mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 03:21:37 +03:00
* refactor asserting plan generation in plans_test.exs * stop grandfathering old expired trials For users who registered before the business tiers release, we want to offer a chance to subscribe to a grandfathered plan. However, if they let their trial expire and don't subscribe in the next 10 days, they'll lose that opportunity. * stop grandfathering expired subscriptions * remove default title and icon from Generic.notice * fix bug with dismissable notice classList is null when dismissable_id is not given * alias Plausible.Auth.User * Refactor Generic.notice component Make it easy to apply different colors * move subscription_cancelled_notice across the app And remove from user settings > subscription box. Also, include a note about losing grandfathered status when letting the subscription expire. * allow full width in Generic.notice * use Generic.notice for subscription_past_due_notice * use Generic.notice for subscription_paused_notice * prevent two notices clashing into each other with gap-y-2 * define attrs for phx components * optimize for light mode * make subscription cancelled notice dismissable but if it's dismiss, show it in the place where it was before in the account settings > subscription box * make function private * replace function doc with regular comment to avoid compile warning * use array for classnames Co-authored-by: Vinicius Brasil <vini@hey.com> * fix typos in function doc --------- Co-authored-by: Vinicius Brasil <vini@hey.com>
807 lines
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807 lines
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defmodule PlausibleWeb.Live.ChoosePlanTest do
use PlausibleWeb.ConnCase, async: true
import Phoenix.LiveViewTest
import Plausible.Test.Support.HTML
require Plausible.Billing.Subscription.Status
alias Plausible.{Repo, Billing.Subscription}
@v1_10k_yearly_plan_id "572810"
@v4_growth_200k_yearly_plan_id "857081"
@v4_business_5m_monthly_plan_id "857111"
@v3_business_10k_monthly_plan_id "857481"
@monthly_interval_button ~s/label[phx-click="set_interval"][phx-value-interval="monthly"]/
@yearly_interval_button ~s/label[phx-click="set_interval"][phx-value-interval="yearly"]/
@interval_button_active_class "bg-indigo-600 text-white"
@slider_input ~s/input[name="slider"]/
@slider_value "#slider-value"
@growth_plan_box "#growth-plan-box"
@growth_price_tag_amount "#growth-price-tag-amount"
@growth_price_tag_interval "#growth-price-tag-interval"
@growth_highlight_pill "#{@growth_plan_box} #highlight-pill"
@growth_checkout_button "#growth-checkout"
@business_plan_box "#business-plan-box"
@business_price_tag_amount "#business-price-tag-amount"
@business_price_tag_interval "#business-price-tag-interval"
@business_highlight_pill "#{@business_plan_box} #highlight-pill"
@business_checkout_button "#business-checkout"
@enterprise_plan_box "#enterprise-plan-box"
@slider_volumes ["10k", "100k", "200k", "500k", "1M", "2M", "5M", "10M", "10M+"]
describe "for a legacy trial (user registered before business tiers release)" do
setup %{conn: conn} do
user = insert(:user, trial_expiry_date: ~D[2023-11-24])
{:ok, conn: conn} = log_in(%{conn: conn, user: user})
{:ok, conn: conn, user: user}
test "renders v3 plan benefits, but no grandfathering notice", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
growth_box = text_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box)
business_box = text_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box)
assert growth_box =~ "Unlimited team members"
assert growth_box =~ "Up to 50 sites"
assert growth_box =~ "Intuitive, fast and privacy-friendly dashboard"
assert growth_box =~ "Email/Slack reports"
assert growth_box =~ "Google Analytics import"
assert growth_box =~ "Goals and custom events"
assert growth_box =~ "Stats API (600 requests per hour)"
assert growth_box =~ "Custom Properties"
assert business_box =~ "Everything in Growth"
assert business_box =~ "Funnels"
assert business_box =~ "Ecommerce revenue attribution"
assert business_box =~ "Priority support"
refute growth_box =~ "Your subscription has been grandfathered"
describe "for a user with no subscription" do
setup [:create_user, :log_in]
test "displays basic page content", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert doc =~ "Upgrade your account"
assert doc =~ "You have used"
assert doc =~ "<b>0</b>"
assert doc =~ "billable pageviews in the last 30 days"
assert doc =~ "Questions?"
