Add insertAt

A combinator that allows adding effects at a specified index into the
effect stack
This commit is contained in:
Torsten Schmits 2021-04-20 23:33:42 +02:00 committed by Torsten Schmits
parent e25d1207d1
commit 6e2630fafd
13 changed files with 276 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
* Deprecate `traceToIO` and replace it with `traceToStdout` and `traceToStderr`
* Support GHC 9.0.1
* Added the combinator `insertAt`, which allows adding effects at a specified index into the effect stack
## (2021-03-30)

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@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ test-suite polysemy-plugin-test

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
module InsertSpec where
import Polysemy.State (State)
import Polysemy.Reader (Reader)
import Polysemy.Internal (insertAt)
import Polysemy
import Test.Hspec
insertAtWithIndex :: Sem (e1 : e2 : e3 : e4 : r) a -> Sem (e1 : e2 : Reader i : e3 : e4 : r) a
insertAtWithIndex = insertAt @2
insertAtAndRaiseUnder :: Sem (e1 : r) a -> Sem (e1 : e2 : State s : e3 : Reader i : e4 : r) a
insertAtAndRaiseUnder = raise2Under . insertAt @2 . raiseUnder
insertAtEmpty :: Sem (e1 : e2 : r) a -> Sem (e1 : e2 : r) a
insertAtEmpty = insertAt @2
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
describe "insert" $ do
it "insert" $ do
1 `shouldBe` 1

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module TypeErrors where
-- >>> :set -fplugin=Polysemy.Plugin
-- >>> :m +Polysemy
-- >>> :m +Polysemy.State
-- >>> :m +Polysemy.Reader
-- >>> :m +Data.Maybe
@ -26,3 +27,50 @@ module TypeErrors where
-- ...
missingFmap = ()
-- |
-- >>> :{
-- insertSome :: ∀ e1 e2 s r a . Sem (e1 ': e2 ': r) a -> Sem (e1 ': e2 ': State s ': r) a
-- insertSome = insertAt
-- :}
-- ...
-- ... insertAt: You must provide the index ...
-- ...
insertAtUnprovidedIndex = ()
-- |
-- >>> :{
-- insertSome :: Sem (e1 : e2 : e3 : e4 : r) a -> Sem (e1 : e2 : Reader i : e3 : e4 : r) a
-- insertSome = insertAt @1
-- :}
-- ...
-- ...insertAt: Failed to insert effects at index 1
-- ...
-- ... before ...
-- ...'[e1]
-- ... after ...
-- ...e2 : e3 : e4 : r
-- ...Actual ...
-- ...e1 : e2 : Reader i : e3 : e4 : r
-- ...
insertAtWrongIndex = ()
-- |
-- Note: The /Actual/ row doesn't match the return type because of the 'raiseUnder'.
-- >>> :{
-- insertSome :: Sem (e1 : r) a -> Sem (e1 : e2 : State s : e3 : Reader i : e4 : r) a
-- insertSome = raiseUnder . insertAt @2 . raise2Under
-- :}
-- ...
-- ...insertAt: Failed to insert effects at index 2
-- ...
-- ... before ...
-- ...'[e1, State s]
-- ... after ...
-- ...e30 : r0
-- ...Actual ...
-- ...e1 : State s : e3 : Reader i : e4 : r
-- ...
insertAtAndRaiseWrongIndex = ()

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@ -62,8 +62,10 @@ library

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@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ module Polysemy
, raise3Under
, raise_
, subsume_
, insertAt
-- * Trivial Interpretation
, subsume

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@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ module Polysemy.Bundle
, runBundle
, subsumeBundle
-- * Miscellaneous
, KnownList
) where
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Internal
import Polysemy.Internal.Bundle
import Polysemy.Internal.Union
import Polysemy.Internal.Bundle (subsumeMembership)
import Polysemy.Internal.Sing (KnownList (singList))
-- | An effect for collecting multiple effects into one effect.
@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ runBundle
-> Sem (Append r' r) a
runBundle = hoistSem $ \u -> hoist runBundle $ case decomp u of
Right (Weaving (Bundle pr e) s wv ex ins) ->
Union (extendMembership @_ @r pr) $ Weaving e s wv ex ins
Left g -> weakenList @r' @r g
Union (extendMembershipRight @r' @r pr) $ Weaving e s wv ex ins
Left g -> weakenList @r' @r (singList @r') g
{-# INLINE runBundle #-}

