Rename Lift to Embed (#161)

* Move Polysemy.Internal.Lift to Polysemy.Lift.Type

* Add Polysemy.Lift module and runLift interpreter

* Add a Sandy reminder

* Add explicit foralls and split type signature

* Fix import spacing, for there is no "qualified"

* Implement runIO in terms of runLift

* Rename Lift -> Embed

* Replace sendM with embed

* Add a Sandy todo for embed version

* Rename runEmbed and related runEmbedded (from IO)

* runEmbedded -> runEmbeddedInIO
* runEmbed -> runEmbedded

* Update cabal
This commit is contained in:
Georgi Lyubenov 2019-07-11 18:02:26 +03:00 committed by Sandy Maguire
parent 9bfb486769
commit 48b6768ad4
22 changed files with 136 additions and 101 deletions

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@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ data Teletype m a where
makeSem ''Teletype
runTeletypeIO :: Member (Lift IO) r => Sem (Teletype ': r) a -> Sem r a
runTeletypeIO :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Teletype ': r) a -> Sem r a
runTeletypeIO = interpret $ \case
ReadTTY -> sendM getLine
WriteTTY msg -> sendM $ putStrLn msg
ReadTTY -> embed getLine
WriteTTY msg -> embed $ putStrLn msg
runTeletypePure :: [String] -> Sem (Teletype ': r) a -> Sem r ([String], a)
runTeletypePure i
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ pureOutput :: [String] -> [String]
pureOutput = fst . run . echoPure
-- Now let's do things
echoIO :: Sem '[Lift IO] ()
echoIO :: Sem '[Embed IO] ()
echoIO = runTeletypeIO echo
-- echo forever

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ prog
:: Sem '[ State Bool
, Error Bool
, Resource
, Lift IO
, Embed IO
] Bool
prog = catch @Bool (throw True) (pure . not)

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@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ data Teletype m a where
makeSem ''Teletype
runTeletypeIO :: Member (Lift IO) r => Sem (Teletype ': r) a -> Sem r a
runTeletypeIO :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Teletype ': r) a -> Sem r a
runTeletypeIO = interpret $ \case
ReadTTY -> sendM getLine
WriteTTY msg -> sendM $ putStrLn msg
ReadTTY -> embed getLine
WriteTTY msg -> embed $ putStrLn msg
data CustomException = ThisException | ThatException deriving Show

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@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ import Polysemy
import Test.Hspec
import Test.ShouldNotTypecheck
wrongLift :: Member (Lift IO) r => Sem r ()
wrongLift = sendM putStrLn
wrongEmbed :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem r ()
wrongEmbed = embed putStrLn
wrongReturn :: Sem (e ': r) () -> Sem r ()
wrongReturn = reinterpret undefined
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ wrongReturn = reinterpret undefined
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Legitimate type errors" $ do
it "should be caused by `sendM`ing an unsaturated function" $
shouldNotTypecheck wrongLift
it "should be caused by `embed`ing an unsaturated function" $
shouldNotTypecheck wrongEmbed
it "should be caused by giving a bad type to reinterpret" $
shouldNotTypecheck wrongReturn

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@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ errState = do
lifted :: Monad m => Member (Lift m) r => Sem r ()
lifted = sendM $ pure ()
lifted :: Monad m => Member (Embed m) r => Sem r ()
lifted = embed $ pure ()
newtype MyString = MyString String
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ spec = do
output $ replicate 2 5
describe "Lift effect" $ do
describe "Embed effect" $ do
it "should interpret against IO" $ do
res <- runM lifted
res `shouldBe` ()

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12
-- see:
-- hash: e22afd49cd8b82cdc69be962d872539c65eedc43a2978aa7a0652b40dd7db105
-- hash: 7e0e9242c36e377756ae6ef007d19a16cdaf3f244855b0bfc97e267f4df143ea
name: polysemy
@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ library
@ -51,7 +53,6 @@ library

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@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ module Polysemy
, runM
-- * Interoperating With Other Monads
, Lift (..)
, sendM
, Embed (..)
, embed
-- * Lifting
, raise