assert doc =~ "What happens if I go over my page views limit?"
assert doc =~ "Enterprise"
assert doc =~ "+ VAT if applicable"
test "displays plan benefits", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
growth_box = text_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box)
business_box = text_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box)
enterprise_box = text_of_element(doc, @enterprise_plan_box)
assert growth_box =~ "Up to 3 team members"
assert growth_box =~ "Up to 10 sites"
assert growth_box =~ "Intuitive, fast and privacy-friendly dashboard"
assert growth_box =~ "Email/Slack reports"
assert growth_box =~ "Google Analytics import"
assert growth_box =~ "Goals and custom events"
assert business_box =~ "Everything in Growth"
assert business_box =~ "Up to 10 team members"
assert business_box =~ "Up to 50 sites"
assert business_box =~ "Stats API (600 requests per hour)"
assert business_box =~ "Custom Properties"
assert business_box =~ "Funnels"
assert business_box =~ "Ecommerce revenue attribution"
assert business_box =~ "Priority support"
refute business_box =~ "Goals and custom events"
assert enterprise_box =~ "Everything in Business"
assert enterprise_box =~ "10+ team members"
assert enterprise_box =~ "50+ sites"
assert enterprise_box =~ "600+ Stats API requests per hour"
assert enterprise_box =~ "Sites API access for"
assert enterprise_box =~ "Technical onboarding"
assert text_of_attr(find(doc, "#{@enterprise_plan_box} p a"), "href") =~
test "default billing interval is monthly, and can switch to yearly", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert class_of_element(doc, @monthly_interval_button) =~ @interval_button_active_class
refute class_of_element(doc, @yearly_interval_button) =~ @interval_button_active_class
doc = element(lv, @yearly_interval_button) |> render_click()
refute class_of_element(doc, @monthly_interval_button) =~ @interval_button_active_class
assert class_of_element(doc, @yearly_interval_button) =~ @interval_button_active_class
test "default pageview limit is 10k", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "10k"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_amount) == "€10"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_price_tag_amount) == "€90"
test "pageview slider changes selected volume and prices shown", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, _doc} = get_liveview(conn)
doc = set_slider(lv, "100k")
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "100k"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_amount) == "€20"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_price_tag_amount) == "€100"
doc = set_slider(lv, "200k")
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "200k"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_amount) == "€30"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_price_tag_amount) == "€110"
doc = set_slider(lv, "500k")
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "500k"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_amount) == "€40"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_price_tag_amount) == "€120"
doc = set_slider(lv, "1M")
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "1M"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_amount) == "€50"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_price_tag_amount) == "€130"
doc = set_slider(lv, "2M")
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "2M"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_amount) == "€60"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_price_tag_amount) == "€140"
doc = set_slider(lv, "5M")
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "5M"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_amount) == "€70"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_price_tag_amount) == "€150"
doc = set_slider(lv, "10M")
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "10M"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_amount) == "€80"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_price_tag_amount) == "€160"
test "renders contact links for business and growth tiers when enterprise-level volume selected",
conn: conn
} do
{:ok, lv, _doc} = get_liveview(conn)
doc = set_slider(lv, "10M+")
assert text_of_element(doc, "#growth-custom-price") =~ "Custom"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box) =~ "Contact us"
assert text_of_element(doc, "#business-custom-price") =~ "Custom"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box) =~ "Contact us"
doc = set_slider(lv, "10M")
refute text_of_element(doc, "#growth-custom-price") =~ "Custom"
refute text_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box) =~ "Contact us"
refute text_of_element(doc, "#business-custom-price") =~ "Custom"
refute text_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box) =~ "Contact us"
test "switching billing interval changes business and growth prices", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_amount) == "€10"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_interval) == "/month"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_price_tag_amount) == "€90"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_price_tag_interval) == "/month"
