mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 07:38:47 +03:00
* Update ua_inspector source * Downloan device detector updates
2216 lines
52 KiB
2216 lines
52 KiB
# Device Detector - The Universal Device Detection library for parsing User Agents
# @link https://matomo.org
# @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html LGPL v3 or later
# Naver (https://apps.apple.com/app/id393499958)
- regex: 'NAVER/(\d+[\.\d]+) CFNetwork'
name: 'Naver'
version: '$1'
# Naver (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nhn.android.search)
- regex: 'NAVER\(inapp; search; .+; (\d+[\.\d]+);.+\)'
name: 'Naver'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'NAVER\(inapp; search; .+; (\d+[\.\d]+)\)'
name: 'Naver'
version: '$1'
# Soldier
- regex: 'Chrome/Soldier_([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Soldier'
version: '$1'
# AndroidDownloadManager
- regex: 'AndroidDownloadManager(?:[ /]([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'AndroidDownloadManager'
version: '$1'
# Apple News
- regex: '(?:Apple)?News(?:[ /][\d\.]+)? Version(?:[ /]([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'Apple News'
version: '$1'
# Apple TV
- regex: 'appletv.client'
name: 'Apple TV'
version: ''
# Facebook Audience Network
- regex: 'AudienceNetworkForAndroid.+(?:FBAV)(?:[ /]([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'Facebook Audience Network'
version: '$1'
# Facebook Messenger (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.facebook.orca)
- regex: '(?:MessengerForiOS|MESSENGER|FB_IAB/Orca-Android).(?:FBAV)(?:[ /]([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'Facebook Messenger'
version: '$1'
# Facebook Messenger Lite
- regex: '(?:mLite|MessengerLite(?:ForiOS)?).(?:FBAV)(?:[ /]([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'Facebook Messenger Lite'
version: '$1'
# Facebook Groups
- regex: '(?:GroupsForiOS).(?:FBAV)(?:[ /]([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'Facebook Groups'
version: '$1'
# Facebook Lite (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.facebook.lite)
- regex: 'FBAN/EMA.+FBAV(?:[ /]([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'Facebook Lite'
version: '$1'
# Meta Business Suite (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/facebook-business-suite/id514643583)
- regex: 'FBAN/FBPageAdmin.+FBAV(?:[ /]([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'Meta Business Suite'
version: '$1'
# Facebook
- regex: '(?:FBAV|com.facebook.katana|facebook-mobile/1.0|facebook-mobile/|Facebook/)(?:[ /]([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'Facebook'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:FBAN|FBSV|FBID|FBBV)/'
name: 'Facebook'
version: ''
# FeedR
- regex: 'FeedR(?:/([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'FeedR'
version: '$1'
# Google Go
- regex: 'com.google.android.apps.searchlite'
name: 'Google Go'
version: ''
# Google Photos
- regex: 'com.google.android.apps.photos'
name: 'Google Photos'
version: ''
# Google Play Kiosk
- regex: 'com.google.android.apps.magazines'
name: 'Google Play Newsstand'
version: ''
# Google Plus
- regex: 'com.google.GooglePlus'
name: 'Google Plus'
version: ''
# Google Drive (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/google-drive/id507874739)
- regex: 'Google.DriveExtension(?:/([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'Google Drive'
version: '$1'
# WeChat
- regex: 'MicroMessenger/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'WeChat'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'WeChat/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'WeChat'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'WeChatShareExtensionNew/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'WeChat Share Extension'
version: '$1'
# DingTalk
- regex: 'DingTalk/([0-9\.]+)'
name: 'DingTalk'
version: '$1'
# Sina Weibo
- regex: '.*__weibo__([0-9\.]+)__'
name: 'Sina Weibo'
version: '$1'
# Pinterest
- regex: 'Pinterest(?: for (?:Android(?: Tablet)?|iOS))?(?:/([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'Pinterest'
version: '$1'
# Podcatcher Deluxe
- regex: 'Podcatcher Deluxe'
name: 'Podcatcher Deluxe'
version: ''
# YouTube
- regex: 'com.google.android.youtube(?:/([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'YouTube'
version: '$1'
# Rutube
- regex: 'Rutube(?:TV)?BlackAndroid'
name: 'Rutube'
version: '$1'
# Netflix (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.netflix.mediaclient)
- regex: 'com.netflix.mediaclient(?:/(\d+\.[\d\.]+))?'
name: 'Netflix'
version: '$1'
# Downcast (www.downcastapp.com | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/downcast/id393858566)
- regex: 'Downcast/(\d+\.[\d\.]+)?(?:.+(?:!Mac)|$)'
name: 'Downcast'
version: '$1'
# Flipp (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/flipp-weekly-shopping/id725097967)
- regex: 'Flipp-iOS/.+CFNetwork'
name: 'Flipp'
version: ''
- regex: 'Flipp-iOS/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Flipp'
version: '$1'
# AFNetworking generic
- regex: '(?!AlohaBrowser)([^/;]*)/(\d+\.[\d.]+) \((?:iPhone|iPad); (?:iOS|iPadOS) [0-9\.]+; Scale/[0-9\.]+\)'
name: '$1'
version: '$2'
# WhatsApp
- regex: 'WhatsApp(?:[ /]([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'WhatsApp'
version: '$1'
# Line
- regex: 'Line(?:[ /]([\d\.]+))'
name: 'Line'
version: '$1'
# Instacast
- regex: 'Instacast(?:HD)?/([\d\.abc]+) CFNetwork/([\d\.]+) Darwin/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Instacast'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Pocket Casts(?:, (?:Android|iOS) v([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'Pocket Casts'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Podcat/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Podcat'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'BeyondPod'
name: 'BeyondPod'
- regex: '(?:^Overcast/([\d\.]+)|^Overcast.*Apple Watch)'
name: 'Overcast'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:CastBox|fm.castbox.audiobook.radio.podcast)/?([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'CastBox'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Podkicker( (?:Pro|Classic))?/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Podkicker$1'
version: '$2'
- regex: 'PodcastRepublic/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Podcast Republic'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Castro/(\d+)'
name: 'Castro'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Castro 2 ([\d\.]+)/[\d]+ Like iTunes'
name: 'Castro 2'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Castro 2'
name: 'Castro 2'
version: ''
- regex: 'DoggCatcher'
name: 'DoggCatcher'
- regex: '(?:PodcastAddict/v([\d]+)|^Podcast Addict)'
name: 'Podcast & Radio Addict'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Podcat(?:%202)?/([\d]+) CFNetwork'
name: 'Podcat'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'iCatcher[^\d]+([\d\.]+)'
name: 'iCatcher'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'YelpApp/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Yelp Mobile'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'jp.co.yahoo.android.yjtop/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Yahoo! Japan'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'RSSRadio/([\d]+)?'