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ makeSem ''Async
-- @since
:: LastMember (Lift IO) r
:: LastMember (Embed IO) r
=> Sem (Async ': r) a
-> Sem r a
runAsync m = withLowerToIO $ \lower _ -> lower $
@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ runAsync m = withLowerToIO $ \lower _ -> lower $
Async a -> do
ma <- runT a
ins <- getInspectorT
fa <- sendM $ A.async $ lower $ runAsync ma
fa <- embed $ A.async $ lower $ runAsync ma
pureT $ fmap (inspect ins) fa
Await a -> pureT =<< sendM (A.wait a)
Await a -> pureT =<< embed (A.wait a)
) m
{-# INLINE runAsync #-}
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ runAsync m = withLowerToIO $ \lower _ -> lower $
-- @since
:: Member (Lift IO) r
:: Member (Embed IO) r
=> (forall x. Sem r x -> IO x)
-- ^ Strategy for lowering a 'Sem' action down to 'IO'. This is likely
-- some combination of 'runM' and other interpreters composed via '.@'.
@ -75,10 +75,10 @@ runAsyncInIO lower m = interpretH
Async a -> do
ma <- runT a
ins <- getInspectorT
fa <- sendM $ A.async $ lower $ runAsyncInIO lower ma
fa <- embed $ A.async $ lower $ runAsyncInIO lower ma
pureT $ fmap (inspect ins) fa
Await a -> pureT =<< sendM (A.wait a)
Await a -> pureT =<< embed (A.wait a)
) m
{-# INLINE runAsyncInIO #-}

src/Polysemy/Embed.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Polysemy.Embed
( -- * Effect
Embed (..)
-- * Actions
, embed
-- * Interpretations
, runEmbedded
) where
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Embed.Type (Embed (..))
-- | Given a natural transform from @m1@ to @m2@
-- run a @Embed m1@ effect by transforming it into a @Embed m2@ effect.
-- TODO(sandy): @since
:: forall m1 m2 r a
. Member (Embed m2) r
=> (forall x. m1 x -> m2 x)
-> Sem (Embed m1 ': r) a
-> Sem r a
runEmbedded f = interpret $ embed . f . unEmbed
{-# INLINE runEmbedded #-}

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@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Polysemy.Internal.Lift where
module Polysemy.Embed.Type
( -- * Effect
Embed (..)
) where
import Data.Kind
@ -10,23 +13,22 @@ import Data.Kind
-- | An effect which allows a regular 'Monad' @m@ into the 'Polysemy.Sem'
-- ecosystem. Monadic actions in @m@ can be lifted into 'Polysemy.Sem' via
-- 'Polysemy.sendM'.
-- 'Polysemy.embed'.
-- For example, you can use this effect to lift 'IO' actions directly into
-- 'Polysemy.Sem':
-- @
-- 'Polysemy.sendM' (putStrLn "hello") :: 'Polysemy.Member' ('Polysemy.Lift' IO) r => 'Polysemy.Sem' r ()
-- 'Polysemy.embed' (putStrLn "hello") :: 'Polysemy.Member' ('Polysemy.Embed' IO) r => 'Polysemy.Sem' r ()
-- @
-- That being said, you lose out on a significant amount of the benefits of
-- 'Polysemy.Sem' by using 'Polysemy.sendM' directly in application code; doing
-- 'Polysemy.Sem' by using 'Polysemy.embed' directly in application code; doing
-- so will tie your application code directly to the underlying monad, and
-- prevent you from interpreting it differently. For best results, only use
-- 'Lift' in your effect interpreters.
-- 'Embed' in your effect interpreters.
-- Consider using 'Polysemy.Trace.trace' and 'Polysemy.Trace.runTraceIO' as
-- a substitute for using 'putStrLn' directly.
newtype Lift m (z :: Type -> Type) a where
Lift :: { unLift :: m a } -> Lift m z a
newtype Embed m (z :: Type -> Type) a where
Embed :: { unEmbed :: m a } -> Embed m z a

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@ -51,18 +51,18 @@ fromEither (Right a) = pure a
-- | A combinator doing 'sendM' and 'fromEither' at the same time. Useful for
-- | A combinator doing 'embed' and 'fromEither' at the same time. Useful for
-- interoperating with 'IO'.
-- @since
:: forall e m r a
. ( Member (Error e) r
, Member (Lift m) r
, Member (Embed m) r
=> m (Either e a)
-> Sem r a
fromEitherM = fromEither <=< sendM
fromEitherM = fromEither <=< embed
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ instance (Typeable e) => X.Exception (WrappedExc e)
-- significantly faster than 'runError', at the cost of being less flexible.
:: ( Typeable e
, Member (Lift IO) r
, Member (Embed IO) r
=> ( x. Sem r x -> IO x)
-- ^ Strategy for lowering a 'Sem' action down to 'IO'. This is
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ runErrorInIO
-> Sem (Error e ': r) a
-> Sem r (Either e a)
runErrorInIO lower
= sendM
= embed
. fmap (first unwrapExc)
. X.try
. (lower .@ runErrorAsExc)
@ -154,19 +154,19 @@ runErrorInIO lower
-- TODO(sandy): Can we use the new withLowerToIO machinery for this?
:: forall e r a. ( Typeable e
, Member (Lift IO) r
, Member (Embed IO) r
=> ( x. Sem r x -> IO x)
-> Sem (Error e ': r) a
-> Sem r a
runErrorAsExc lower = interpretH $ \case
Throw e -> sendM $ X.throwIO $ WrappedExc e
Throw e -> embed $ X.throwIO $ WrappedExc e
Catch try handle -> do
is <- getInitialStateT
t <- runT try
h <- bindT handle
let runIt = lower . runErrorAsExc lower
sendM $ X.catch (runIt t) $ \(se :: WrappedExc e) ->
embed $ X.catch (runIt t) $ \(se :: WrappedExc e) ->
runIt $ h $ unwrapExc se <$ is
{-# INLINE runErrorAsExc #-}

