fix non-exhaustive pattern match in Fundep

This commit is contained in:
Torsten Schmits 2022-07-11 23:28:29 +02:00
parent 2404b97e1e
commit 5a34ecbcc2

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@ -280,26 +280,28 @@ getInstance predty = do
givens <- get
case S.member (PredType' predty) givens of
True -> pure True
False -> do
False ->
let (con, apps) = tcSplitTyConApp predty
Just cls = tyConClass_maybe con
env <- lift tcGetInstEnvs
let (mres, _, _) = lookupInstEnv False env cls apps
case mres of
((inst, mapps) : _) -> do
-- Get the instantiated type of the dictionary
let df = piResultTys (idType $ is_dfun inst)
$ zipWith fromMaybe alphaTys mapps
-- pull off its resulting arguments
let (theta, _) = tcSplitPhiTy df
allM getInstance theta >>= \case
True -> do
-- Record that we can solve this instance, in case it's used
-- elsewhere
modify $ S.insert $ coerce predty
pure True
False -> pure False
_ -> pure False
in case tyConClass_maybe con of
Nothing -> pure False
Just cls -> do
env <- lift tcGetInstEnvs
let (mres, _, _) = lookupInstEnv False env cls apps
case mres of
((inst, mapps) : _) -> do
-- Get the instantiated type of the dictionary
let df = piResultTys (idType $ is_dfun inst)
$ zipWith fromMaybe alphaTys mapps
-- pull off its resulting arguments
let (theta, _) = tcSplitPhiTy df
allM getInstance theta >>= \case
True -> do
-- Record that we can solve this instance, in case it's used
-- elsewhere
modify $ S.insert $ coerce predty
pure True
False -> pure False
_ -> pure False