whoa. optimize away the pain

This commit is contained in:
Sandy Maguire 2019-03-18 14:20:24 -04:00
parent 730859a5f3
commit 0f041dbfd3
6 changed files with 182 additions and 162 deletions

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@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ main :: IO ()
main =
defaultMain [
bgroup "Countdown Bench" [
-- bench "faster" $ whnf TFTF.countDownFast 10000
bench "discount" $ whnf TFTF.countDown 10000
bench "faster" $ whnf TFTF.countDownFast 10000
, bench "discount" $ whnf TFTF.countDown 10000
, bench "freer-simple" $ whnf countDown 10000
, bench "mtl" $ whnf countDownMTL 10000

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@ -23,12 +23,12 @@ dependencies:
- base >= 4.7 && < 5
- transformers
- mtl
- free
- template-haskell
description: Dump HTML for the core generated by GHC during compilation
default: True
default: False
manual: True

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MonoLocalBinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
@ -17,124 +18,59 @@ module Control.Monad.Discount
, prj
) where
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Tuple
import Data.OpenUnion
import Control.Monad.Discount.Effect
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.Discount.Lift
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as S
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT)
type Eff r = Freer (Union r)
type Eff r = F (Union r)
newtype F f a = F
{ runF
:: r
. (a -> r)
-> (f (F f) r -> r)
-> r
newtype Freer f a = Freer
{ runFreer
:: m
. Monad m
=> ( x. f (Freer f) x -> m x)
-> m a
usingFreer :: Monad m => ( x. f (Freer f) x -> m x) -> Freer f a -> m a
usingFreer k m = runFreer m k
{-# INLINE usingFreer #-}
instance Functor (F f) where
fmap f (F g) = F (\kp -> g (kp . f))
instance Functor (Freer f) where
fmap f (Freer m) = Freer $ \k -> fmap f $ m k
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
instance Applicative (F f) where
pure a = F (\kp _ -> kp a)
instance Applicative (Freer f) where
pure a = Freer $ const $ pure a
{-# INLINE pure #-}
F f <*> F g = F (\kp kf -> f (\a -> g (kp . a) kf) kf)
Freer f <*> Freer a = Freer $ \k -> f k <*> a k
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
instance Monad (F f) where
instance Monad (Freer f) where
return = pure
{-# INLINE return #-}
F m >>= f = F (\kp kf -> m (\a -> runF (f a) kp kf) kf)
Freer ma >>= f = Freer $ \k -> do
z <- ma k
runFreer (f z) k
{-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
runEff :: (a -> r) -> (f (F f) r -> r) -> F f a -> r
runEff kp kf e = runF e kp kf
{-# INLINE runEff #-}
liftEff :: Union r (Eff r) a -> Eff r a
liftEff u = F $ \kp kf -> kf $ fmap kp u
liftEff :: f (Freer f) a -> Freer f a
liftEff u = Freer $ \k -> k u
{-# INLINE liftEff #-}
raise :: Eff r a -> Eff (e ': r) a