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@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ runFixpoint lower = interpretH $ \case
-- | Run a 'Fixpoint' effect in terms of an underlying 'MonadFix' instance.
:: ( MonadFix m
, Member (Lift m) r
, Member (Embed m) r
=> ( x. Sem r x -> m x)
-> Sem (Fixpoint ': r) a
@ -37,5 +37,5 @@ runFixpointM
runFixpointM lower = interpretH $ \case
Fixpoint mf -> do
c <- bindT mf
sendM $ mfix $ lower . runFixpointM lower . c
embed $ mfix $ lower . runFixpointM lower . c

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@ -3,11 +3,12 @@
module Polysemy.IO
( -- * Interpretations
, runEmbedded
, runEmbeddedInIO
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Embed
import Polysemy.Internal
import Polysemy.Internal.Union
@ -37,37 +38,37 @@ import Polysemy.Internal.Union
:: forall m r a
. ( MonadIO m
, Member (Lift m) r
, Member (Embed m) r
=> Sem (Lift IO ': r) a
=> Sem (Embed IO ': r) a
-> Sem r a
runIO = interpret $ sendM . liftIO @m . unLift
runIO = runEmbedded $ liftIO @m
{-# INLINE runIO #-}
-- | Given some @'MonadIO' m@, interpret all @'Lift' m@ actions in that monad
-- | Given some @'MonadIO' m@, interpret all @'Embed' m@ actions in that monad
-- at once. This is useful for interpreting effects like databases, which use
-- their own monad for describing actions.
-- This function creates a thread, and so should be compiled with @-threaded@.
-- @since
-- TODO(sandy): @since
:: ( MonadIO m
, LastMember (Lift IO) r
, LastMember (Embed IO) r
=> (forall x. m x -> IO x) -- ^ The means of running this monad.
-> Sem (Lift m ': r) a
-> Sem (Embed m ': r) a
-> Sem r a
runEmbedded run_m (Sem m) = withLowerToIO $ \lower _ ->
runEmbeddedInIO run_m (Sem m) = withLowerToIO $ \lower _ ->
run_m $ m $ \u ->
case decomp u of
Left x -> liftIO
. lower
. liftSem
$ hoist (runEmbedded run_m) x
$ hoist (runEmbeddedInIO run_m) x
Right (Weaving (Lift wd) s _ y _) ->
Right (Weaving (Embed wd) s _ y _) ->
fmap y $ fmap (<$ s) wd

