Split out effect lib (#83)

This PR teases apart the reusable pieces of the current TH machinery. Doing so allows us to build other TH abstractions in polysemy --- such as an RPC effect.
This commit is contained in:
Sandy Maguire 2019-06-18 12:23:27 -04:00 committed by GitHub
parent 6ffb4fd282
commit 78d0c4905a
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 302 additions and 203 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ cabal-version: 1.12
-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack
-- hash: 45b44bbfb10eb9741561ea8fc127dbacabacbf59bcf754f8875c50ef623fbd48
-- hash: 3f16c72f17a2b211f296fedc1a93db88198f2f05fc66b94d1e277319c3a76613
name: polysemy
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ library

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@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK not-home #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Polysemy.Internal.TH.Common
( ConLiftInfo (..)
, getEffectMetadata
, makeMemberConstraint
, makeMemberConstraint'
, makeSemType
, makeInterpreterType
, makeEffectType
, makeUnambiguousSend
, checkExtensions
, foldArrows
) where
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Either
import Data.Generics hiding (Fixity)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Tuple
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype
import Language.Haskell.TH.PprLib
import Polysemy.Internal (Sem, Member, send)
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
-- | Given an effect name, eg @''State@, get information about the type
-- constructor, and about each of its data constructors.
getEffectMetadata :: Name -> Q (DatatypeInfo, [ConLiftInfo])
getEffectMetadata type_name = do
dt_info <- reifyDatatype type_name
cl_infos <- traverse (mkCLInfo dt_info) $ datatypeCons dt_info
pure (dt_info, cl_infos)
-- | Turn a 'ConLiftInfo' for @Foo@ into a @Member Foo r@ constraint.
makeMemberConstraint :: Name -> ConLiftInfo -> Pred
makeMemberConstraint r cli = makeMemberConstraint' r $ makeEffectType cli
-- | Given a 'ConLiftInfo', get the corresponding effect type.
makeEffectType :: ConLiftInfo -> Type
makeEffectType cli
= foldl' AppT (ConT $ cliEffName cli)
$ cliEffArgs cli
-- | @'makeMemberConstraint'' r type@ will produce a @Member type r@
-- constraint.
makeMemberConstraint' :: Name -> Type -> Pred
makeMemberConstraint' r eff = classPred ''Member [eff, VarT r]
-- | @'makeSemType' r a@ will produce a @'Polysemy.Sem' r a@ type.
makeSemType :: Name -> Type -> Type
makeSemType r result = ConT ''Sem `AppT` VarT r `AppT` result
-- | @'makeInterpreterType' con r a@ will produce a @'Polysemy.Sem' (Effect ':
-- r) a -> 'Polysemy.Sem' r a@ type, where @Effect@ is the effect corresponding
-- to the 'ConLiftInfo' for @con@.
makeInterpreterType :: ConLiftInfo -> Name -> Type -> Type
makeInterpreterType cli r result =
foldArrows (makeSemType r result)
$ pure
$ ConT ''Sem
`AppT` (PromotedConsT `AppT` makeEffectType cli `AppT` VarT r)
`AppT` result
-- | Given a 'ConLiftInfo', this will produce an action for it. It's arguments
-- will come from any variables in scope that correspond to the 'cliArgs' of
-- the 'ConLiftInfo'.
makeUnambiguousSend :: Bool -> ConLiftInfo -> Exp
makeUnambiguousSend should_mk_sigs cli =
let fun_args_names = fmap fst $ cliArgs cli
action = foldl1' AppE
$ ConE (cliConName cli) : (VarE <$> fun_args_names)
eff = foldl' AppT (ConT $ cliEffName cli) $ args
-- see NOTE(makeSem_)
args = (if should_mk_sigs then id else map capturableTVars)
$ cliEffArgs cli ++ [sem, cliResType cli]
sem = ConT ''Sem `AppT` VarT (cliUnionName cli)
in AppE (VarE 'send) $ SigE action eff
-- | Info about constructor being lifted; use 'mkCLInfo' to create one.
data ConLiftInfo = CLInfo
{ -- | Name of effect's type constructor
cliEffName :: Name
-- | Effect-specific type arguments
, cliEffArgs :: [Type]
-- | Result type specific to action
, cliResType :: Type
-- | Name of action constructor
, cliConName :: Name
-- | Name of final function
, cliFunName :: Name
-- | Fixity of function used as an operator
, cliFunFixity :: Maybe Fixity
-- | Final function arguments
, cliArgs :: [(Name, Type)]
-- | Constraints of final function
, cliFunCxt :: Cxt
-- | Name of type variable parameterizing 'Sem'
, cliUnionName :: Name
} deriving Show
-- | Creates info about smart constructor being created from info about action
-- and it's parent type.