name: 'RSSRadio'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'SogouSearch Android[\d\.]+ version([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'SogouSearch App'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'NewsArticle/([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'NewsArticle App'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'tieba/([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'tieba'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'com\.douban\.group/([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'douban App'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'BingWeb/([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'BingWebApp'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:com.google.GoogleMobile|GSA|GoogleApp)/([\d.]+)?'
name: 'Google Search App'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Flipboard/([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'Flipboard App'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Instagram[ /]([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'Instagram App'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'baiduboxapp/([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'Baidu Box App'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'baiduinput/([\d.]+)?'
name: 'Baidu Input'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'PetalSearch/([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'Petal Search App'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Crosswalk(?!.*(?:Streamy|QwantMobile))/([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'CrosswalkApp'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Twitter for iPhone[/]?([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'Twitter'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Twitter/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Twitter'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'TwitterAndroid[/]?([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'Twitter'
version: '$1'
# Pocket Casts (https://pocketcasts.com)
- regex: '^Pocket Casts'
name: 'Pocket Casts'
version: ''
# Podcast app from India (https://gaana.com)
- regex: '(?:^GaanaAndroid-|^Gaana-iOS|^Gaana/)([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'Gaana'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'TopBuzz/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'TopBuzz'
version: '$1'
# Snapchat
- regex: '(?:Safari/[\d\.]+)?Snapchat/?([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Snapchat'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'CronetSnapDevSheldon'
name: 'Snapchat'
version: ''
- regex: 'AhaRadio2/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Aha Radio 2'
version: '$1'
# Unibox (https://apps.apple.com/app/id933879046)
- regex: 'Unibox/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Unibox'
version: ''
# Strimio (https://www.strimio.com/)
- regex: 'strimio(?:-desktop)/(\d+\.(?:[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Strimio'
version: '$1'
# UnityPlayer
- regex: 'UnityPlayer/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'UnityPlayer'
version: '$1'
# (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cl.uchile.ing.adi.ucursos)
- regex: 'UCURSOS/v([\d\.]+)'
name: 'U-Cursos'
version: '$1'
# HeyTabBrowser or HeyTabAccount
- regex: 'HeyTapBrowser/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'HeyTapBrowser'
version: '$1'
# Roblox App
- regex: 'RobloxApp/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Roblox'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Viber(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'Viber'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Siri/1'
name: 'Siri'
version: '1.0'
- regex: 'LinkedIn(?:App)?(?:/([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'LinkedIn'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/ru/app/instapaper/id288545208
- regex: 'Instapaper/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Instapaper'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/keeper-password-manager/id287170072
- regex: 'Keeper/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Keeper Password Manager'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/skyeng-teachers/id1483049537
- regex: 'Skyeng Teachers/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Skyeng Teachers'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Kik/([\d\.]+) \(Android'
name: 'Kik'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Procast/?([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'Procast'
version: '$1'
# DeviantArt (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/deviantart/id925219396)
- regex: 'DeviantArt/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'DeviantArt'
version: ''
# Discord (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/discord-talk-chat-hang-out/id985746746)
- regex: 'discord/([\d\.]+).+Electron'
name: 'Discord'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'discord(?:-Updater)?/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Discord'
version: ''
# Covenant Eyes (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/covenant-eyes/id335318146)
- regex: 'Covenant%20Eyes/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Covenant Eyes'
version: '$1'
# HP Smart (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hp-smart/id469284907)
- regex: 'HP%20Smart/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'HP Smart'
version: ''
# Bitsboard (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bitsboard-flashcards-games/id516842210)
- regex: 'Bitsboard/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Bitsboard'
version: '$1'
# BetBull (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/betbull-sport-tips-casino/id1032680895)
- regex: 'Betbull/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'BetBull'
version: ''
# U-Cursos (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/u-cursos/id834515435)
- regex: 'U-Cursos/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'U-Cursos'
version: ''
# https://apps.apple.com/mt/app/1password-password-manager/id568903335
- regex: '1PasswordThumbs/([\d\.]+)'
name: '1Password'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:Microsoft Office )?(Access|Excel|OneDrive for Business|OneNote|PowerPoint|Project|Publisher|Visio|Word)(?: 20\d{2})?[ /]\(?(\d+\.[\d.]*)'
name: 'Microsoft Office $1'
version: '$2'
- regex: '^Mozilla/4\.0 \(compatible; ms-office; MSOffice[ /]([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Microsoft Office'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Microsoft Office SyncProc ([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Microsoft Office'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Microsoft Lync ([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Microsoft Lync'
version: '$1'
# https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cn.wps.moffice_eng
- regex: 'WpsM?office/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'WPS Office'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/microsoft-onedrive/id477537958
- regex: 'OneDriveiOSApp/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Microsoft OneDrive'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Microsoft Office Existence Discovery'
name: 'Microsoft Office'
version: ''
- regex: '(?:Microsoft Office Mobile|officemobile)[ /]([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Microsoft Office Mobile'
version: '$1'
# Skype
- regex: 'Skype/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Skype'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'OC/([\d\.]+) \(Skype for Business\)'
name: 'Skype for Business'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/skype-for-business/id605841731
- regex: 'iPhoneLync/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Skype for Business'
version: '$1'
# GroupMe (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/groupme/id392796698)
- regex: 'GroupMe/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'GroupMe'
version: '$1'
# TikTok (https://apps.apple.com/app/id835599320 | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zhiliaoapp.musically)
- regex: '(?:TikTok[/ ]|musical_ly_|AppName/musical_ly app_version/)(\d+\.(?:[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'TikTok'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/app/id1026349850
- regex: 'Copied/(\d+[\.\d]+) CFNetwork'
name: 'Copied'
version: ''
# https://apps.apple.com/app/id448639966
- regex: 'Pic%20Collage/(\d+[\.\d]+) CFNetwork'
name: 'Pic Collage'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/app/id506003812
- regex: 'Papers/(\d+[\.\d]+) CFNetwork'
name: 'Papers'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/app/id331787573
- regex: 'RoboForm/(\d+[\.\d]+) CFNetwork'
name: 'RoboForm'
version: ''
# https://apps.apple.com/app/id618783545
- regex: 'Slack/(\d+[\.\d]+) CFNetwork'
name: 'Slack'
version: ''
- regex: 'com.tinyspeck.chatlyio/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Slack'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id362057947
- regex: 'KAKAOTALK (\d+\.(?:[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'KakaoTalk'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/shopee-t%E1%BA%BFt-sale-27-01/id959841449
- regex: 'ShopeeVN/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Shopee'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/sport1/id1185932089
- regex: 'SPORT1/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'SPORT1'
version: ''
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/clovia-lingerie-shopping-app/id1243996857
- regex: 'Clovia/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Clovia'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/showme-interactive-whiteboard/id445066279
- regex: 'ShowMe/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'ShowMe'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wattpad-read-write-stories/id306310789
- regex: 'Wattpad/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Wattpad'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/the-wall-street-journal/id364387007
- regex: 'WSJ/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'The Wall Street Journal'
version: ''
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wh-question-cards-pro-who-what-when-where-why/id544870563
- regex: 'WH%20Questions/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'WH Questions'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/whisper-share-express-meet/id506141837
- regex: 'whisper/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Whisper'
version: ''
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/opal-travel/id941006607
- regex: 'Opal/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Opal Travel'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/zalo/id579523206
- regex: 'Zalo/([\d\.]+)|Zalo android'
name: 'Zalo'
version: '$1'
# https://apps.apple.com/us/app/%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81/id1050704155
- regex: 'Yandex/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Yandex'
version: ''
- regex: 'Zoho%20Chat/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Zoho Chat'
version: '$1'
# Thunder (https://xl11.xunlei.com/)
- regex: 'Thunder/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Thunder'
version: '$1'
# CGN (https://www.cgn.it/)
- regex: 'CGNBrowser/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'CGN'
version: '$1'
# Podbean (http://podbean.com | https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.podbean.app.podcast)
- regex: '(?:Podbean/.+App |Podbean/Android generic |Podbean/iOS \([^)]+\) )(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Podbean'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:AlexaMediaPlayer/|^AlexaMediaPlayer/|^Echo/|^AlexaService/|^Alexa Mobile Voice/)([a-z\d]+\.[a-z.\d]+)?'