doc = element(lv, @yearly_interval_button) |> render_click()
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_amount) == "€100"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_interval) == "/year"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_price_tag_amount) == "€900"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_price_tag_interval) == "/year"
test "checkout buttons are 'paddle buttons' with dynamic onclick attribute", %{
conn: conn,
user: user
} do
{:ok, lv, _doc} = get_liveview(conn)
set_slider(lv, "200k")
doc = element(lv, @yearly_interval_button) |> render_click()
assert %{
"disableLogout" => true,
"email" => user.email,
"passthrough" => user.id,
"product" => @v4_growth_200k_yearly_plan_id,
"success" => Routes.billing_path(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :upgrade_success),
"theme" => "none"
} == get_paddle_checkout_params(find(doc, @growth_checkout_button))
set_slider(lv, "5M")
doc = element(lv, @monthly_interval_button) |> render_click()
assert get_paddle_checkout_params(find(doc, @business_checkout_button))["product"] ==
test "warns about losing access to a feature", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
site = insert(:site, members: [user])
Plausible.Props.allow(site, ["author"])
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_attr(find(doc, @growth_checkout_button), "onclick") =~
"if (confirm(\"This plan does not support Custom Properties, which you are currently using. Please note that by subscribing to this plan you will lose access to this feature.\")) {Paddle.Checkout.open"
test "recommends Growth tier when no premium features were used", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box) =~ "Recommended"
refute text_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box) =~ "Recommended"
test "recommends Business tier when Revenue Goals were used during trial", %{
conn: conn,
user: user
} do
site = insert(:site, members: [user])
insert(:goal, site: site, currency: :USD, event_name: "Purchase")
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box) =~ "Recommended"
refute text_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box) =~ "Recommended"
describe "for a user with a v4 growth subscription plan" do
setup [:create_user, :log_in, :subscribe_v4_growth]
test "displays basic page content", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert doc =~ "Change subscription plan"
assert doc =~ "Questions?"
refute doc =~ "What happens if I go over my page views limit?"
test "displays plan benefits", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
growth_box = text_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box)
business_box = text_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box)
enterprise_box = text_of_element(doc, @enterprise_plan_box)
assert growth_box =~ "Up to 3 team members"
assert growth_box =~ "Up to 10 sites"
assert growth_box =~ "Intuitive, fast and privacy-friendly dashboard"
assert growth_box =~ "Email/Slack reports"
assert growth_box =~ "Google Analytics import"
assert growth_box =~ "Goals and custom events"
assert business_box =~ "Everything in Growth"
assert business_box =~ "Up to 10 team members"
assert business_box =~ "Up to 50 sites"
assert business_box =~ "Stats API (600 requests per hour)"
assert business_box =~ "Custom Properties"
assert business_box =~ "Funnels"
assert business_box =~ "Ecommerce revenue attribution"
assert business_box =~ "Priority support"
refute business_box =~ "Goals and custom events"
assert enterprise_box =~ "Everything in Business"
assert enterprise_box =~ "10+ team members"
assert enterprise_box =~ "50+ sites"
assert enterprise_box =~ "600+ Stats API requests per hour"
assert enterprise_box =~ "Sites API access for"
assert enterprise_box =~ "Technical onboarding"
assert text_of_attr(find(doc, "#{@enterprise_plan_box} p a"), "href") =~
test "displays usage", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
site = insert(:site, members: [user])
populate_stats(site, [
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert doc =~ "You have used"
assert doc =~ "<b>2</b>"
assert doc =~ "billable pageviews in the last 30 days"
test "gets default selected interval from current subscription plan", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert class_of_element(doc, @yearly_interval_button) =~ @interval_button_active_class
test "gets default pageview limit from current subscription plan", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "200k"
test "pageview slider changes selected volume", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, _doc} = get_liveview(conn)
doc = set_slider(lv, "100k")
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "100k"
doc = set_slider(lv, "10k")
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "10k"
test "makes it clear that the user is currently on a growth tier", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
class = class_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box)
assert class =~ "ring-2"
assert class =~ "ring-indigo-600"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_highlight_pill) == "Current"
