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# Device Detector - The Universal Device Detection library for parsing User Agents
# @link https://matomo.org
# @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html LGPL v3 or later
- regex: 'Outlook-Express(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Outlook Express'
version: '$1'
# Outlook https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/microsoft-outlook/id951937596
- regex: '^Outlook-iOS/(?:.+\((\d+[\.\d]+)\)$)?'
name: 'Microsoft Outlook'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:(?:Microsoft )?Outlook|MacOutlook)(?:[/ ](\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Microsoft Outlook'
version: '$1'
# Default Mail Client for Windows
- regex: 'WindowsMail(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))'
name: 'Windows Mail'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:Thunderbird|Icedove|Shredder)(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Thunderbird'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Airmail(?: (\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Airmail'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Lotus-Notes(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Lotus Notes'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Barca(?:Pro)?(?:[/ ](\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Barca'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Postbox(?:[/ ](\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Postbox'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'MailBar(?:[/ ](\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'MailBar'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'The Bat!(?: Voyager)?(?:[/ ](\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'The Bat!'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'DAVdroid(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'DAVdroid'
version: '$1'
# SeaMonkey
- regex: '(?:SeaMonkey|Iceape)(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'SeaMonkey'
version: '$1'
# Live5ch
- regex: 'Live5ch/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Live5ch'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'JaneView/'
name: 'JaneView'
version: ''
- regex: 'BathyScaphe/'
name: 'BathyScaphe'
version: ''
# Raindrop.io (https://raindrop.io/)
- regex: 'Raindrop\.io/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Raindrop.io'
version: '$1'
# Franz (https://meetfranz.com/)
- regex: 'Franz/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Franz'
version: '$1'
# Mailspring (https://www.electronjs.org/apps/mailspring)
- regex: 'Mailspring/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Mailspring'
version: '$1'
# Notion (https://www.notion.so/)
- regex: 'Notion/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Notion'
version: '$1'
# Basecamp (https://basecamp.com/)
- regex: 'Basecamp[0-9]/?(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Basecamp'
version: '$1'
# Evernote (https://evernote.com/)
- regex: 'Evernote/?(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Evernote'
version: '$1'
# Rambox Pro (https://rambox.app/)
- regex: 'ramboxpro/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)?'
name: 'Rambox Pro'
version: '$1'
# Mailbird (https://www.getmailbird.com/)
- regex: 'Mailbird/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)/'
name: 'Mailbird'
version: '$1'
# Yahoo Mail (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/yahoo-mail-organised-email/id577586159)
- regex: 'Yahoo%20Mail'
name: 'Yahoo Mail'
version: ''
# Yahoo! Mail (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.yahoo.android.ymail | https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/yahoo-%E3%83%A1%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB/id669931877)
- regex: 'jp.co.yahoo.ymail/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Yahoo! Mail'
version: '$1'
# eM Client (https://emclient.com/)
- regex: 'eM ?Client/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'eM Client'
version: '$1'
# NAVER Mail (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nhn.android.mail)
- regex: 'NaverMailApp/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'NAVER Mail'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Mail/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Apple Mail'
version: '$1'
# Foxmail (https://www.foxmail.com/)
- regex: 'Foxmail/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Foxmail'
version: '$1'
# Mail Master (https://apps.apple.com/mw/app/mail-master-by-netease/id897003024)
- regex: 'MailMaster(?:PC)?/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Mail Master'
version: '$1'
# BlueMail (https://bluemail.me/)
- regex: 'BlueMail/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'BlueMail'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'mailapp/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'mailapp'
version: '$1'