raise = runEff pure $ join . liftEff . hoist raise . weaken
{-# INLINE raise #-}
:: ( x. e (Eff (e ': r)) (Eff r x) -> Eff r x)
-> Eff (e ': r) a
-> Eff r a
interpret f = runEff pure $ \u ->
case decomp u of
Left x -> join . liftEff $ hoist (interpret f) x
Right eff -> f eff
{-# INLINE interpret #-}
:: Member e r
=> ( x. e (Eff r) x -> Eff r x)
-> Eff r a
-> Eff r a
interpose f = runEff pure $ \u ->
join $ case prj u of
Just x -> f x
Nothing -> liftEff u
{-# INLINE interpose #-}
:: (Member e r, Effect e)
=> Eff (e ': r) a
-> Eff r a
subsume = interpret $ join . send . hoist subsume
{-# INLINE subsume #-}
:: Effect f
=> ( x. f (Eff (g ': r)) x -> Eff (g ': r) x)
-> Eff (f ': r) a
-> Eff (g ': r) a
reinterpret f = runEff pure $ \u ->
join $ case decomp u of
Left x -> liftEff $ weaken $ hoist (reinterpret f) x
Right y -> f $ hoist (reinterpret f) $ y
{-# INLINE reinterpret #-}
-- TODO(sandy): does this have the right semantics for INSIDE MONADS?
:: ( Effect f
, Effect g
=> ( x. f (Eff (f ': r)) x -> g (Eff (g ': r)) x)
-> Eff (f ': r) a
-> Eff (g ': r) a
translate f = runEff pure $ \u ->
join $ case decomp u of
Left x -> liftEff $ weaken $ hoist (translate f) x
Right y -> send $ f y
{-# INLINE translate #-}
runM :: Monad m => Eff '[Lift m] a -> m a
runM e = runF e pure $ join . unLift . extract
{-# INLINE runM #-}
run :: Eff '[] a -> a
run = runEff id $ error "lol"
{-# INLINE run #-}
hoistEff :: ( x. f (Freer f) x -> g (Freer g) x) -> Freer f a -> Freer g a
hoistEff nat (Freer m) = Freer $ \k -> m $ \u -> k $ nat u
{-# INLINE hoistEff #-}
send :: Member e r => e (Eff r) a -> Eff r a
@ -143,6 +79,60 @@ send = liftEff . inj
sendM :: Member (Lift m) r => m a -> Eff r a
sendM = liftEff . inj . Lift
sendM = send . Lift
{-# INLINE sendM #-}
run :: Eff '[] a -> a
run (Freer m) = runIdentity $ m $ \u -> error "absurd"
{-# INLINE run #-}
runM :: Monad m => Eff '[Lift m] a -> m a
runM (Freer m) = m $ \u -> error "absurd"
{-# INLINE runM #-}
:: Effect e
=> ( x. e (Eff (e ': r)) x -> Eff r x)
-> Eff (e ': r) a
-> Eff r a
interpret f (Freer m) = m $ \u ->
case decomp u of
Left x -> liftEff $ hoist (interpret f) x
Right y -> f y
{-# INLINE interpret #-}
:: forall e s r a
. Effect e
=> ( x. e (StateT s (Eff r)) x -> StateT s (Eff r) x)
-> s
-> Eff (e ': r) a
-> Eff r (s, a)
stateful f s = \e -> fmap swap $ S.runStateT (go e) s
go :: Eff (e ': r) x -> StateT s (Eff r) x
go (Freer m) = m $ \u ->
case decomp u of
Left x -> S.StateT $ \s' ->
liftEff . fmap swap
. weave (s', ()) (uncurry $ stateful f)
$ x
Right y -> f $ hoist go y
{-# INLINE stateful #-}
:: Effect f
=> ( x. f (Eff (g ': r)) x -> Eff (g ': r) x)
-> Eff (f ': r) a
-> Eff (g ': r) a
reinterpret f (Freer m) = m $ \u ->
case decomp u of
Left x -> liftEff $ weaken $ hoist (reinterpret f) x
Right y -> f $ hoist (reinterpret f) $ y
{-# INLINE reinterpret #-}