name: 'Alexa Media Player'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'TuneIn Radio Pro(?:[^/]*)/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'TuneIn Radio Pro'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'TuneIn(?:(?: |%20)Radio(?:[^/]*))?/?(\d+[\.\d]+)?'
name: 'TuneIn Radio'
version: '$1'
# DevCasts (https://apps.apple.com/app/id1481596184)
- regex: 'devcasts/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'DevCasts'
version: '$1'
# Swoot
- regex: 'Swoot/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Swoot'
version: '$1'
# RadioPublic (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.radiopublic.android)
- regex: '(?:^RadioPublic[/ ](?:Android|iOS)[- ])(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'RadioPublic'
version: '$1'
# Podimo (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.podimo)
- regex: 'Podimo/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Podimo'
version: '$1'
# Evolve Podcast (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1199070742)
- regex: 'com.evolve.podcast/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Evolve Podcast'
version: '$1'
- regex: ' Rocket.Chat\+?/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Rocket Chat'
version: '$1'
# Pandora
- regex: '^Pandora Audio.+Android'
name: 'Pandora'
version: ''
# Wirtschafts Woche Nachrichte https://apps.apple.com/de/app/wirtschaftswoche-nachrichten/id1339187646
- regex: '^WirtschaftsWoche-iOS-(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Wirtschafts Woche'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^TVirl/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'TVirl'
version: '$1'
# ChMate https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=jp.co.airfront.android.a2chMate
- regex: '2?chMate/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'ChMate'
version: '$1'
# 2tch https://apps.apple.com/jp/app/2tch/id305982914
- regex: '2tch/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: '2tch'
version: '$1'
# Ciisaa https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gmail.aosoan.ciisaa
- regex: 'Ciisaa/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Ciisaa'
version: '$1'
# BB2C https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/bb2c/id298820042?mt=8
- regex: 'BB2C (\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'BB2C'
version: '$1'
# twinkle https://itunes.apple.com/app/twinkle/id463142843
- regex: 'twinkle/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'twinkle'
version: '$1'
# JaneStyle https://apps.apple.com/app/id1157926535
- regex: 'JaneStyle_iOS/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'JaneStyle'
version: '$1'
# Binance https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.binance.dev
- regex: 'BNC/.+\(Android (\d+[\.\d]+)\)'
name: 'Binance'
version: '$1'
# Binance (https://www.binance.com/en/desktop-download)
- regex: 'Binance/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Binance'
version: '$1'
# My World https://apps.apple.com/app/id598556821
- regex: 'ru\.mail\.my/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'My World'
version: '$1'
# Odnoklassniki https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ru.ok.android https://apps.apple.com/app/id398465290
- regex: 'OK(?:Android|iOS)/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Odnoklassniki'
version: '$1'
# YakYak https://github.com/yakyak/yakyak
- regex: 'yakyak/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'YakYak'
version: '$1'
# Microsoft Teams (https://www.microsoft.com/en/microsoft-teams/group-chat-software)
- regex: 'Teams/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Teams'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'TeamsMobile-(?:Android|iOS)'
name: 'Teams'
version: ''
- regex: 'SohuNews/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'SohuNews'
version: '$1'
# Streamlabs OBS (https://streamlabs.com/)
- regex: 'StreamlabsOBS/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Streamlabs OBS'
version: '$1'
# Blitz (https://blitz.gg/)
- regex: 'Blitz/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Blitz'
version: '$1'
# OfferUp (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.offerup)
- regex: 'OfferUp/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'OfferUp'
version: '$1'
# Vuhuv (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vuhuv)
- regex: 'Vuhuv/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Vuhuv'
version: '$1'
- regex: '.+/(?:gfibertv|gftv200)-([\d]+)-'
name: 'Google Fiber TV'
version: '$1'
# QuickCast (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wukongtv.wkcast.intl)
- regex: 'QuickCast$'
name: 'QuickCast'
version: ''
# AliExpress (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alibaba.aliexpresshd)
- regex: 'Aliexpress(?:Android)?/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'AliExpress'
version: '$1'
# Lazada
- regex: '(?:lazada_android|AliApp\(LA)[/ _](\d+\.[\d.]+)'
name: 'Lazada'
version: '$1'
# Taobao
- regex: '(?:taobao_android|AliApp\(TB)[/ _](\d+\.[\d.]+)'
name: 'Taobao'
version: '$1'
# Alipay
- regex: '(?:AlipayClient|AliApp\(AP)[/ _](\d+\.[\d.]+)'
name: 'Alipay'
version: '$1'
# Blue Proxy (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.udicorn.proxy)
- regex: 'Blue Proxy/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Blue Proxy'
version: '$1'
# https://www.n-tv.de/
- regex: 'ntvmobil/'
name: 'NTV Mobil'
version: ''
# COAF SMART Citizen (https://apps.apple.com/app/id1478339047)
- regex: 'COAF%20SMART%20Citizen/'
name: 'COAF SMART Citizen'
version: ''
# GitHub Desktop (https://desktop.github.com/)
- regex: 'GitHubDesktop/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'GitHub Desktop'
version: '$1'
# Logi Options+ (https://www.logitech.com/en-us/software/logi-options-plus.html)
- regex: 'logioptionsplus/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Logi Options+'