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ module Polysemy.Internal
, Subsume (..)
, subsume
, subsumeUsing
, insertAt
, Embed (..)
, usingSem
, liftSem
@ -44,6 +45,8 @@ module Polysemy.Internal
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 808
import Control.Monad.Fail
import Control.Monad.Fix
@ -53,10 +56,13 @@ import Data.Kind
import Polysemy.Embed.Type
import Polysemy.Fail.Type
import Polysemy.Internal.Fixpoint
import Polysemy.Internal.Index (InsertAtUnprovidedIndex, InsertAtIndex(insertAtIndex))
import Polysemy.Internal.Kind
import Polysemy.Internal.NonDet
import Polysemy.Internal.PluginLookup
import Polysemy.Internal.Union
import Type.Errors (WhenStuck)
import Polysemy.Internal.Sing (ListOfLength (listOfLength))
-- $setup
@ -540,6 +546,32 @@ subsumeUsing pr =
{-# INLINE subsumeUsing #-}
-- | Introduce a set of effects into 'Sem' at the index @i@, before the effect
-- that previously occupied that position. This is intended to be used with a
-- type application:
-- @
-- let
-- sem1 :: Sem [e1, e2, e3, e4, e5] a
-- sem1 = insertAt @2 (sem0 :: Sem [e1, e2, e5] a)
-- @
-- @since
:: forall index inserted head oldTail tail old full a
. ( ListOfLength index head
, WhenStuck index InsertAtUnprovidedIndex
, old ~ Append head oldTail
, tail ~ Append inserted oldTail
, full ~ Append head tail
, InsertAtIndex index head tail oldTail full inserted)
=> Sem old a
-> Sem full a
insertAt = hoistSem $ \u -> hoist (insertAt @index @inserted @head @oldTail) $
weakenMid @oldTail (listOfLength @index @head) (insertAtIndex @Effect @index @head @tail @oldTail @full @inserted) u
{-# INLINE insertAt #-}
-- | Embed an effect into a 'Sem'. This is used primarily via
@ -588,11 +620,6 @@ runM (Sem m) = m $ \z ->
{-# INLINE runM #-}
type family Append l r where
Append (a ': l) r = a ': (Append l r)
Append '[] r = r
-- | Type synonym for interpreters that consume an effect without changing the
-- return value. Offered for user convenience.

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@ -2,15 +2,11 @@
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Polysemy.Internal.Bundle (
module Polysemy.Internal.Bundle,
) where
module Polysemy.Internal.Bundle where
import Data.Proxy
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Internal (Append)
import Polysemy.Internal.Union
import Polysemy (Members)
import Polysemy.Internal.Union (ElemOf(..), membership)
import Polysemy.Internal.Kind (Append)
extendMembership :: forall r r' e. ElemOf e r -> ElemOf e (Append r r')
extendMembership Here = Here
@ -21,35 +17,3 @@ subsumeMembership :: forall r r' e. Members r r' => ElemOf e r -> ElemOf e r'
subsumeMembership Here = membership @e @r'
subsumeMembership (There (pr :: ElemOf e r'')) = subsumeMembership @r'' @r' pr
{-# INLINE subsumeMembership #-}
weakenList :: forall r' r m a
. KnownList r'
=> Union r m a
-> Union (Append r' r) m a
weakenList u = unconsKnownList @_ @r' u (\_ (_ :: Proxy r'') -> weaken (weakenList @r'' u))
{-# INLINE weakenList #-}
-- | A class for type-level lists with a known spine.
-- This constraint is eventually satisfied as @r@ is instantied to a
-- concrete list.
class KnownList (l :: [k]) where
unconsKnownList :: (l ~ '[] => a)
-> ( forall x r
. (l ~ (x ': r), KnownList r)
=> Proxy x
-> Proxy r
-> a
-> a
instance KnownList '[] where
unconsKnownList b _ = b
{-# INLINE unconsKnownList #-}
instance KnownList r => KnownList (x ': r) where
unconsKnownList _ b = b Proxy Proxy
{-# INLINE unconsKnownList #-}

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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Polysemy.Internal.Index where
import GHC.TypeLits (Nat)
import Type.Errors (TypeError, ErrorMessage(ShowType))
import Type.Errors.Pretty (type (<>), type (%))
import Polysemy.Internal.Sing (SList (SEnd, SCons))
-- | Infer a partition of the result type @full@ so that for the fixed segments
-- @head@ and @tail@, the new segment @inserted@ contains the missing effects
-- between them.
class InsertAtIndex (index :: Nat) (head :: [k]) (tail :: [k]) (oldTail :: [k]) (full :: [k]) (inserted :: [k]) where
insertAtIndex :: SList inserted
instance inserted ~ '[] => InsertAtIndex index head oldTail oldTail full inserted where
insertAtIndex = SEnd
{-# INLINE insertAtIndex #-}
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} (
InsertAtIndex index head tail oldTail full insertedTail,
inserted ~ (e ': insertedTail)
) => InsertAtIndex index head (e ': tail) oldTail full inserted where
insertAtIndex = SCons (insertAtIndex @_ @index @head @tail @oldTail @full)
{-# INLINE insertAtIndex #-}
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} TypeError (InsertAtFailure index oldTail head full)
=> InsertAtIndex index head tail oldTail full inserted where
insertAtIndex = error "unreachable"
type family InsertAtUnprovidedIndex where
InsertAtUnprovidedIndex = TypeError (
"insertAt: You must provide the index at which the effects should be inserted as a type application."
% "Example: insertAt @5"
type InsertAtFailure index soughtTail head full =
"insertAt: Failed to insert effects at index " <> 'ShowType index
% "There is a mismatch between what's been determined as the head and tail between the newly inserted effects,"
<> " and the actual desired return type."
% "Determined head before inserted effects:"
% "\t" <> 'ShowType head
% "Determined tail after the inserted effects:"
% "\t" <> 'ShowType soughtTail
% "Actual desired return type:"
% "\t" <> 'ShowType full
% "Make sure that the index provided to insertAt is correct, and that the desired return type simply requires"
<> " inserting effects."

