2024-07-01 09:30:09 +02:00

614 lines
14 KiB

# Device Detector - The Universal Device Detection library for parsing User Agents
# @link
# @license LGPL v3 or later
- regex: 'kiwi-tcms/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Kiwi TCMS'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'tcms-api/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Kiwi TCMS API'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'Fuzz Faster U Fool v(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'FFUF'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'Slim Framework'
name: 'Slim Framework'
version: ''
url: ''
- regex: 'msray-plus'
name: 'Msray-Plus'
version: ''
url: ''
- regex: 'HTMLParser(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'HTML Parser'
version: '$1'
url: ''
# got - a nodejs library
- regex: '^got(?:/(\d+\.[.\d]+))? \('
name: 'got'
version: '$1'
url: ''
# Typhoeus
- regex: 'Typhoeus'
name: 'Typhoeus'
version: ''
url: ''
# req
- regex: 'req/v([\.\d]+)'
name: 'req'
version: '$1'
url: ''
# quic-go
- regex: 'quic-go-HTTP/3'
name: 'quic-go'
version: ''
url: ''
# Azure Data Factory
- regex: 'azure-data-factory(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Azure Data Factory'
version: '$1'
url: ''
# Dart
- regex: 'Dart(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Dart'
version: '$1'
url: ''
# r-curl
- regex: 'r-curl(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'r-curl'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'python-httpx(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'HTTPX'
version: '$1'
url: ''
# fasthttp
- regex: 'fasthttp(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'fasthttp'
version: '$1'
url: ''
# GeoIP Update
- regex: 'geoipupdate(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'GeoIP Update'
version: '$1'
url: ''
# PHP cURL Class
- regex: 'PHP-Curl-Class(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'PHP cURL Class'
version: '$1'
url: ''
# cPanel HTTP Client
- regex: 'Cpanel-HTTP-Client(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'cPanel HTTP Client'
version: '$1'
url: ''
# AnyEvent HTTP
- regex: 'AnyEvent-HTTP(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'AnyEvent HTTP'
version: '$1'
url: ''
# SlimerJS
- regex: 'SlimerJS/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'SlimerJS'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'Wget(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Wget'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Guzzle(?:Http)?(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Guzzle (PHP HTTP Client)'
version: '$1'
# symphony php http client
- regex: '^Symfony HttpClient/'
name: 'Symfony'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:lib)?curl(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'curl'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'python-requests(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Python Requests'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Python-httplib2(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'httplib2'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'Python-urllib3?(?:/?(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Python urllib'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Apache-HttpClient(?:/?(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Apache HTTP Client'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Java-http-client(?:/?(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Java HTTP Client'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Java(?:/?(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Java'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:perlclient|libwww-perl)(?:/?(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Perl'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'grpc-java-okhttp/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'gRPC-Java'
version: '$1'
url: ''
# java library
- regex: '(?:okhttp|network-okhttp3)/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'OkHttp'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'okhttp3-([\d\.]+)'
name: 'OkHttp'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'HTTP_Request2(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'HTTP_Request2'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'HTTP_Request2(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'HTTP_Request2'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'Mechanize(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Mechanize'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'aiohttp(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'aiohttp'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Google-HTTP-Java-Client(?:/(\d+[\.\w-]+))?'
name: 'Google HTTP Java Client'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'WWW-Mechanize(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'WWW-Mechanize'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Faraday(?: v(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Faraday'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: '(?:Go-http-client|Go )/?(?:(\d+[\.\d]+))?(?: package http)?'
name: 'Go-http-client'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'urlgrabber(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'urlgrabber (yum)'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'libdnf(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'libdnf'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'HTTPie(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'HTTPie'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'rest-client/(\d+\.[\.\d]+) .*ruby'
name: 'REST Client for Ruby'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'RestSharp/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'RestSharp'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'scalaj-http/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'ScalaJ HTTP'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'REST::Client/(\d+)'
name: 'Perl REST::Client'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'node-fetch/?(\d+[\.\d]+)?'
name: 'Node Fetch'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'electron-fetch/?(\d+[\.\d]+)?'