version: '$1'
# Emby Theater (https://emby.media/emby-theater.html)
- regex: 'EmbyTheater/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Emby Theater'
version: '$1'
# Y8 Browser (https://www.y8.com/)
- regex: 'y8-browser/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Y8 Browser'
version: '$1'
# NuMuKi Browser (https://www.numuki.com/app-download/)
- regex: 'NuMuKiBrowser/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'NuMuKi Browser'
version: '$1'
# Landis+Gyr AIM Browser (https://www.landisgyr.eu/product/gridstream-aim/)
- regex: 'LandisGyrAIMbrowser/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Landis+Gyr AIM Browser'
version: '$1'
# Visual Studio Code (https://code.visualstudio.com/)
- regex: 'Code/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Visual Studio Code'
version: '$1'
# Wireshark (https://www.wireshark.org)
- regex: 'Wireshark/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Wireshark'
version: '$1'
# Samsung Magician (https://www.samsung.com/semiconductor/minisite/ssd/product/consumer/magician/)
- regex: 'Magician'
name: 'Samsung Magician'
version: ''
# Razer Synapse (https://www.razer.com/synapse-3)
- regex: 'Razer Central PC'
name: 'Razer Synapse'
version: ''
# Git (https://git-scm.com/download/win)
- regex: 'git/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Git'
version: '$1'
# Google Podcasts (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/google-podcasts/id1398000105)
- regex: '^GooglePodcasts/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Google Podcasts'
version: '$1'
# Windows CryptoAPI (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/)
- regex: 'Microsoft-CryptoAPI/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Windows CryptoAPI'
version: ''
# Windows Delivery Optimization (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/)
- regex: 'Microsoft-Delivery-Optimization'
name: 'Windows Delivery Optimization'
version: ''
# Windows Update Agent (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/)
- regex: 'Windows-Update-Agent'
name: 'Windows Update Agent'
version: ''
# Dr. Watson (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/)
- regex: '^MSDW'
name: 'Dr. Watson'
version: ''
# qBittorrent (https://www.qbittorrent.org/)
- regex: 'qBittorrent/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'qBittorrent'
version: '$1'
# CPU-Z (https://www.cpuid.com/)
- regex: '^CPUID'
name: 'CPU-Z'
version: ''
# AIDA64 (https://www.aida64.com/)
- regex: 'AIDA64'
name: 'AIDA64'
version: ''
# HandBrake (https://handbrake.fr/)
- regex: 'HandBrake Win Upd (\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'HandBrake'
version: '$1'
# CCleaner (https://www.ccleaner.com/)
- regex: 'CCleaner, (\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'CCleaner'
version: '$1'
# Edge Update (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/)
- regex: 'Microsoft Edge Update/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Edge Update'
version: '$1'
# Chrome Update (https://www.google.com/chrome/)
- regex: 'Google(?:Software| )Update/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Chrome Update'
version: '$1'
# Bose Music (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bose-music/id1364986984)
- regex: 'Bose Music'
name: 'Bose Music'
version: ''
# HikConnect (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hik-connect-for-end-user/id1087803190)
- regex: 'HikConnect'
name: 'Hik-Connect'
version: ''
# Cortana (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/)
- regex: 'Cortana (\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Cortana'
version: '$1'
# Opera News (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.opera.app.news)
- regex: 'Opera News/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Opera News'
version: '$1'
# Adobe Creative Cloud (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/adobe-creative-cloud/id852473028)
- regex: 'CreativeCloud/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Adobe Creative Cloud'
version: '$1'
# rekordbox (https://rekordbox.com/en/)
- regex: 'rekordbox/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'rekordbox'
version: '$1'
# Windows Push Notification Services (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/)
- regex: 'Microsoft-WNS/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Windows Push Notification Services'
version: '$1'
# Background Intelligent Transfer Service (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/)
- regex: 'Microsoft BITS/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Background Intelligent Transfer Service'
version: '$1'
# ESET Remote Administrator (https://www.eset.com/me/business/remote-management/remote-administrator/)
- regex: 'ERA Agent Update'
name: 'ESET Remote Administrator'
version: ''
# Epic Games Launcher (https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/download)
- regex: 'EpicGamesLauncher/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Epic Games Launcher'
version: '$1'
# WebDAV (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/)
- regex: 'Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir'
name: 'WebDAV'
version: ''
# Battle.net (https://eu.shop.battle.net/en-us)
- regex: 'Battle.net/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Battle.net'
version: '$1'
# Bookshelf (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vitalsource.bookshelf)
- regex: 'Bookshelf-Android/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Bookshelf'
version: '$1'
# Rave Social (https://www.ravesocial.com/)
- regex: 'RaveSocial/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Rave Social'
version: '$1'
# Word Cookies! (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/word-cookies/id1153883316)
- regex: 'wordcookies/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Word Cookies!'
