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synced 2024-12-29 20:42:01 +03:00
* Escape domain when constructing favicon URL A domain may include a slash, and in that case the domain must be escaped, before it is used as an attribute for the image tag. * match with 'conn.request_path' instead + test --------- Co-authored-by: Robert Joonas <robertjoonas16@gmail.com>
136 lines
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136 lines
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defmodule PlausibleWeb.Favicon do
@referer_domains_file "priv/referer_favicon_domains.json"
@moduledoc """
A Plug that fetches favicon images from DuckDuckGo and returns them
to the Plausible frontend.
The proxying is there so we can reduce the number of third-party domains that
the browser clients need to connect to. Our goal is to have 0 third-party domain
connections on the website for privacy reasons.
This module also maps between categorized sources and their respective URLs for favicons.
What does that mean exactly? During ingestion we use `PlausibleWeb.RefInspector.parse/1` to
categorize our referrer sources like so:
google.com -> Google
google.co.uk -> Google
google.com.au -> Google
So when we show Google as a source in the dashboard, the request to this plug will come as:
Now, when we want to show a favicon for Google, we need to convert Google -> google.com or
some other hostname owned by Google:
The mapping from source category -> source hostname is stored in "#{@referer_domains_file}" and
managed by `Mix.Tasks.GenerateReferrerFavicons.run/1`
import Plug.Conn
alias Plausible.HTTPClient
@placeholder_icon_location "priv/placeholder_favicon.ico"
@placeholder_icon File.read!(@placeholder_icon_location)
def init(_) do
domains =
File.read!(Application.app_dir(:plausible, @referer_domains_file))
|> Jason.decode!()
[favicon_domains: domains]
@ddg_broken_icon <<137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10>>
@doc """
Proxies HTTP request to DuckDuckGo favicon service. Swallows hop-by-hop HTTP
headers that should not be forwarded as defined in [RFC 2616](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2616#section-13.5.1)
## Placeholder
Cases where we show a placeholder icon instead:
1. In case of network error to DuckDuckGo
2. In case of non-2xx status code from DuckDuckGo
3. In case of broken image response body from DuckDuckGo
I'm not sure why DDG sometimes returns a broken PNG image in their response
but we filter that out. When the icon request fails, we show a placeholder
favicon instead. The placeholder is an emoji from
DuckDuckGo favicon service has some issues with [SVG favicons](https://css-tricks.com/svg-favicons-and-all-the-fun-things-we-can-do-with-them/).
For some reason, they return them with `content-type=image/x-icon` whereas SVG
icons should be returned with `content-type=image/svg+xml`. This Plug detects
when the response body starts with `<svg` and will override the `Content-Type`
to correct it.
## Preventing XSS vulnerabilities
SVGs may contain `<script>` tags, and as these SVGs come from external
sources, we need to prevent untrusted code from running on the browser.
- This Plug sets a strict `Content-Security-Policy` header telling the browser
not to run scripts.
- This Plug sets `Content-Disposition=attachment` to prevent the SVG from
rendering when navigating to `/favicon/sources/:domain` directly.
- Browsers do not execute scripts from `<img>` tags, therefore it is safe to
use `<img src="https://plausible.io/favicon/sources/dummy.site"></img>`
def call(conn, favicon_domains: favicon_domains) do
case conn.request_path do
"/favicon/sources/placeholder" ->
"/favicon/sources/" <> source ->
clean_source = URI.decode_www_form(source)
domain = Map.get(favicon_domains, clean_source, clean_source)
case HTTPClient.impl().get("https://icons.duckduckgo.com/ip3/#{domain}.ico") do
{:ok, %Finch.Response{status: 200, body: body, headers: headers}}
when body != @ddg_broken_icon ->
|> forward_headers(headers)
|> maybe_override_content_type(body)
|> prevent_javascript_execution()
|> send_resp(200, body)
|> halt()
_ ->
_ ->
defp send_placeholder(conn) do
|> put_resp_content_type("image/x-icon")
|> put_resp_header("cache-control", "public, max-age=2592000")
|> send_resp(200, @placeholder_icon)
|> halt
@forwarded_headers ["content-type", "cache-control", "expires"]
defp forward_headers(conn, headers) do
headers_to_forward = Enum.filter(headers, fn {k, _} -> k in @forwarded_headers end)
%Plug.Conn{conn | resp_headers: headers_to_forward}
defp maybe_override_content_type(conn, "<svg" <> _rest) do
conn |> put_resp_content_type("image/svg+xml")
defp maybe_override_content_type(conn, _), do: conn
defp prevent_javascript_execution(conn) do
|> put_resp_header("content-security-policy", "script-src 'none'")
|> put_resp_header("content-disposition", "attachment")