RobertJoonas 8ac166b447
Add revenue metrics to Properties report (#3209)
* extract add_exit_rate function

* Change internal API metric names for /entry-pages & /exit-pages

* `unique_entrances` -> `visitors`,
* `total_entrances` -> `visits`,
* `unique_exits` -> `visitors`,
* `total_exits` -> `visits`,

This is just a consistency improvement - the `visitors` metric always means
one thing and there's no need to call it different for entry pages internally.

This commit does not change any noticable behavior. The UI labels are kept
the same and the column headers in the CSV export will also remain the same.

* Change internal API metric names for /conversions

* `unique_conversions` -> `visitors`,
* `total_conversions` -> `events`,

* return revenue metrics from /custom-prop-values (backend)

* be more explicit about which metric is plotted with Bar

* validate that ListReport input metrics actually exist in the API response

* display revenue metrics in the dashboard Properties section

* limit the number of columns shown on mobile

* add revenue metrics to Properties > Details

* review suggestions

* define hiddenOnMobile per metric instead of keeping the first 3

* rewrite if-else block


Co-authored-by: Vini Brasil <>
2023-08-01 13:52:31 +01:00

72 lines
2.5 KiB

import React, { useCallback, useState } from "react";
import ListReport from "../reports/list";
import Combobox from '../../components/combobox'
import * as api from '../../api'
import * as url from '../../util/url'
import { CR_METRIC, PERCENTAGE_METRIC } from "../reports/metrics";
import * as storage from "../../util/storage";
export default function Properties(props) {
const { site, query } = props
const propKeyStorageName = `prop_key__${site.domain}`
const [propKey, setPropKey] = useState(defaultPropKey())
function defaultPropKey() {
const stored = storage.getItem(propKeyStorageName)
if (stored) { return stored }
return null
function fetchProps() {
return api.get(url.apiPath(site, `/custom-prop-values/${encodeURIComponent(propKey)}`), query)
const fetchPropKeyOptions = useCallback(() => {
return (input) => {
return api.get(url.apiPath(site, "/suggestions/prop_key"), query, { q: input.trim() })
}, [query])
function onPropKeySelect() {
return (selectedOptions) => {
const newPropKey = selectedOptions.length === 0 ? null : selectedOptions[0].value
if (newPropKey) { storage.setItem(propKeyStorageName, newPropKey) }
function renderBreakdown() {
return (
{name: 'visitors', label: 'Visitors', plot: true},
{name: 'events', label: 'Events', hiddenOnMobile: true},
query.filters.goal ? CR_METRIC : PERCENTAGE_METRIC,
{name: 'total_revenue', label: 'Revenue', hiddenOnMobile: true},
{name: 'average_revenue', label: 'Average', hiddenOnMobile: true}
detailsLink={url.sitePath(site, `/custom-prop-values/${propKey}`)}
const getFilterFor = (listItem) => { return {'props': JSON.stringify({[propKey]: listItem['name']})} }
const comboboxValues = propKey ? [{value: propKey, label: propKey}] : []
const boxClass = 'pl-2 pr-8 py-1 bg-transparent dark:text-gray-300 rounded-md shadow-sm border border-gray-300 dark:border-gray-500'
return (
<div className="w-full mt-4">
<div className="w-56">
<Combobox boxClass={boxClass} fetchOptions={fetchPropKeyOptions()} singleOption={true} values={comboboxValues} onSelect={onPropKeySelect()} placeholder={'Select a property'} />
{ propKey && renderBreakdown() }