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synced 2024-12-19 15:41:56 +03:00
* first commit with test and compile job Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * adding 'prepare' stage Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * updated ci script to include "test" compile phase Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * adding environment variables for connecting to postgresql Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * updated ci config for postgres Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * using non-alpine version of elixir Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * re-using the 'compile' artifacts and added explict env variables for testing Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * removing redundant deps fetching from common code Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * formatting using mix.format -- beware no-code changes! Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * added release config Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * adding consistent env variable for Database Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * more cleaning up of environment variables Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Adding releases config for enabling releases Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * cleaning up env configs Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Cleaned up config and prepared config for releases Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * updated CI script with new config for test Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Added Dockerfile for creating production docker image Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Adding "docker" build job yay! Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * using non-slim version of debian and installing webpack Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Adding overlays for migrations on releases Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * restricting the docker built to master branch only Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * typo fix Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * adding "Hosting.md" to explain hosting instructions Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * removed the default comments Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Added documentation related to env variables * updated documentation and fixed typo Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * updated documentation * Bumping up elixir version as `overlays` are only supported in latest version read release notes: https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/releases/tag/v1.10.0 Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Adding tarball assembly during release Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * updated HOSTING.md Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Added support for db migration Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * minor corrections Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * initializing admin user Admin user has been added in the "migration" phase. A default user is automatically created in the process. One can provide the related env variables, else a new one will be automatically created for you. Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Initial base domain update - phase#1 These changes are only meant for correct operating it under self-hosting. There are many other cosmetic changes, that require updates to email, site and other places where the original website and author is used. Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Using dedicated config variable `base_domain` instead Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * adding base_domain to releases config Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * removing the dedicated config "base_domain", relying on endpoint host Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Removed the usage of "Mix" in code! It is bad practice to use "mix" module inside the code as in actual release this module is unavailable. Replacing this with a config environment variable Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Added support for SMTP via Bamboo Smtp Adapter Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Capturing SMTP errors via Sentry Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Minor updates Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Adding junit formatter -- useful for generating test reports Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * adding documentation for default user * Resolve "Gitlab Adoption: Add supported services in "Security & Compliance"" * bumping up the debian version to fix issues fixing some vulnerabilities identified by the scanning tools * More updates for self-hosting Changes in most of the places to suit self-hosting. Although, there are some which have been left-off. Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * quick-dirty-fix! * bumping up the db connect timeout Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * bumping up the db connect timeout Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * bumping up the db connect timeout Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * bumping up timeout - skipping MRs :-/ * removing restrictions on watching for changes this stuff isn't working * Update HOSTING.md * renamed the module name * reverting formatting-whitespace changes Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * reverting the name to release Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * adding docker-compose.yml and related instructions Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * using `plausible_url` instead of assuming `https` this is because, it is much to test in local dev machines and in most cases there's already a layer above which is capable for `https` termination and http -> https upgrade Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * WIP: merging changes from upstream Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * wip: more changes * Pushing in changes from upstream Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * changes to ci for testing Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * cleaning up and finishing clickhouse integration Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * updating readme with hosting details * removing deleted files from upstream * minor config adjustments Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * formatting