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# This file is responsible for configuring your application
# and its dependencies with the aid of the Mix.Config module.
# This configuration file is loaded before any dependency and
# is restricted to this project.
# General application configuration
use Mix.Config
config :plausible,
ecto_repos: [Plausible.Repo]
# Configures the endpoint
config :plausible, PlausibleWeb.Endpoint,
url: [host: "localhost"],
secret_key_base: "/NJrhNtbyCVAsTyvtk1ZYCwfm981Vpo/0XrVwjJvemDaKC/vsvBRevLwsc6u8RCg",
render_errors: [
view: PlausibleWeb.ErrorView,
accepts: ~w(html json)
pubsub: [name: Plausible.PubSub, adapter: Phoenix.PubSub.PG2]
config :sentry,
dsn: "https://0350a42aa6234a2eaf1230866788598e@sentry.io/1382353",
included_environments: [:prod, :staging],
environment_name: String.to_atom(Map.get(System.get_env(), "APP_ENV", "dev")),
enable_source_code_context: true,
root_source_code_path: File.cwd!
# Configures Elixir's Logger
config :logger, :console,
format: "$time $metadata[$level] $message\n",
metadata: [:request_id]
# Use Jason for JSON parsing in Phoenix
config :phoenix, :json_library, Jason
config :ua_inspector,
database_path: "priv/ua_inspector"
config :ref_inspector,
database_path: "priv/ref_inspector"
config :plausible,
paddle_api: Plausible.Billing.PaddleApi,
google_api: Plausible.Google.Api
# Import environment specific config. This must remain at the bottom
# of this file so it overrides the configuration defined above.
import_config "#{Mix.env()}.exs"