version: '$1'
# Bible KJV (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bible-kjv/id544098932)
- regex: 'com.meevii.bibleKJV/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Bible KJV'
version: '$1'
# MetaTrader (https://www.metatrader5.com/)
- regex: 'MetaTrader 5 Terminal/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'MetaTrader'
version: '$1'
# Paint by Number (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/paint-by-number-coloring-games/id1420058690)
- regex: 'com.paint.bynumber/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Paint by Number'
version: '$1'
# ZEPETO (https://apps.apple.com/app/id1350301428)
- regex: 'zepeto_global/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'ZEPETO'
version: '$1'
# Jungle Disk (https://www.jungledisk.com/)
- regex: 'Jungle Disk Workgroup HTTP'
name: 'Jungle Disk'
version: ''
# Nextcloud (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nextcloud.client)
- regex: '(?:mirall|Nextcloud-android)/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Nextcloud'
version: '$1'
# GoNative (https://gonative.io/)
- regex: 'GoNativeIOS/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'GoNative'
version: '$1'
# Pandora (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pandora-music-podcasts/id284035177)
- regex: 'Pandora/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Pandora'
version: '$1'
# Blackboard (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/blackboard/id950424861)
- regex: 'Blackboard/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Blackboard'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Blackboard/unspecified'
name: 'Blackboard'
version: ''
# QQMusic (https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/qq%E9%9F%B3%E4%B9%90-%E5%90%AC%E6%88%91%E6%83%B3%E5%90%AC/id414603431)
- regex: 'QQMusic/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'QQMusic'
version: '$1'
# eToro (https://www.etoro.com/)
- regex: 'etoro-cordova-app'
name: 'eToro'
version: ''
# Avid Link (https://www.avid.com/products/avid-link)
- regex: 'Avid Link Desktop App/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Avid Link'
version: '$1'
# Netflix (https://www.netflix.com/)
- regex: 'Netflix/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Netflix'
version: '$1'
# Google Tag Manager (https://www.google.com/)
- regex: 'GoogleTagManager/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Google Tag Manager'
version: '$1'
# Adobe Synchronizer (https://www.adobe.com/)
- regex: 'Adobe Synchronizer (\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Adobe Synchronizer'
version: '$1'
# BlueStacks (https://www.bluestacks.com/)
- regex: 'BlueStacks(?: 5)?/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'BlueStacks'
version: '$1'
# PowerShell (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/)
- regex: 'WindowsPowerShell/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'PowerShell'
version: '$1'
# GlobalProtect (https://www.paloaltonetworks.com/products/globalprotect)
- regex: 'PAN GlobalProtect/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'GlobalProtect'
version: '$1'
# Theyub
- regex: 'Theyub v(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Theyub'
version: '$1'
# BBC News
- regex: 'BBCNewsUKWatchApp/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'BBC News'
version: '$1'
# TradingView (https://www.tradingview.com/)
- regex: 'TradingView/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'TradingView'
version: '$1'
# Instabridge (https://instabridge.com/en/)
- regex: 'Instabridge'
name: 'Instabridge'
version: ''
# Be Focused (https://apps.apple.com/app/id973130201)
- regex: 'Be Focused/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)?'
name: 'Be Focused'
version: '$1'
# Focus Matrix (https://apps.apple.com/app/id1087284172)
- regex: 'Focus Matrix/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)?'
name: 'Focus Matrix'
version: '$1'
# Focus Keeper (https://apps.apple.com/app/id867374917)
- regex: 'Focuskeeper/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)?'
name: 'Focus Keeper'
version: '$1'
# Quick Search TV (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aospstudio.tvsearch)
- regex: 'Quick Search TV/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Quick Search TV'
version: '$1'
# Microsoft Store (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/apps/windows)
- regex: 'WindowsStoreSDK'
name: 'Microsoft Store'
version: ''
# ASUS Updater (https://www.asus.com/)
- regex: 'Asus Update/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'ASUS Updater'
version: '$1'
# IMO.IM HD Version https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imo.android.imoimhd
- regex: 'imoAndroid/(20\d{2}.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'IMO HD Video Calls & Chat'
version: '$1'
# IMO.IM https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.imo.android.imoim
- regex: 'imoAndroid/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'IMO International Calls & Chat'
version: '$1'
# Microsoft Bing Search (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.bing | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/microsoft-bing-search/id345323231)
- regex: 'BingSapphire/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Microsoft Bing Search'
version: '$1'
# Microsoft Start (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.amp.apps.bingnews | https://apps.apple.com/us/app/microsoft-start/id945416273)
- regex: 'NewsSapphire/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Microsoft Start'
version: '$1'
# HiSearch
- regex: '.+HiSearch/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'HiSearch'
version: '$1'
# RDDocuments (https://apps.apple.com/app/id364901807)
- regex: 'RDDocuments/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'RDDocuments'
version: '$1'
# F-Secure SAFE (https://apps.apple.com/app/f-secure-safe/id572847748)
- regex: 'FSCDCSafe (\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'F-Secure SAFE'
version: '$1'
# Twitterrific (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/twitterrific-tweet-your-way/id580311103)
- regex: 'Twitterrific'
name: 'Twitterrific'
version: ''
# Uconnect LIVE (https://apps.apple.com/it/app/uconnect-live/id881830261?l=en)
- regex: 'UconnectLive'
name: 'Uconnect LIVE'
version: ''
# Wayback Machine (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wayback-machine/id1472432422)
- regex: 'Wayback%20Machine%20Extension'
name: 'Wayback Machine'
version: ''
# Q-municate (https://www.qmunicateh10.com | https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/q-municate/id909698517)
- regex: 'com.Nanoteq.QmunicateH10p.+/(\d+\.[\.\d]+) \('
name: 'Q-municate'
version: '$1'
# NET.mede (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/net-mede/id597007101)
- regex: 'NET.mede'
name: 'NET.mede'
version: ''
# My Bentley (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/my-bentley/id1008052243)
- regex: 'My%20Bentley'
name: 'My Bentley'
version: ''
# Skyeng (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/skyeng-english-online/id1065290732)
- regex: 'Skyeng%20App'
name: 'Skyeng'
version: ''
# Skyeng Teachers (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/skyeng-teachers/id1483049537)
- regex: 'Skyeng%20Teachers'
name: 'Skyeng Teachers'
version: ''
# Bank Millenium (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bank-millennium/id412646128)
- regex: '(Millennium/|Millennium%20Corp)'
name: 'Bank Millenium'
version: ''
# MBolsa (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mbolsa/id1533621499)
- regex: 'MBolsa'
name: 'MBolsa'
version: ''
# MEmpresas (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mempresas/id669516182)
- regex: '(MEmpresas|Millennium%20Empresas)'
name: 'MEmpresas'
version: ''
# Orange Radio (https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/orange-radio/id1201284975?l=en)
- regex: 'OrangeRadio/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Orange Radio'
version: '$1'
# Radio Italiane https://apps.apple.com/us/app/radio-italiane-radio-it/id1390350146)
- regex: 'Radio%20Italiane/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Radio Italiane'
version: '$1'
# Safari Search Helper
- regex: 'com.apple.Safari.SearchHelper/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Safari Search Helper'
version: '$1'
# Citrix Workspace (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/citrix-workspace/id363501921)
- regex: 'Citrix%20Viewer'
name: 'Citrix Workspace'
version: ''
# Mercantile Bank of Michigan (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/mercantile-bank-of-michigan/id428982831)
- regex: 'com.mercbank.s1mobileipad'
name: 'Mercantile Bank of Michigan'
version: ''
