fix scoped interpreters automatically recursively interpreting

This commit is contained in:
Torsten Schmits 2022-12-02 01:58:12 +01:00 committed by Torsten Schmits
parent 0b508d0ee3
commit 2d88b937dd
3 changed files with 68 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
`fixpointToFinal` instead.
- Changed semantics of `errorToIOFinal` so that it no longer catches errors
from other handlers of the same type.
- The semantics of `runScoped` has been changed so that the provided interpreter
is now used only once per use of `scoped`, instead of each individual action.
### Other Changes
@ -34,7 +36,9 @@
- Removed the debug `dump-core` flag.
- Introduced the new meta-effect `Scoped`, which allows running an interpreter locally whose implementation is deferred
to a later stage.
- Fixed a bug in various `Scoped` interpreters where any explicit recursive
interpretation of higher-order computations that the handler may perform are
ignored by the interpreter, and the original handler was reused instead.
## (2021-11-23)

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@ -47,17 +47,19 @@ interpretScopedH ::
( r0 x . resource -> effect (Sem r0) x -> Tactical effect (Sem r0) r x) ->
InterpreterFor (Scoped param effect) r
interpretScopedH withResource scopedHandler =
-- TODO investigate whether loopbreaker optimization is effective here
go (errorWithoutStackTrace "top level run")
interpretWeaving $ \(Weaving effect s wv ex _) -> case effect of
Run _ -> errorWithoutStackTrace "top level run"
InScope param main -> withResource param \ resource ->
<$> interpretH (scopedHandler resource) (go $ raiseUnder $ wv (main <$ s))
go :: resource -> InterpreterFor (Scoped param effect) r
go resource =
-- TODO investigate whether loopbreaker optimization is effective here
go :: InterpreterFor (Scoped param effect) (effect ': r)
go =
interpretWeaving \ (Weaving effect s wv ex ins) -> case effect of
Run act ->
ex <$> runTactics s (raise . go resource . wv) ins (go resource . wv)
(scopedHandler resource act)
InScope param main ->
withResource param \ resource' -> ex <$> go resource' (wv (main <$ s))
Run act -> liftSem $ injWeaving $ Weaving act s (go . wv) ex ins
InScope param main -> raise $ withResource param \ resource ->
ex <$> interpretH (scopedHandler resource) (go $ wv (main <$ s))
{-# inline interpretScopedH #-}
-- | Variant of 'interpretScopedH' that allows the resource acquisition function
@ -159,24 +161,25 @@ interpretScopedWithH ::
interpretScopedWithH withResource scopedHandler =
interpretWeaving \case
Weaving (InScope param main) s wv ex _ ->
ex <$> withResource param \ resource -> inScope resource $
(singList @'[Scoped param effect])
(singList @extra)) $ wv (main <$ s)
ex <$> withResource param \ resource ->
interpretH (scopedHandler resource) $ inScope $
(singList @'[Scoped param effect])
(singList @(effect ': extra))) $ wv (main <$ s)
_ ->
errorWithoutStackTrace "top level Run"
inScope :: resource -> InterpreterFor (Scoped param effect) r1
inScope resource =
inScope :: InterpreterFor (Scoped param effect) (effect ': r1)
inScope =
interpretWeaving \case
Weaving (InScope param main) s wv ex _ ->
restack (extendMembershipLeft (singList @extra))
(ex <$> withResource param \resource' ->
inScope resource' (wv (main <$ s)))
(extendMembershipLeft (singList @(effect ': extra)))
(ex <$> withResource param \resource ->
interpretH (scopedHandler resource) $ inScope $ wv (main <$ s))
Weaving (Run act) s wv ex ins ->
ex <$> runTactics s (raise . inScope resource . wv) ins (inScope resource . wv)
(scopedHandler resource act)
liftSem $ injWeaving $ Weaving act s (inScope . wv) ex ins
{-# inline interpretScopedWithH #-}
-- | First-order variant of 'interpretScopedWithH'.