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@ -17,15 +17,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Data.OpenUnion
( Member
, inj
, weaken
, Union (..)
, decomp
, extract
, prj
) where
module Data.OpenUnion where
import Control.Monad.Discount.Effect
import Data.Typeable

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@ -19,8 +19,9 @@
module TRYAGAIN where
import Data.Tuple
import Control.Monad.Discount
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as S
data State s m a
@ -59,68 +60,102 @@ throw = send . Throw
catch :: Member (Error e) r => Eff r a -> (e -> Eff r a) -> Eff r a
catch try handle = send $ Catch try handle id
:: forall s r a
. s
-> Eff (State s ': r) a
-> Eff r (s, a)
runStateFast sz fm = go sz fm
go s (Freer m) = Freer $ \k ->
fmap swap $ flip S.runStateT s $ m $ \u ->
case decomp u of
Left x -> S.StateT $ \s' ->
k . fmap swap
. weave (s', ()) (uncurry runStateFast')
$ x
Right (Get k2) -> fmap k2 S.get
Right (Put s' k2) -> S.put s' >> pure k2
{-# INLINE runStateFast #-}
:: forall s r a
. s
-> Eff (State s ': r) a
-> Eff r (s, a)
runStateFast' s (Freer m) = Freer $ \k ->
fmap swap $ flip S.runStateT s $ m $ \u ->
case decomp u of
Left x -> S.StateT $ \s' ->
k . fmap swap
. weave (s', ()) (uncurry runStateFast)
$ x
Right (Get k2) -> fmap k2 S.get
Right (Put s' k2) -> S.put s' >> pure k2
{-# INLINE runStateFast' #-}
runState :: s -> Eff (State s ': r) a -> Eff r (s, a)
runState = runRelayS (\s x -> pure (s, x)) $ \case
Get k -> \s -> k s s
Put s k -> const $ k s
runState = stateful $ \case
Get k -> fmap k S.get
Put s k -> S.put s >> pure k
{-# INLINE runState #-}
:: s e a r
. ( x. s -> x -> Eff r (s, x))
-> ( x. e (Eff (e ': r)) (s -> Eff r (s, x))
-> s
-> Eff r (s, x))
-> s
-> Eff (e ': r) a
-> Eff r (s, a)
runRelayS pure' bind' = flip go
go :: Eff (e ': r) x -> s -> Eff r (s, x)
go = runEff (flip pure') $ \u ->
case decomp u of
Left x -> \s' ->
join . liftEff
$ fmap (uncurry (flip id))
$ weave (s', ()) (uncurry $ flip go) x
Right eff -> bind' eff
{-# INLINE runRelayS #-}
-- runRelayS
-- :: ∀ s e a r
-- . (∀ x. s -> x -> Eff r (s, x))
-- -> (∀ x. e (Eff (e ': r)) (s -> Eff r (s, x))
-- -> s
-- -> Eff r (s, x))
-- -> s
-- -> Eff (e ': r) a
-- -> Eff r (s, a)
-- runRelayS pure' bind' = flip go
-- where
-- go :: Eff (e ': r) x -> s -> Eff r (s, x)
-- go = runEff (flip pure') $ \u ->
-- case decomp u of
-- Left x -> \s' ->
-- join . liftEff
-- $ fmap (uncurry (flip id))
-- $ weave (s', ()) (uncurry $ flip go) x
-- Right eff -> bind' eff
-- {-# INLINE runRelayS #-}
runError :: Eff (Error e ': r) a -> Eff r (Either e a)
runError = runEff (pure . Right) $ \u ->
case decomp u of
Left x -> join
. liftEff
. fmap (either (pure . Left) id)
$ weave (Right ()) (either (pure . Left) runError) x
Right (Throw e) -> pure $ Left e
Right (Catch try handle k) -> do
ma <- runError try
case ma of
Right a -> k a
Left e -> do
ma' <- runError $ handle e
case ma' of
Left e' -> pure (Left e')
Right a -> k a
{-# INLINE runError #-}
-- runError :: Eff (Error e ': r) a -> Eff r (Either e a)
-- runError = runEff (pure . Right) $ \u ->
-- case decomp u of
-- Left x -> join
-- . liftEff
-- . fmap (either (pure . Left) id)
-- $ weave (Right ()) (either (pure . Left) runError) x
-- Right (Throw e) -> pure $ Left e
-- Right (Catch try handle k) -> do
-- ma <- runError try
-- case ma of
-- Right a -> k a
-- Left e -> do
-- ma' <- runError $ handle e
-- case ma' of
-- Left e' -> pure (Left e')
-- Right a -> k a
-- {-# INLINE runError #-}
main :: IO ()
main = (print =<<) $ runM $ runState "1" $ runError @Bool $ runState True $ do
put "2"
sendM $ putStrLn "hello"
put False
throw True
\(_ :: Bool) -> do
sendM $ putStrLn "caught"
-- main :: IO ()
-- main = (print =<<) $ runM $ runState "1" $ runError @Bool $ runState True $ do
-- put "2"
-- catch
-- do
-- sendM $ putStrLn "hello"
-- put False
-- throw True
-- \(_ :: Bool) -> do
-- sendM $ putStrLn "caught"

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@ -18,3 +18,6 @@ go = do
countDown :: Int -> Int
countDown start = fst $ run $ runState start go
countDownFast :: Int -> Int
countDownFast start = fst $ run $ runStateFast start go