# DStream Air (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dstream-air/id1214400521)
- regex: 'D-Stream%20Air'
name: 'DStream Air'
version: ''
# Expedia (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/expedia-hotels-flights-car/id427916203)
- regex: 'ExpediaBookings'
name: 'Expedia'
version: ''
# Windows Antivirus
- regex: 'Windows Antivirus (\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Windows Antivirus'
version: '$1'
# Macrium Reflect (https://www.macrium.com/reflectfree)
- regex: '^Reflect'
name: 'Macrium Reflect'
version: ''
- regex: 'Opera autoupdate agent'
name: 'Opera Updater'
version: ''
# Ballz (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ballz/id1139609950)
- regex: 'Ballz/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Ballz'
version: '$1'
# RNPS Action Cards
- regex: 'rnps-action-cards/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'RNPS Action Cards'
version: '$1'
# Plex Media Server (https://www.plex.tv/sv/media-server-downloads/)
- regex: 'PlexMediaServer/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Plex Media Server'
version: '$1'
# SafeIP (https://www.freesafeip.com/)
- regex: 'FreeSafeIP'
name: 'SafeIP'
version: ''
# Surfshark (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.surfshark.vpnclient.android)
- regex: 'SurfsharkAndroid/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Surfshark'
version: '$1'
# Hago (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yy.hiyo)
- regex: 'APP/yym-hago-and(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Hago'
version: '$1'
# Vuze Bittorent Client
- regex: 'Azureus (\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Vuze'
version: '$1'
# Adobe IPM
- regex: 'IPM'
name: 'Adobe IPM'
version: ''
# Adobe NGL
- regex: 'NGL Client/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Adobe NGL'
version: '$1'
# Bitcoin Core (https://bitcoin.org/en/bitcoin-core/)
- regex: '/Satoshi:(\d+\.[\.\d]+)/'
name: 'Bitcoin Core'
version: '$1'
# Dogecoin Core (https://github.com/dogecoin/dogecoin)
- regex: '/Shibetoshi:(\d+\.[\.\d]+)/'
name: 'Dogecoin Core'
version: '$1'
# Amazon Shopping (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.amazon.mShop.android.shopping)
- regex: 'Amazon.com/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Amazon Shopping'
version: '$1'
# mobile.de (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.mobile.android.app)
- regex: 'de.mobile.android.app/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'mobile.de'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'de.mobile.android.app/(.*) \((\d+\.[\.\d]+)\)'
name: 'mobile.de'
version: '$2'
# Jitsi Meet (https://meet.jit.si/)
- regex: 'jitsi-meet/'
name: 'Jitsi Meet'
version: ''
# Don't Waste My Time! (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/dont-waste-my-time/id1503883738)
- regex: 'Waste My Time! Extension/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: "Don't Waste My Time!"
version: '$1'
# Surfshark (https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1391782046)
- regex: 'Surfshark/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Surfshark'
version: '$1'
# 1Password (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/1password-password-manager/id568903335)
- regex: '1Password/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: '1Password'
version: '$1'
# Startsiden (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/startsiden/id435032741)
- regex: 'iOSStartsidenApp'
name: 'Startsiden'
version: ''
# HisThumbnail
- regex: 'HisThumbnail'
name: 'HisThumbnail'
version: ''
# Yahoo OneSearch (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/yahoo-onesearch/id1494021151)
- regex: 'OneSearch/(\d+\.[\.\d]+)'
name: 'Yahoo OneSearch'
version: '$1'
# Bing iPad
- regex: 'bingipadclient'
name: 'Bing iPad'
version: ''
# AntiBrowserSpy (https://www.abelssoft.de/en/windows/security-privacy/antibrowserspy)
- regex: 'anonymized by Abelssoft'
name: 'AntiBrowserSpy'
version: ''
# 다음 or Daum
- regex: 'DaumApps/(\d+\.[.\d]+)?'
name: 'Daum'
version: '$1'
# DIRECTV (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.att.tv)
- regex: 'AT&T TV'
name: 'DIRECTV'
version: ''
# Reddit (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.reddit.frontpage)
- regex: 'Reddit/Version (\d+\.[.\d]+)/'
name: 'Reddit'
version: '$1'
# Tuya Smart Life (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tuya.smartlife)
- regex: 'TuyaSmart/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Tuya Smart Life'
version: '$1'
# Spotify (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/spotify-music-and-podcasts/id324684580)
- regex: '(?:Spotify(?:-Lite)?/(\d+\.[.\d]+|12\d+)|^spotify_)'
name: 'Spotify'
version: '$1'
# A music and podcasts streaming app
- regex: '(?:AmazonMusic|^Harley)(?:(?:%2F|/)(\d+\.[.\d]+))?'
name: 'Amazon Music'
version: '$1'
# Klarna (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/klarna-shop-now-pay-later/id1115120118)
- regex: 'Klarna/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Klarna'
version: '$1'
# WhatsApp+2
- regex: 'YoWhatsApp2Plus(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'WhatsApp+2'
version: '$1'
# GBWhatsApp
- regex: 'GBWhatsApp(?:/(\d+[\.\d]+))?'
name: 'GBWhatsApp'
version: '$1'
# R (https://www.r-project.org/)
- regex: '^R/(\d+[\.\d]+)'
name: 'R'
version: '$1'
# RadioApp (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/radioapp-a-simple-radio/id720291153)
- regex: 'RadioAppFree/'
name: 'RadioApp'
version: ''
# Audible
- regex: '^(?:Audible, Android, |com.audible.playersdk.player/|Audible/)(\d+\.[.\d]+)?'
name: 'Audible'
version: '$1'
# Overcast (http://overcast.fm/)
- regex: 'Overcast/?(\d+\.[.\d]+)? \(\+http://overcast.fm/; (?:Apple Watch|iOS) podcast'
name: 'Overcast'
version: '$1'
# HTTP request maker (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.proj.httprequestmaker)
- regex: '^HTTPrequestmaker'
name: 'HTTP request maker'
version: ''
# bonprix (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.proj.httprequestmaker)
- regex: '^bonprix mobile App (\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'BonPrix'
version: '$1'
# Quora https://apps.apple.com/us/app/quora/id456034437
- regex: 'Safari Quora (\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Quora'
version: '$1'
# jj2go https://apps.apple.com/us/app/jj2go/id1438749275
- regex: 'RelesysApp/(\d+\.[.\d]+) \(\d{1,2}\) net.relesysapp.jj2go'
name: 'JJ2GO'
version: '$1'
# My Watch Party
- regex: 'MyWatchParty/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'My Watch Party'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'LoseIt!/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'LoseIt!'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'ActionExtension/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'ActionExtension'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Adori(?:-Dev|-Listen)?/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Adori'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Agora/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Agora'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Airr(?:%20Beta)?/([\d\.]+)|^Airr \('
name: 'Airr'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Airsonic/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Airsonic'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:AllYouCanBooksApp|^AllYouCanBooks/([\d\.]+))'
name: 'All You Can Books'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^AllHitMusicRadio/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'AllHitMusicRadio'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Amazon;AF'
name: 'Amazon Fire'
version: ''
- regex: '^Anchor/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Anchor'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^AnchorFM/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'AnchorFM'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:^Anghami Android |^Anghami/|^أنغامي/)([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Anghami'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:^AntennaPod/|^de\.danoeh\.antennapod/|antenna/)([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'AntennaPod'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Anybox/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Anybox'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Anytime/(\d+\.[.\d]+).*amugofjava'
name: 'Anytime Podcast Player'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^APKXDL'
name: 'APK Downloader'
version: ''
- regex: '^Apollo/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Apollo'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:^MessagesViewService/|^Messages/|^Messages Share Extension/|^MessagesNotificationExtension/)([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Apple iMessage'
version: '$1'