test "checkout button text and click-disabling CSS classes are dynamic", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) == "Currently on this plan"
assert class_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) =~ "pointer-events-none bg-gray-400"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_checkout_button) == "Upgrade to Business"
doc = element(lv, @monthly_interval_button) |> render_click()
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) == "Change billing interval"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_checkout_button) == "Upgrade to Business"
doc = set_slider(lv, "1M")
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) == "Upgrade"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_checkout_button) == "Upgrade to Business"
doc = set_slider(lv, "100k")
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) == "Downgrade"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_checkout_button) == "Upgrade to Business"
test "checkout buttons are dynamic links to /billing/change-plan/preview/<plan_id>", %{
conn: conn
} do
{:ok, lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
growth_checkout_button = find(doc, @growth_checkout_button)
assert text_of_attr(growth_checkout_button, "onclick") =~
"if (true) {window.location = '#{Routes.billing_path(conn, :change_plan_preview, @v4_growth_200k_yearly_plan_id)}'}"
set_slider(lv, "5M")
doc = element(lv, @monthly_interval_button) |> render_click()
business_checkout_button = find(doc, @business_checkout_button)
assert text_of_attr(business_checkout_button, "onclick") =~
"if (true) {window.location = '#{Routes.billing_path(conn, :change_plan_preview, @v4_business_5m_monthly_plan_id)}'}"
describe "for a user with a v4 business subscription plan" do
setup [:create_user, :log_in, :subscribe_v4_business]
test "gets default pageview limit from current subscription plan", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "5M"
test "makes it clear that the user is currently on a business tier", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
class = class_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box)
assert class =~ "ring-2"
assert class =~ "ring-indigo-600"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_highlight_pill) == "Current"
test "checkout button text and click-disabling CSS classes are dynamic", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_checkout_button) == "Currently on this plan"
assert class_of_element(doc, @business_checkout_button) =~ "pointer-events-none bg-gray-400"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) == "Downgrade to Growth"
doc = element(lv, @yearly_interval_button) |> render_click()
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_checkout_button) == "Change billing interval"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) == "Downgrade to Growth"
doc = set_slider(lv, "10M")
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_checkout_button) == "Upgrade"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) == "Downgrade to Growth"
doc = set_slider(lv, "100k")
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_checkout_button) == "Downgrade"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) == "Downgrade to Growth"
test "checkout is disabled when team member usage exceeds rendered plan limit", %{
conn: conn,
user: user
} do
memberships: [
build(:site_membership, user: user, role: :owner),
build(:site_membership, user: build(:user)),
build(:site_membership, user: build(:user)),
build(:site_membership, user: build(:user)),
build(:site_membership, user: build(:user))
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box) =~ "Your usage exceeds this plan"
assert class_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) =~ "pointer-events-none"
test "checkout is disabled when sites usage exceeds rendered plan limit", %{
conn: conn,
user: user
} do
for _ <- 1..11, do: insert(:site, members: [user])
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box) =~ "Your usage exceeds this plan"
assert class_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) =~ "pointer-events-none"
test "warns about losing access to a feature", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
site = insert(:site, members: [user])
Plausible.Props.allow(site, ["author"])
insert(:goal, currency: :USD, site: site, event_name: "Purchase")
insert(:api_key, user: user)
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_attr(find(doc, @growth_checkout_button), "onclick") =~
"if (confirm(\"This plan does not support Custom Properties, Revenue Goals and Stats API, which you are currently using. Please note that by subscribing to this plan you will lose access to these features.\")) {window.location = "
describe "for a user with a v3 business (unlimited team members) subscription plan" do
setup [:create_user, :log_in]
setup %{user: user} = context do
create_subscription_for(user, paddle_plan_id: @v3_business_10k_monthly_plan_id)
{:ok, context}
test "displays plan benefits", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
growth_box = text_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box)
business_box = text_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box)