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Polysemy.Internal.Kind where
import Data.Kind
import Data.Kind (Type)
-- | The kind of effects.
@ -14,3 +16,7 @@ type Effect = (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type
-- @since
type EffectRow = [Effect]
type family Append l r where
Append (a ': l) r = a ': (Append l r)
Append '[] r = r

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
module Polysemy.Internal.Sing where
import GHC.TypeLits (type (-), Nat)
import Polysemy.Internal.Kind (Effect)
data SList l where
SEnd :: SList '[]
SCons :: SList xs -> SList (x ': xs)
class KnownList l where
singList :: SList l
instance KnownList '[] where
singList = SEnd
{-# INLINE singList #-}
instance KnownList xs => KnownList (x ': xs) where
singList = SCons singList
{-# INLINE singList #-}
class ListOfLength (n :: Nat) (l :: [Effect]) where
listOfLength :: SList l
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} (l ~ '[]) => ListOfLength 0 l where
listOfLength = SEnd
{-# INLINE listOfLength #-}
instance (ListOfLength (n - 1) xs, l ~ (x ': xs)) => ListOfLength n l where
listOfLength = SCons (listOfLength @(n - 1))
{-# INLINE listOfLength #-}

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@ -39,7 +39,11 @@ module Polysemy.Internal.Union
-- * Checking membership
, KnownRow
, tryMembership
) where
, extendMembershipLeft
, extendMembershipRight
, injectMembership
, weakenList
, weakenMid) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Functor.Compose
@ -48,6 +52,7 @@ import Data.Kind
import Data.Typeable
import Polysemy.Internal.Kind
import {-# SOURCE #-} Polysemy.Internal
import Polysemy.Internal.Sing (SList (SEnd, SCons))
import Polysemy.Internal.CustomErrors
@ -251,6 +256,41 @@ tryMembership :: forall e r. (Typeable e, KnownRow r) => Maybe (ElemOf e r)
tryMembership = tryMembership' @r @e
{-# INLINE tryMembership #-}
-- | Extends a proof that @e@ is an element of @r@ to a proof that @e@ is an
-- element of the concatenation of the lists @l@ and @r@.
-- @l@ must be specified as a singleton list proof.
extendMembershipLeft :: forall l r e. SList l -> ElemOf e r -> ElemOf e (Append l r)
extendMembershipLeft SEnd pr = pr
extendMembershipLeft (SCons l) pr = There (extendMembershipLeft l pr)
{-# INLINE extendMembershipLeft #-}
-- | Extends a proof that @e@ is an element of @l@ to a proof that @e@ is an
-- element of the concatenation of the lists @l@ and @r@.
extendMembershipRight :: forall l r e. ElemOf e l -> ElemOf e (Append l r)
extendMembershipRight Here = Here
extendMembershipRight (There e) = There (extendMembershipRight @_ @r e)
{-# INLINE extendMembershipRight #-}
-- | Extends a proof that @e@ is an element of @left <> right@ to a proof that
-- @e@ is an element of @left <> mid <> right@.
-- Both @left@ and @right@ must be specified as singleton list proofs.
injectMembership :: forall right e left mid
. SList left
-> SList mid
-> ElemOf e (Append left right)
-> ElemOf e (Append left (Append mid right))
injectMembership SEnd sm pr = extendMembershipLeft sm pr
injectMembership (SCons _) _ Here = Here
injectMembership (SCons sl) sm (There pr) = There (injectMembership @right sl sm pr)
{-# INLINE injectMembership #-}
-- | Decompose a 'Union'. Either this union contains an effect @e@---the head
-- of the @r@ list---or it doesn't.
@ -282,12 +322,32 @@ absurdU = \case {}
-- | Weaken a 'Union' so it is capable of storing a new sort of effect.
-- | Weaken a 'Union' so it is capable of storing a new sort of effect at the
-- head.
weaken :: forall e r m a. Union r m a -> Union (e ': r) m a
weaken (Union pr a) = Union (There pr) a
{-# INLINE weaken #-}
-- | Weaken a 'Union' so it is capable of storing a number of new effects at
-- the head, specified as a singleton list proof.
weakenList :: SList l -> Union r m a -> Union (Append l r) m a
weakenList sl (Union pr e) = Union (extendMembershipLeft sl pr) e
{-# INLINE weakenList #-}
-- | Weaken a 'Union' so it is capable of storing a number of new effects
-- somewhere within the previous effect list.
-- Both the prefix and the new effects are specified as singleton list proofs.
weakenMid :: forall right m a left mid
. SList left -> SList mid
-> Union (Append left right) m a
-> Union (Append left (Append mid right)) m a
weakenMid sl sm (Union pr e) = Union (injectMembership @right sl sm pr) e
{-# INLINE weakenMid #-}
-- | Lift an effect @e@ into a 'Union' capable of holding it.