changes Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * changing the connection strategy for clickhouse during release since clickhouse integration doesn't have an ecto support, we need to prepare the db _before_ the clickhouse migration. One workaround is to connect to a default db on init and then create a db Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * formatting * cleanup and added separated migration to setup * Big improvements to selfhosting - added ability for disabling - authentication completely - registration - landing page - formatting cleanups * Big improvements to selfhosting - added ability for disabling - authentication completely - registration - landing page - formatting cleanups * changing smtp auth to optional Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * removed stale templates and permanently removed landing page Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * removed stale templates and permanently removed landing page Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * removed stale templates and permanently removed landing page Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * WIP Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * fixes form upstream merge Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * added disabling subscription for selfhosted version Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * updated doc Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * formatting Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * Remove reference to file that doesn't exist Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * do not show direct traffic if there's no data Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * addressing PR comments Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me> * formatting Signed-off-by: Chandra Tungathurthi <tckb@tgrthi.me>
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defmodule PlausibleWeb.Api.ExternalController do
use PlausibleWeb, :controller
require Logger
def event(conn, _params) do
params = parse_body(conn)
Sentry.Context.set_extra_context(%{request: params})
case create_event(conn, params) do
{:ok, _} ->
conn |> send_resp(202, "")
{:error, changeset} ->
request = Sentry.Plug.build_request_interface_data(conn, [])
Sentry.capture_message("Error processing event",
extra: %{errors: inspect(changeset.errors), params: params, request: request}
Logger.info("Error processing event: #{inspect(changeset)}")
conn |> send_resp(400, "")
def error(conn, _params) do
request = Sentry.Plug.build_request_interface_data(conn, [])
Sentry.capture_message("JS snippet error", request: request)
send_resp(conn, 200, "")
def health(conn, _params) do
postgres_health =
case Ecto.Adapters.SQL.query(Plausible.Repo, "SELECT 1", []) do
{:ok, _} -> "ok"
e -> "error: #{inspect(e)}"
clickhouse_health =
case Clickhousex.query(:clickhouse, "SELECT 1", []) do
{:ok, _} -> "ok"
e -> "error: #{inspect(e)}"
status =
case {postgres_health, clickhouse_health} do
{"ok", "ok"} -> 200
_ -> 500
put_status(conn, status)
|> json(%{
postgres: postgres_health,
clickhouse: clickhouse_health
defp create_event(conn, params) do
uri = params["url"] && URI.parse(params["url"])
user_agent = Plug.Conn.get_req_header(conn, "user-agent") |> List.first()
if UAInspector.bot?(user_agent) do
{:ok, nil}
ua =
if user_agent do
ref = parse_referrer(uri, params["referrer"])
country_code = visitor_country(conn)
salts = Plausible.Session.Salts.fetch()
event_attrs = %{
timestamp: NaiveDateTime.utc_now(),
name: params["name"],
hostname: strip_www(uri && uri.host),
domain: strip_www(params["domain"]) || strip_www(uri && uri.host),
pathname: uri && (uri.path || "/"),
user_id: generate_user_id(conn, params, salts[:current]),
country_code: country_code,
operating_system: ua && os_name(ua),
browser: ua && browser_name(ua),
referrer_source: params["source"] || referrer_source(ref),
referrer: clean_referrer(ref),
screen_size: calculate_screen_size(params["screen_width"])
changeset = Plausible.ClickhouseEvent.changeset(%Plausible.ClickhouseEvent{}, event_attrs)
if changeset.valid? do
previous_user_id = salts[:previous] && generate_user_id(conn, params, salts[:previous])
event = struct(Plausible.ClickhouseEvent, event_attrs)
session_id = Plausible.Session.Store.on_event(event, previous_user_id)
Map.put(event, :session_id, session_id)
|> Plausible.Event.WriteBuffer.insert()
{:error, changeset}
defp get_ip(conn) do
forwarded_for = List.first(Plug.Conn.get_req_header(conn, "x-forwarded-for"))
if forwarded_for do
String.split(forwarded_for, ",")
|> Enum.map(&String.trim/1)
|> List.first()
defp visitor_country(conn) do
result =
|> Geolix.lookup()
|> Map.get(:country)
if result && result.country do
defp parse_referrer(_, nil), do: nil
defp parse_referrer(uri, referrer_str) do
referrer_uri = URI.parse(referrer_str)
if strip_www(referrer_uri.host) !== strip_www(uri.host) && referrer_uri.host !== "localhost" do
defp generate_user_id(conn, params, salt) do
user_agent = List.first(Plug.Conn.get_req_header(conn, "user-agent")) || ""
ip_address = get_ip(conn)
domain = strip_www(params["domain"]) || ""
SipHash.hash!(salt, user_agent <> ip_address <> domain)
defp calculate_screen_size(nil), do: nil
defp calculate_screen_size(width) when width < 576, do: "Mobile"
defp calculate_screen_size(width) when width < 992, do: "Tablet"
defp calculate_screen_size(width) when width < 1440, do: "Laptop"
defp calculate_screen_size(width) when width >= 1440, do: "Desktop"
defp clean_referrer(nil), do: nil
defp clean_referrer(ref) do
uri = URI.parse(ref.referer)
if uri && uri.host && uri.scheme in ["http", "https"] do
host = String.replace_prefix(uri.host, "www.", "")
path = uri.path || ""
host <> String.trim_trailing(path, "/")
defp parse_body(conn) do
{:ok, body, _conn} = Plug.Conn.read_body(conn)
defp strip_www(nil), do: nil
defp strip_www(hostname) do
String.replace_prefix(hostname, "www.", "")
defp browser_name(ua) do
case ua.client do
%UAInspector.Result.Client{name: "Mobile Safari"} -> "Safari"
%UAInspector.Result.Client{name: "Chrome Mobile"} -> "Chrome"
%UAInspector.Result.Client{name: "Chrome Mobile iOS"} -> "Chrome"
%UAInspector.Result.Client{type: "mobile app"} -> "Mobile App"
:unknown -> nil
client -> client.name
defp os_name(ua) do
case ua.os do
:unknown -> nil
os -> os.name
defp referrer_source(nil), do: nil
defp referrer_source(ref) do
case ref.source do
:unknown ->
source ->
defp clean_uri(uri) do
uri = URI.parse(String.trim(uri))
if uri && uri.host && uri.scheme in ["http", "https"] do
String.replace_leading(uri.host, "www.", "")