# The Apple Podcasts app. What were they thinking?
- regex: '(?:^Podcasts/|^Balados/|^Podcasti/|^Podcastit/|^Podcasturi/|^Podcasty/|^Podcast’ler/|^Podkaster/|^Podcaster/|^Podcastok/|^Подкасти/|^Подкасты/|^פודקאסטים/|^البودكاست/|^पॉडकास्ट/|^พ็อดคาสท์/|^播客/|^팟캐스트/|^ポッドキャスト/|^إسمعلي/|^Подкасттар/|^Podcast/|AirPodcasts/)([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'Apple Podcasts'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Recordatorios/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Apple Reminders'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Arvocast/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Arvocast'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Radio\.com/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Audacy'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Audio/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Audio'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Android_AudioNow'
name: 'Audio Now'
version: ''
- regex: '^Awasu/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Awasu'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Bear/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Bear'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Bible/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Bible'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Bolt/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Bolt'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Bookmobile/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Bookmobile'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Boom/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Boom'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Boomplay/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Boomplay'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Bose/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Bose SoundTouch'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^bPod$'
name: 'bPod'
version: ''
- regex: '^breez/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Breez'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Broadcast/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Broadcast'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'BroadwayPodcastNetwork/iOS'
name: 'Broadway Podcast Network'
version: ''
- regex: '^(?:Browser|browser_iso)/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Browser app'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^BrowserPlus/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'BrowserPlus'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Bullhorn(?:/([\d\.]+))?'
name: 'Bullhorn'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Capital/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Capital'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^capsule\.fm/([\d\.]+)|^capsule-android'
name: 'capsule.fm'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Castamatic/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Castamatic'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Castaway/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Castaway'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^CastBox/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'CastBox'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Classic FM/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Classic FM'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Client/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Client'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Cosmicast/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Cosmicast'
version: '$1'
# A simple, beautiful podcast app, for Windows, MacOS and Linux
- regex: 'CPod/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'CPod'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^damus/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Damus'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'be\.standaard\.audio'
name: 'De Standaard'
version: ''
- regex: '^DManager/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'DManager'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^doubleTwist CloudPlayer'
name: 'DoubleTwist CloudPlayer'
version: ''
- regex: '^Doughnut/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Doughnut'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Downie/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Downie'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Downloader/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Downloader'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^EMAudioPlayer (\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'EMAudioPlayer'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Expo/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Expo'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^CFR%20Plus/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'faidr'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Fathom/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Fathom'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^FeedStation/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'FeedStation'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Files/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Files'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Fountain(?:app)?/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Fountain'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Garmin fenix 5X Plus/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Garmin fenix 5X'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Garmin Forerunner (?:\d+)(?: Music| Solar)?/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Garmin Forerunner'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Gold/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Gold'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^GoldenPod/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'GoldenPod'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^GoLoud/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'GoLoud'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Goodpods(?:\.Android|\.iOS)? ?/ ?([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Goodpods'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^GoodReader(?:4|IPad)?/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'GoodReader'
version: '$1'
- regex: '\(Fuchsia\).* CrKey/(:?\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Google Nest Hub'
version: ''
- regex: '^Guacamole/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Guacamole'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Hammel/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Hammel'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^HardCast/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'HardCast'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Hark/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Hark Audio'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Heart/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Heart'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'hermespod\.com/v?([\d\.]+)'
name: 'HermesPod'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^HiCast/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'HiCast'
version: '$1'
# Himalaya is a podcast app
- regex: '^Himalaya(?:_test)?/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Himalaya'
version: '$1'
# Newsletters and podcasts together!
- regex: '^HyperCatcher/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'HyperCatcher'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^(?:iHeartRadio|iHeartPodcasts)/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'iHeartRadio'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^IOSAudiobooks/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Audiobooks'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^iVoox(?:App|New)?[ /]?([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'iVoox'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Jam/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Jam'
version: '$1'
# A music streaming and podcast app from India. Earn Your Happy!
- regex: '^(?:com\.jio\.media\.jiobeats/(\d+\.[.\d]+)|com\.saavn\.android|^[sS]aavn)'
name: 'JioSaavn'
version: '$1'
- regex: ' Kajabi|KajabiPodcast'
name: 'Kajabi'
version: ''
- regex: '^KakaoTalk/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'KakaoTalk'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Kids(?:%20| )Listen/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Kids Listen'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^KidspodMobileClient/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'KidsPod'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^KKBOX/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'KKBOX'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^(?:Laughable.+iOS|Laughable)/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Laughable'
version: '$1'
# British podcast app
- regex: '^LBC/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'LBC'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'LG Player (\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'LG Player'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Listen(?:(?: |%20)App)?/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Listen'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Liulo/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Liulo'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Listen5[ /]([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Just Listen'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^(?:Luminary(?:Preprod)?|luminary\.next)/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Luminary'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Megaphone\.fm'
name: 'Megaphone'
version: ''
- regex: '^Menucast/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Menucast'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Messenger/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'MessengerX'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Mimir(?:-macOS)?/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Mimir'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^MobileSMS/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'MobileSMS'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Moon ?FM/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'MoonFM'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^myTuner(?:(?:%20Radio%20app|iOS%20Free|_podcasts_androidplayer)/ ?([\d\.]+)?)?'