enterprise_box = text_of_element(doc, @enterprise_plan_box)
assert growth_box =~ "Up to 3 team members"
assert growth_box =~ "Up to 10 sites"
assert growth_box =~ "Intuitive, fast and privacy-friendly dashboard"
assert growth_box =~ "Email/Slack reports"
assert growth_box =~ "Google Analytics import"
assert growth_box =~ "Goals and custom events"
assert business_box =~ "Everything in Growth"
assert business_box =~ "Unlimited team members"
assert business_box =~ "Up to 50 sites"
assert business_box =~ "Stats API (600 requests per hour)"
assert business_box =~ "Custom Properties"
assert business_box =~ "Funnels"
assert business_box =~ "Ecommerce revenue attribution"
assert business_box =~ "Priority support"
refute business_box =~ "Goals and custom events"
assert enterprise_box =~ "Everything in Business"
assert enterprise_box =~ "50+ sites"
assert enterprise_box =~ "600+ Stats API requests per hour"
assert enterprise_box =~ "Sites API access for"
assert enterprise_box =~ "Technical onboarding"
refute enterprise_box =~ "team members"
assert text_of_attr(find(doc, "#{@enterprise_plan_box} p a"), "href") =~
describe "for a user with a past_due subscription" do
setup [:create_user, :log_in, :create_past_due_subscription]
test "renders failed payment notice and link to update billing details", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert doc =~ "There was a problem with your latest payment"
assert doc =~ "https://update.billing.details"
test "checkout buttons are disabled + notice about billing details (unless plan owned already)",
%{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert class_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) =~ "pointer-events-none bg-gray-400"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) =~ "Currently on this plan"
refute element_exists?(doc, "#{@growth_checkout_button} + p")
assert class_of_element(doc, @business_checkout_button) =~ "pointer-events-none bg-gray-400"
assert text_of_element(doc, "#{@business_checkout_button} + p") =~
"Please update your billing details first"
doc = set_slider(lv, "1M")
assert class_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) =~ "pointer-events-none bg-gray-400"
assert text_of_element(doc, "#{@growth_checkout_button} + p") =~
"Please update your billing details first"
describe "for a user with a paused subscription" do
setup [:create_user, :log_in, :create_paused_subscription]
test "renders subscription paused notice and link to update billing details", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert doc =~ "Your subscription is paused due to failed payments"
assert doc =~ "https://update.billing.details"
test "checkout buttons are disabled + notice about billing details when plan not owned already",
%{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert class_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) =~ "pointer-events-none bg-gray-400"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) =~ "Currently on this plan"
refute element_exists?(doc, "#{@growth_checkout_button} + p")
assert class_of_element(doc, @business_checkout_button) =~ "pointer-events-none bg-gray-400"
assert text_of_element(doc, "#{@business_checkout_button} + p") =~
"Please update your billing details first"
doc = set_slider(lv, "1M")
assert class_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) =~ "pointer-events-none bg-gray-400"
assert text_of_element(doc, "#{@growth_checkout_button} + p") =~
"Please update your billing details first"
describe "for a user with a cancelled subscription" do
setup [:create_user, :log_in, :create_cancelled_subscription]
test "checkout buttons are paddle buttons", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_attr(find(doc, @growth_checkout_button), "onclick") =~ "Paddle.Checkout.open"
assert text_of_attr(find(doc, @business_checkout_button), "onclick") =~
test "currently owned tier is highlighted if stats are still unlocked", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_highlight_pill) == "Current"
test "can subscribe again to the currently owned (but cancelled) plan", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
refute class_of_element(doc, @growth_checkout_button) =~ "pointer-events-none"
test "highlights recommended tier if subscription expired and no days are paid for anymore",
%{conn: conn, user: user} do
|> Subscription.changeset(%{next_bill_date: Timex.shift(Timex.now(), months: -2)})
|> Repo.update()
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_highlight_pill) == "Recommended"
refute text_of_element(doc, @business_highlight_pill) == "Recommended"
describe "for a grandfathered user" do
setup [:create_user, :log_in]
setup %{user: user} = context do
create_subscription_for(user, paddle_plan_id: @v1_10k_yearly_plan_id)
{:ok, context}
test "on a v1 plan, Growth tiers are available at 20M, 50M, 50M+, but Business tiers are not",
%{conn: conn} do
{:ok, lv, _doc} = get_liveview(conn)
doc = set_slider(lv, 8)
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "20M"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box) =~ "Contact us"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_amount) == "€900"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_interval) == "/year"