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@ -11,14 +11,14 @@ module Polysemy.Internal
, Member
, Members
, send
, sendM
, embed
, run
, runM
, raise
, raiseUnder
, raiseUnder2
, raiseUnder3
, Lift (..)
, Embed (..)
, usingSem
, liftSem
, hoistSem
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Kind
import Polysemy.Internal.Fixpoint
import Polysemy.Internal.Lift
import Polysemy.Embed.Type
import Polysemy.Internal.NonDet
import Polysemy.Internal.PluginLookup
import Polysemy.Internal.Union
@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ import Polysemy.Internal.Union
-- 'Polysemy.Error.runError' to 'Polysemy.Error.runErrorInIO'.
-- The effect stack @r@ can contain arbitrary other monads inside of it. These
-- monads are lifted into effects via the 'Lift' effect. Monadic values can be
-- lifted into a 'Sem' via 'sendM'.
-- monads are lifted into effects via the 'Embed' effect. Monadic values can be
-- lifted into a 'Sem' via 'embed'.
-- A 'Sem' can be interpreted as a pure value (via 'run') or as any
-- traditional 'Monad' (via 'runM'). Each effect @E@ comes equipped with some
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ import Polysemy.Internal.Union
-- monomorphic representation of the @r@ parameter.
-- After all of your effects are handled, you'll be left with either
-- a @'Sem' '[] a@ or a @'Sem' '[ 'Lift' m ] a@ value, which can be
-- a @'Sem' '[] a@ or a @'Sem' '[ 'Embed' m ] a@ value, which can be
-- consumed respectively by 'run' and 'runM'.
-- ==== Examples
@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ instance (Member NonDet r) => MonadFail (Sem r) where
-- | This instance will only lift 'IO' actions. If you want to lift into some
-- other 'MonadIO' type, use this instance, and handle it via the
-- 'Polysemy.IO.runIO' interpretation.
instance (Member (Lift IO) r) => MonadIO (Sem r) where
liftIO = sendM
instance (Member (Embed IO) r) => MonadIO (Sem r) where
liftIO = embed
{-# INLINE liftIO #-}
instance Member Fixpoint r => MonadFix (Sem r) where
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ raiseUnder3 = hoistSem $ hoist raiseUnder3 . weakenUnder3
-- | Lift an effect into a 'Sem'. This is used primarily via
-- | Embed an effect into a 'Sem'. This is used primarily via
-- 'Polysemy.makeSem' to implement smart constructors.
send :: Member e r => e (Sem r) a -> Sem r a
send = liftSem . inj
@ -308,10 +308,12 @@ send = liftSem . inj
-- | Lift a monadic action @m@ into 'Sem'.
sendM :: Member (Lift m) r => m a -> Sem r a
sendM = send . Lift
{-# INLINE sendM #-}
-- | Embed a monadic action @m@ in 'Sem'.
-- TODO(sandy): @since
embed :: Member (Embed m) r => m a -> Sem r a
embed = send . Embed
{-# INLINE embed #-}
@ -324,11 +326,11 @@ run (Sem m) = runIdentity $ m absurdU
-- | Lower a 'Sem' containing only a single lifted 'Monad' into that
-- monad.
runM :: Monad m => Sem '[Lift m] a -> m a
runM :: Monad m => Sem '[Embed m] a -> m a
runM (Sem m) = m $ \z ->
case extract z of
Weaving e s _ f _ -> do
a <- unLift e
a <- unEmbed e
pure $ f $ a <$ s
{-# INLINE runM #-}

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Polysemy.Internal.Union
-- @since
data Forklift r = forall a. Forklift
{ responseMVar :: MVar (Sem '[Lift IO] a)
{ responseMVar :: MVar (Sem '[Embed IO] a)
, request :: Union r (Sem r) a
@ -30,13 +30,13 @@ data Forklift r = forall a. Forklift
-- @since
:: LastMember (Lift IO) r
:: LastMember (Embed IO) r
=> InChan (Forklift r)
-> Sem r a
-> Sem '[Lift IO] a
-> Sem '[Embed IO] a
runViaForklift chan (Sem m) = Sem $ \k -> m $ \u -> do
case decompLast u of
Left x -> usingSem k $ join $ sendM $ do
Left x -> usingSem k $ join $ embed $ do
mvar <- newEmptyMVar
writeChan chan $ Forklift mvar x
takeMVar mvar
@ -53,29 +53,29 @@ runViaForklift chan (Sem m) = Sem $ \k -> m $ \u -> do
-- @since
:: LastMember (Lift IO) r
:: LastMember (Embed IO) r
=> ((forall x. Sem r x -> IO x) -> IO () -> IO a)
-- ^ A lambda that takes the lowering function, and a finalizing 'IO'
-- action to mark a the forked thread as being complete. The finalizing
-- action need not be called.
-> Sem r a
withLowerToIO action = do
(inchan, outchan) <- sendM newChan
signal <- sendM newEmptyMVar
(inchan, outchan) <- embed newChan
signal <- embed newEmptyMVar
res <- sendM $ A.async $ do
res <- embed $ A.async $ do
a <- action (runM . runViaForklift inchan)
(putMVar signal ())
putMVar signal ()
pure a
let me = do
raced <- sendM $ A.race (takeMVar signal) $ readChan outchan
raced <- embed $ A.race (takeMVar signal) $ readChan outchan
case raced of
Left () -> sendM $ A.wait res
Left () -> embed $ A.wait res
Right (Forklift mvar req) -> do
resp <- liftSem req
sendM $ putMVar mvar $ pure resp
embed $ putMVar mvar $ pure resp
{-# INLINE me #-}