name: 'Electron Fetch'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'ReactorNetty/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'ReactorNetty'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'PostmanRuntime(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Postman Desktop'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'insomnia(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Insomnia REST Client'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'Jakarta Commons HttpClient'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'WinHttp\.WinHttpRequest.+([\.\d]+)'
name: 'WinHttp WinHttpRequest'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'WinHTTP'
name: 'Windows HTTP'
version: ''
# THTTPClient in delphi 10+ default useragent
- regex: 'Embarcadero URI Client/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'Embarcadero URI Client'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Mikrotik/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'Mikrotik Fetch'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'GRequests(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'GRequests'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'akka-http/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'Akka HTTP'
version: '$1'
# this added need added tests
- regex: 'aria2(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Aria2'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:BTWebClient/|^uTorrent/)'
name: 'uTorrent'
version: ''
- regex: 'gvfs/(?:(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'gvfs'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'uclient-fetch'
name: 'uclient-fetch'
version: ''
- regex: 'cpprestsdk/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'C++ REST SDK'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'lua-resty-http/([\.\d]+).+ngx_'
name: 'LUA OpenResty NGINX'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'unirest-java/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'Unirest for Java'
version: '$1'
# jsdom (
- regex: 'jsdom/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'jsdom'
version: '$1'
# hackney ( (elixir)
- regex: 'hackney/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'hackney'
version: '$1'
# Resty (
- regex: 'go-resty/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'Resty'
version: '$1'
# Pa11y (
- regex: 'pa11y/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'Pa11y'
version: '$1'
# Ultimate Sitemap Parser (
- regex: 'ultimate_sitemap_parser/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'Ultimate Sitemap Parser'
version: '$1'
# Container-related useragents
# Artifactory (
- regex: 'Artifactory/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'Artifactory'
version: '$1'
# Open build service (
- regex: 'BSRPC ([\.\d]+)'
name: 'Open Build Service'
version: '$1'
# Buildah (
- regex: 'Buildah/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'Buildah'
version: '$1'
# Buildkit (
- regex: 'buildkit/v?([\.\d]+)'
name: 'BuildKit'
version: '$1'
# containerd (
- regex: 'containerd/v?([\.\d]+)'
name: 'Containerd'
version: '$1'
# containers (
- regex: 'containers/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'containers'
version: '$1'
# cri-o (
- regex: 'cri-o/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'cri-o'
version: '$1'
# docker (
- regex: 'docker/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'docker'
version: '$1'
# gcr (
- regex: 'go-containerregistry/v([\.\d]+)'
name: 'go-container registry'
version: '$1'
# libpod (
- regex: 'libpod/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'libpod'
version: '$1'
# skopeo (
- regex: 'skopeo/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'Skopeo'
version: '$1'
# helm (
- regex: 'Helm/([\.\d]+)'
name: 'Helm'
version: '$1'
# harbor client (
- regex: 'harbor-registry-client'
name: 'Harbor registry client'
version: ''
# axios http (
- regex: 'axios(?:/?(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: Axios
version: '$1'
# Classier solution for file uploads for Rails, Sinatra and other Ruby web frameworks
- regex: '^CarrierWave/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'CarrierWave'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Deno/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Deno'
version: '$1'
# Streaming downloads using net/http, http.rb, HTTPX or wget (ruby)
- regex: '^Down/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Down'
version: '$1'
# various programs can use this, like vlc, but the underlying lib is ffmpeg
- regex: '^Lavf/'
name: 'ffmpeg'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^FileDownloader/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'FileDownloader'
version: '$1'
# Allows managing large files with git, without storing the file contents in git
- regex: '^git-annex/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'git-annex'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^GStreamer(?: souphttpsrc)[ /](\d+\.[.\d]+)?'
name: 'GStreamer'
version: '$1'
# A small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client (Perl)
- regex: '^HTTP-Tiny/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'HTTP:Tiny'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'KaiOS Downloader'
name: 'KaiOS Downloader'
version: ''
# HTTP client/server library for GNOME
- regex: '^libsoup/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'libsoup'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Android\.LVLDM$'
name: 'Android License Verification Library'
version: '$1'
# A file downloader library for Android with pause and resume support
- regex: '^PRDownloader$'
name: 'PRDownloader'
version: ''
# a rust http library
- regex: '^reqwest/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'reqwest'
version: '$1'
# lua http library
- regex: '^resty-requests'
name: 'resty-requests'
version: ''
# ruby core lib http download
- regex: '^Ruby'
name: 'ruby'
version: ''
# SFSafariViewController, some safari service
- regex: '^SafariViewService/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Safari View Service'
version: '$1'
# a nodejs lib
- regex: '^undici$'
name: 'undici'
version: ''
# URL, an emacs plugin
- regex: '^URL/Emacs Emacs/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Emacs'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^FDM[ /]([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Free Download Manager'
version: '$1'
# ''
- regex: 'OkDownload/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'OKDownload Library'
version: '$1'
# podcast host (probably an importer)
- regex: '^Libsyn4-?(?:peek|download)$'
name: 'Libsyn'
version: ''
# any ios application that uses apple core media but doesn't set its user
# agent will default to this, always with 1.0.0 version.
# there was a time when (not even that long ago) apple didn't let you set
# a user agent so a ton of random applications still identify themselves this way.
- regex: 'AppleCoreMedia/1\.0\.0'
name: 'iOS Application'
version: ''
- regex: 'cpp-httplib(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'cpp-httplib'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'Definitely-Not-Requests'
name: 'Requests'
version: ''
url: ''
- regex: 'Stealer ([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Stealer'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'Mandrill-PHP(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Mandrill PHP'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: '^Podgrab'
name: 'Podgrab'
version: ''
url: ''
- regex: '^Podcast Provider.*?Radio Downloader ([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Radio Downloader'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: '^ESP32 HTTP Client/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'ESP32 HTTP Client'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'babashka\.http-client(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Babashka HTTP Client'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'http\.rb(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'http.rb'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'node-superagent(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'superagent'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'CakePHP'
name: 'CakePHP'
version: ''
url: ''
- regex: 'request\.js'
name: 'request'
version: ''
url: ''
- regex: 'qbhttp(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'QbHttp'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'httprs(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'httprs'
version: '$1'
url: ''
- regex: 'Boto3(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Boto3'
version: '$1'
url: ''