doc = set_slider(lv, 9)
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "50M"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box) =~ "Contact us"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_amount) == "€1,000"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_price_tag_interval) == "/year"
doc = set_slider(lv, 10)
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "50M+"
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box) =~ "Contact us"
assert text_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box) =~ "Contact us"
doc = set_slider(lv, 7)
assert text_of_element(doc, @slider_value) == "10M"
refute text_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box) =~ "Contact us"
refute text_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box) =~ "Contact us"
test "displays grandfathering notice in the Growth box instead of benefits", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
growth_box = text_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box)
assert growth_box =~ "Your subscription has been grandfathered"
refute growth_box =~ "Intuitive, fast and privacy-friendly dashboard"
test "displays business and enterprise plan benefits", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
business_box = text_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box)
enterprise_box = text_of_element(doc, @enterprise_plan_box)
assert business_box =~ "Everything in Growth"
assert business_box =~ "Funnels"
assert business_box =~ "Ecommerce revenue attribution"
assert business_box =~ "Priority support"
refute business_box =~ "Goals and custom events"
refute business_box =~ "Unlimited team members"
refute business_box =~ "Up to 50 sites"
refute business_box =~ "Stats API (600 requests per hour)"
refute business_box =~ "Custom Properties"
assert enterprise_box =~ "Everything in Business"
assert enterprise_box =~ "50+ sites"
assert enterprise_box =~ "600+ Stats API requests per hour"
assert enterprise_box =~ "Sites API access for"
assert enterprise_box =~ "Technical onboarding"
assert text_of_attr(find(doc, "#{@enterprise_plan_box} p a"), "href") =~
refute enterprise_box =~ "10+ team members"
refute enterprise_box =~ "Unlimited team members"
describe "for a free_10k subscription" do
setup [:create_user, :log_in, :subscribe_free_10k]
test "recommends growth tier when no premium features used", %{conn: conn} do
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert element_exists?(doc, @growth_highlight_pill)
refute element_exists?(doc, @business_highlight_pill)
test "recommends Business tier when premium features used", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
site = insert(:site, members: [user])
insert(:goal, currency: :USD, site: site, event_name: "Purchase")
{:ok, _lv, doc} = get_liveview(conn)
assert text_of_element(doc, @business_plan_box) =~ "Recommended"
refute text_of_element(doc, @growth_plan_box) =~ "Recommended"
test "renders Paddle upgrade buttons", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
{:ok, lv, _doc} = get_liveview(conn)
set_slider(lv, "200k")
doc = element(lv, @yearly_interval_button) |> render_click()
assert %{
"disableLogout" => true,
"email" => user.email,
"passthrough" => user.id,
"product" => @v4_growth_200k_yearly_plan_id,
"success" => Routes.billing_path(PlausibleWeb.Endpoint, :upgrade_success),
"theme" => "none"
} == get_paddle_checkout_params(find(doc, @growth_checkout_button))
defp subscribe_v4_growth(%{user: user}) do
create_subscription_for(user, paddle_plan_id: @v4_growth_200k_yearly_plan_id)
defp subscribe_v4_business(%{user: user}) do
create_subscription_for(user, paddle_plan_id: @v4_business_5m_monthly_plan_id)
defp create_past_due_subscription(%{user: user}) do
paddle_plan_id: @v4_growth_200k_yearly_plan_id,
status: Subscription.Status.past_due(),
update_url: "https://update.billing.details"
defp create_paused_subscription(%{user: user}) do
paddle_plan_id: @v4_growth_200k_yearly_plan_id,
status: Subscription.Status.paused(),
update_url: "https://update.billing.details"
defp create_cancelled_subscription(%{user: user}) do
paddle_plan_id: @v4_growth_200k_yearly_plan_id,
status: Subscription.Status.deleted()
defp create_subscription_for(user, subscription_options) do
insert(:subscription, Keyword.put(subscription_options, :user, user))
{:ok, user: Plausible.Users.with_subscription(user)}
defp subscribe_free_10k(%{user: user}) do
Plausible.Billing.Subscription.free(%{user_id: user.id})
|> Repo.insert!()
{:ok, user: user}
defp get_liveview(conn) do
conn = assign(conn, :live_module, PlausibleWeb.Live.ChoosePlan)
{:ok, _lv, _doc} = live(conn, Routes.billing_path(conn, :choose_plan))
defp get_paddle_checkout_params(element) do
with onclick <- text_of_attr(element, "onclick"),
[[_, checkout_params_str]] <- Regex.scan(~r/Paddle\.Checkout\.open\((.*?)\)/, onclick),
{:ok, checkout_params} <- Jason.decode(checkout_params_str) do
defp set_slider(lv, volume) when is_binary(volume) do
index = Enum.find_index(@slider_volumes, &(&1 == volume))
set_slider(lv, index)
defp set_slider(lv, index) do
|> element(@slider_input)
|> render_change(%{slider: index})