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ onException act end = bracketOnError (pure ()) (const end) (const act)
-- @since
:: r a
. Member (Lift IO) r
. Member (Embed IO) r
=> ( x. Sem r x -> IO x)
-- ^ Strategy for lowering a 'Sem' action down to 'IO'. This is likely
-- some combination of 'runM' and other interpreters composed via '.@'.
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ runResourceInIO finish = interpretH $ \case
let run_it :: Sem (Resource ': r) x -> IO x
run_it = finish .@ runResourceInIO
sendM $ X.bracket (run_it a) (run_it . d) (run_it . u)
embed $ X.bracket (run_it a) (run_it . d) (run_it . u)
BracketOnError alloc dealloc use -> do
a <- runT alloc
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ runResourceInIO finish = interpretH $ \case
let run_it :: Sem (Resource ': r) x -> IO x
run_it = finish .@ runResourceInIO
sendM $ X.bracketOnError (run_it a) (run_it . d) (run_it . u)
embed $ X.bracketOnError (run_it a) (run_it . d) (run_it . u)
{-# INLINE runResourceInIO #-}
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ runResource = interpretH $ \case
-- @since
:: forall r a
. LastMember (Lift IO) r
. LastMember (Embed IO) r
=> Sem (Resource ': r) a
-> Sem r a
runResourceBase = interpretH $ \case

View File

@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ runLazyState = lazilyStateful $ \case
-- @since
:: forall s r a
. Member (Lift IO) r
. Member (Embed IO) r
=> IORef s
-> Sem (State s ': r) a
-> Sem r a
runStateInIORef ref = interpret $ \case
Get -> sendM $ readIORef ref
Put s -> sendM $ writeIORef ref s
Get -> embed $ readIORef ref
Put s -> embed $ writeIORef ref s
{-# INLINE runStateInIORef #-}

View File

@ -31,15 +31,15 @@ makeSem ''Trace
-- | Run a 'Trace' effect by printing the messages to stdout.
runTraceIO :: Member (Lift IO) r => Sem (Trace ': r) a -> Sem r a
runTraceIO :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Trace ': r) a -> Sem r a
runTraceIO = interpret $ \case
Trace m -> sendM $ putStrLn m
Trace m -> embed $ putStrLn m
{-# INLINE runTraceIO #-}
-- | Run a 'Trace' effect by ignoring all of its messages.
runIgnoringTrace :: Member (Lift IO) r => Sem (Trace ': r) a -> Sem r a
runIgnoringTrace :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem (Trace ': r) a -> Sem r a
runIgnoringTrace = interpret $ \case
Trace _ -> pure ()
{-# INLINE runIgnoringTrace #-}

View File

@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ spec = describe "async" $ do
message 1 v
put $ reverse v
sendM $ threadDelay 1e5
embed $ threadDelay 1e5
get >>= message 1
sendM $ threadDelay 1e5
embed $ threadDelay 1e5
get @String
void $ async $ do
sendM $ threadDelay 5e4
embed $ threadDelay 5e4
get >>= message 2
put "pong"

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ runTest = run
. runError @()
:: Sem '[Error (), Resource, State [Char], Trace, Lift IO] a
:: Sem '[Error (), Resource, State [Char], Trace, Embed IO] a
-> IO ([String], ([Char], Either () a))
runTest2 = runM
. runTraceAsList

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ spec = parallel $ describe "Inspector" $ do
void . (runM .@ runCallback ref)
. runState False
$ do
sendM $ pretendPrint ref "hello world"
embed $ pretendPrint ref "hello world"
callback $ show <$> get @Bool
modify not
callback $ show <$> get @Bool
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ spec = parallel $ describe "Inspector" $ do
:: Member (Lift IO) r
:: Member (Embed IO) r
=> IORef [String]
-> (forall x. Sem r x -> IO x)
-> Sem (Callback ': r) a
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ runCallback ref lower = interpretH $ \case
Callback cb -> do
cb' <- runT cb
ins <- getInspectorT
sendM $ doCB ref $ do
embed $ doCB ref $ do
v <- lower .@ runCallback ref $ cb'
pure $ maybe ":(" id $ inspect ins v

View File

@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ tooFewArgumentsReinterpret = ()
-- in runM foo'''
-- :}
-- ...
-- ... Unhandled effect 'Lift IO'
-- ... Unhandled effect 'Embed IO'
-- ...
-- ... Expected type: Sem '[Lift m] (Bool, ())
-- ... Expected type: Sem '[Embed m] (Bool, ())
-- ... Actual type: Sem '[] (Bool, ())
-- ...
runningTooManyEffects = ()
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ missingFmap'PLUGIN = ()
-- |
-- >>> :{
-- foo :: Sem '[State Int, Lift IO] ()
-- foo :: Sem '[State Int, Embed IO] ()
-- foo = output ()
-- :}
-- ...