@ -227,46 +230,34 @@ interpretScopedWith_ withResource scopedHandler =
-- easily rewrite (like from another library). If you have full control over the
-- implementation, 'interpretScoped' should be preferred.
-- /Note/: The wrapped interpreter will be executed fully, including the
-- initializing code surrounding its handler, for each action in the program, so
-- if the interpreter allocates any resources, they will be scoped to a single
-- action. Move them to @withResource@ instead.
-- /Note/: In previous versions of Polysemy, the wrapped interpreter was
-- executed fully, including the initializing code surrounding its handler,
-- for each action in the program. However, new and continuing discoveries
-- regarding 'Scoped' has allowed the improvement of having the interpreter be
-- used only once per use of 'scoped', and have it cover the same scope of
-- actions that the resource allocator does.
-- For example, consider the following interpreter for
-- 'Polysemy.AtomicState.AtomicState':
-- > atomicTVar :: Member (Embed IO) r => a -> InterpreterFor (AtomicState a) r
-- > atomicTVar initial sem = do
-- > tv <- embed (newTVarIO initial)
-- > runAtomicStateTVar tv sem
-- If this interpreter were used for a scoped version of @AtomicState@ like
-- this:
-- > runScoped (\ initial use -> use initial) \ initial -> atomicTVar initial
-- Then the @TVar@ would be created every time an @AtomicState@ action is run,
-- not just when entering the scope.
-- The proper way to implement this would be to rewrite the resource allocation:
-- > runScoped (\ initial use -> use =<< embed (newTVarIO initial)) runAtomicStateTVar
-- This renders the resource allocator practically redundant; for the moment, the API
-- surrounding 'Scoped' remains the same, but work is in progress to revamp the
-- entire API of 'Scoped'.
runScoped ::
resource param effect r .
( x . param -> (resource -> Sem r x) -> Sem r x) ->
(resource -> InterpreterFor effect r) ->
InterpreterFor (Scoped param effect) r
runScoped withResource scopedInterpreter =
go (errorWithoutStackTrace "top level run")
interpretWeaving \(Weaving effect s wv ex _) -> case effect of
Run _ -> errorWithoutStackTrace "top level run"
InScope param main -> withResource param \ resource ->
ex <$> scopedInterpreter resource (go (raiseUnder $ wv (main <$ s)))
go :: resource -> InterpreterFor (Scoped param effect) r
go resource =
go :: InterpreterFor (Scoped param effect) (effect ': r)
go =
interpretWeaving \ (Weaving effect s wv ex ins) -> case effect of
Run act ->
scopedInterpreter resource
$ liftSem $ injWeaving $ Weaving act s (raise . go resource . wv) ex ins
Run act -> liftSem $ injWeaving $ Weaving act s (go . wv) ex ins
InScope param main ->
withResource param \ resource' -> ex <$> go resource' (wv (main <$ s))
raise $ withResource param \ resource ->
ex <$> scopedInterpreter resource (go (wv (main <$ s)))
{-# inline runScoped #-}
-- | Variant of 'runScoped' in which the resource allocator returns the resource

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@ -54,6 +54,21 @@ scope (Par n) use = do
tv <- embed (newTVarIO n)
interpretF tv (use tv)
data HO :: Effect where
Inc :: m a -> HO m a
Ret :: HO m Int
makeSem ''HO
scopeHO :: () -> (() -> Sem r a) -> Sem r a
scopeHO () use =
use ()
handleHO :: Int -> () -> HO m a -> Tactical HO m r a
handleHO n () = \case
Inc ma -> raise . interpretH (handleHO (n + 1) ()) =<< runT ma
Ret -> pureT n
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel do
describe "Scoped" do
@ -65,3 +80,9 @@ spec = parallel do
pure (i1, i2)
35 `shouldBe` i1
38 `shouldBe` i2
it "switch interpreter" do
r <- runM $ interpretScopedH scopeHO (handleHO 1) do
scoped_ @HO do
inc do
2 `shouldBe` r