configuring custom event goals", %{conn: conn, site: site} do
populate_stats(site, [
build(:event, name: "Signup"),
build(:event, name: "Newsletter Signup"),
build(:event, name: "Purchase")
autoconfigure_button_selector = ~s/button[phx-click="autoconfigure"]/
assert_suggested_event_name_count = fn html, number ->
assert text_of_element(html, autoconfigure_button_selector) =~
"found #{number} custom events from the last 6 months that are not yet configured as goals"
{lv, html} = get_liveview(conn, site, with_html?: true)
# At first, 3 event names are suggested
assert_suggested_event_name_count.(html, 3)
# Add one goal
|> element("#goals-form-modal form")
|> render_submit(%{goal: %{event_name: "Signup"}})
html = render(lv)
# Now two goals are suggested because one is already added
assert_suggested_event_name_count.(html, 2)
# Delete the goal
goal = Plausible.Repo.get_by(Plausible.Goal, site_id:, event_name: "Signup")
html = lv |> element(~s/button#delete-goal-#{}/) |> render_click()
# Suggested event name count should be 3 again
assert_suggested_event_name_count.(html, 3)
# Autoconfigure all custom event goals
|> element(autoconfigure_button_selector)
|> render_click()
html = render(lv)
# All possible goals exist - no suggestions anymore
refute html =~ "from the last 6 months"
defp setup_goals(site) do
{:ok, g1} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"page_path" => "/go/to/blog/**"})
{:ok, g2} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"event_name" => "Register"})
{:ok, g3} = Plausible.Goals.create(site, %{"event_name" => "Purchase", "currency" => "EUR"})
{:ok, [g1, g2, g3]}
defp get_liveview(conn, site, opts \\ []) do
conn = assign(conn, :live_module, PlausibleWeb.Live.GoalSettings)
{:ok, lv, html} = live(conn, "/#{site.domain}/settings/goals")
if Keyword.get(opts, :with_html?) do
{lv, html}
defp type_into_search(lv, text) do
|> element("form#filter-form")
|> render_change(%{
"_target" => ["filter-text"],
"filter-text" => "#{text}"