name: 'MyTuner'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Newsly$'
name: 'Newsly'
version: ''
# NRC Audio
- regex: '^NRC(?: |%20)Audio/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'NRC Audio'
version: '$1'
# The free NRC app offers you the latest news and the digital version of the paper newspaper.
- regex: '(?:NRC-Nieuws/|nl.nrc.nrcapp )([\d\.]+)'
name: 'NRC'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Outcast[/ ]?([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'Outcast'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Podcast Overhaul/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Overhaul FM'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Palco MP3/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Palco MP3'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^PeaCast/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'PeaCast'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Player FM|^Player%20FM|^Alpha%20PlayerFM/'
name: 'Player FM'
version: ''
- regex: '^Podbay/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Podbay'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^PodcastGuru[ /]([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Podcast Guru'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Podcast Player/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Podcast Player'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^PodcastRepublic/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Podcast Republic'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Podcastly[/ ]?(\d+\.[.\d]+)?'
name: 'Podcastly'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Podchaser |^Podchaser-Parser'
name: 'Podchaser'
version: ''
- regex: '^Podclipper/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Podclipper'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^PodCruncher/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'PodCruncher'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Podeo/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Podeo'
version: '$1'
# Podfriend Electron app
- regex: '^Podfriend[ /](\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Podfriend'
version: '$1'
# Podhero app on iOS and Android.
- regex: '(?:^Podhero(?:%20Alpha)?/|^Swoot[/ ](?:Agent[/ ])?)([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Podhero'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Podimo/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Podimo'
version: '$1'
# PodKast is a podcast app available for KaiOS smartphones
- regex: 'PodKast$'
name: 'PodKast'
version: ''
- regex: '^Podkicker(?: Pro)/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Podkicker Pro'
version: '$1'
# PodLP is the first podcast app available for KaiOS smart feature phones on the KaiStore.
- regex: 'PodLP/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'PodLP'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^(?:Podme android app|PodMe)/(\d+\.[.\d]+)?'
name: 'PodMe'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^PodMN/(?:iOS|Android) (\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'PodMN'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^PodNL/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'PodNL'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^(?:Podopolo|podopolo)/?([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Podopolo'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Podplay/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Podplay'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Pods/'
name: 'Pods'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Podurama/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Podurama'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^PodTrapper$'
name: 'PodTrapper'
version: ''
- regex: '^Podvine/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Podvine'
version: '$1'
# Open source podcast catcher for Android, with clip-sharing, playlists, device syncing and more.
- regex: '^Podverse/'
name: 'Podverse'
version: ''
# Podyssey is a community for people that love podcasts. It's like Goodreads, but for podcasts.
- regex: '(?:Podyssey App|com\.toysinboxes\.Echo|fm\.podyssey\.podcasts|^Podyssey)/?([\d\.]+)?'
name: 'Podyssey'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^PugpigBolt (\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'PugPig Bolt'
version: '$1'
# Radio.de is a radio and podcast app in Germany, but they
# have web sites and apps with various domain names
# (at, de, dk, es, fr, it, pl, pt, se, net)
- regex: '^radio\.([a-z]{2}|net)[ /]([\d\.]+)'
name: 'radio.$1'
version: '$2'
# same developer as radio.de, different app
- regex: '^GetPodcast[ /]([\d\.]+)'
name: 'GetPodcast'
version: '$1'
# https://radio-next.tv/
- regex: '^radio\.next[ /]([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Radio Next'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:^Radioline%202/(\d+\.[.\d]+)|^Radioline$)'
name: 'Radioline'
version: '$1'
# Repod is a social podcast app that helps creators engage, montetization, and grow their community.
- regex: '^Repod/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Repod'
version: '$1'
# Rhythmbox is your one-stop multimedia application, supporting a music library, multiple playlists, internet radio, and more.
- regex: '^rhythmbox/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Rhythmbox'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^SachNoi\.?app/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'SachNoi'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^sp-agent'
name: 'Samsung Podcasts'
version: ''
- regex: '^(?:ServeStream(?: Dynamo)?/?(\d+\.[.\d]+)?)'
name: 'ServeStream'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Shadow/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Shadow'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Shadowrocket/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Shadowrocket'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^SiriusXM/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'SiriusXM'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Snipd/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Snipd'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Sodes/([\d\.]+)'
name: "'sodes"
version: '$1'
# Sonnet is a simple, easy to use podcast app aimed at new listeners
- regex: '(?:Sonnet/(?:Android|iOS)|^Simple Podcast Player/(\d+\.[.\d]+))'
name: 'Sonnet'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^sony_tv;ps5;'
name: 'Sony PlayStation 5'
version: ''
# TikTok's music creator platform
- regex: '^SoundOn/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'SoundOn'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^SoundWaves-(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'SoundWaves'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Spreaker/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Spreaker'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Stitcher/|^Stitcher Demo/|^AlexaMediaPlayer/Stitcher'
name: 'Stitcher'
version: ''
- regex: '^StoryShots/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'StoryShots'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Swinsian/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Swinsian'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^ThePodcastApp/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Podcast App'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^TREBLE/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Treble.fm'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Turtlecast/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Turtlecast'
version: '$1'
# an audiobook reader
- regex: '^Ubook Player$'
name: 'Ubook Player'
version: ''
# the second evolution of victor reader software
- regex: '^VictorReader Stream Trek'
name: 'Victor Reader Stream Trek'
version: ''
# third evolution
- regex: '^VictorReader Stream V3'
name: 'Victor Reader Stream 3'
version: ''
# fourth evolution
- regex: '^(?:VictorReader Stream 503|VictorReader_)'
name: 'Victor Reader Stream New Generation'
version: ''
# Podcasts with deeper digital stories
- regex: '^Vodacast/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Vodacast'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^WynkMusic/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Wynk Music'
version: '$1'
# Xiao Yu Zhou, a podcast app
- regex: '^Xiaoyuzhou/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Xiao Yu Zhou'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Ya(ndex)?\.Music/'
name: 'Yandex Music'
version: ''
- regex: '^yapa/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Yapa'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Zeno$'
name: 'Radio Zeno'
version: ''
- regex: 'Zune/(\d+\.[.\d]+)'
name: 'Zune'
version: ''
- regex: 'UCast/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'UCast'
version: '$1'
- regex: '(?:^NPROneAndroid$|^NPR%20One/([\d\.]+))'
name: 'NPR One'
version: '$1'
# unsure what this is, but is used quite a bit
- regex: 'Trackable/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Trackable'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'Uforia/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'Uforia'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^LAT-Native-App'
name: 'L.A. Times'
version: ''
- regex: '(?:^NYT(?: |%20)?Audio|nytios)/([\d.]+)'
name: 'The New York Times'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^LiSTNR[.\w]*/([\d.]+)'
name: 'LiSTNR'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^Podu_player$'
name: 'podU'
version: '$1'
- regex: '^TiviMate/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'TiviMate'
version: '$1'
- regex: 'IPTV/([\d\.]+)'
name: 'IPTV'
version: '$1'