mkCLInfo :: DatatypeInfo -> ConstructorInfo -> Q ConLiftInfo
mkCLInfo dti ci = do
let cliEffName = datatypeName dti
(raw_cli_eff_args, [m_arg, raw_cli_res_arg]) <-
case splitAtEnd 2 $ datatypeInstTypes dti of
r@(_, [_, _]) -> pure r
_ -> missingEffArgs cliEffName
m_name <-
case tVarName m_arg of
Just r -> pure r
Nothing -> mArgNotVar cliEffName m_arg
cliUnionName <- newName "r"
cliFunFixity <- reifyFixity $ constructorName ci
let normalizeType = replaceMArg m_name cliUnionName
. simplifyKinds
. applySubstitution eq_pairs
-- We extract equality constraints with variables to unify them
-- manually - this makes type errors more readable. Plus we replace
-- kind of result with 'Type' if it is a type variable.
(eq_pairs, cliFunCxt) = first (M.fromList . maybeResKindToType)
$ partitionEithers
$ eqPairOrCxt <$> constructorContext ci
maybeResKindToType = maybe id (\k ps -> (k, StarT) : ps)
$ tVarName $ tvKind $ last
$ datatypeVars dti
cliEffArgs = normalizeType <$> raw_cli_eff_args
cliResType = normalizeType raw_cli_res_arg
cliConName = constructorName ci
cliFunName = liftFunNameFromCon cliConName
arg_types = normalizeType <$> constructorFields ci
arg_names <- replicateM (length arg_types) $ newName "x"
pure CLInfo{cliArgs = zip arg_names arg_types, ..}
-- Error messages and checks
mArgNotVar :: Name -> Type -> Q a
mArgNotVar name mArg = fail $ show
$ text "Monad argument " <> ppr mArg <> text " in effect "
<> ppr name <> text " is not a type variable"
missingEffArgs :: Name -> Q a
missingEffArgs name = fail $ show
$ text "Effect " <> ppr name
<> text " has not enough type arguments"
$+$ nest 4
( text "At least monad and result argument are required, e.g.:"
$+$ nest 4
( text ""
$+$ ppr (DataD [] base args Nothing [] []) <+> text "..."
$+$ text ""
base = capturableBase name
args = PlainTV . mkName <$> ["m", "a"]
-- | Fail the 'Q' monad whenever the given 'Extension's aren't enabled in the
-- current module.
checkExtensions :: [Extension] -> Q ()
checkExtensions exts = do
states <- zip exts <$> traverse isExtEnabled exts
maybe (pure ())
(\(ext, _) -> fail $ show
$ char '' <> text (show ext) <> char ''
<+> text "extension needs to be enabled\
\ for Polysemy's Template Haskell to work")
(find (not . snd) states)
-- | Constructs capturable name from base of input name.
capturableBase :: Name -> Name
capturableBase = mkName . nameBase
-- | Replaces use of @m@ in type with @Sem r@.
replaceMArg :: TypeSubstitution t => Name -> Name -> t -> t
replaceMArg m r = applySubstitution $ M.singleton m $ ConT ''Sem `AppT` VarT r
-- Removes 'Type' and variable kind signatures from type.
simplifyKinds :: Type -> Type
simplifyKinds = everywhere $ mkT $ \case
SigT t StarT -> t
SigT t VarT{} -> t
ForallT bs cs t -> ForallT (goBndr <$> bs) (simplifyKinds <$> cs) t
goBndr (KindedTV n StarT ) = PlainTV n
goBndr (KindedTV n VarT{}) = PlainTV n
goBndr b = b
t -> t
-- | Converts equality constraint with type variable to name and type pair if
-- possible or leaves constraint as is.
eqPairOrCxt :: Pred -> Either (Name, Type) Pred
eqPairOrCxt p = case asEqualPred p of
Just (VarT n, b) -> Left (n, b)
Just (a, VarT n) -> Left (n, a)
_ -> Right p
-- | Creates name of lifting function from action name.
liftFunNameFromCon :: Name -> Name
liftFunNameFromCon n = mkName $ case nameBase n of
':':cs -> cs
c :cs -> toLower c : cs
"" -> error
"liftFunNameFromCon: empty constructor name"
-- | Folds a list of 'Type's into a right-associative arrow 'Type'.
foldArrows :: Type -> [Type] -> Type
foldArrows = foldr (AppT . AppT ArrowT)
-- | Extracts name from type variable (possibly nested in signature and/or
-- some context), returns 'Nothing' otherwise.
tVarName :: Type -> Maybe Name
tVarName = \case
ForallT _ _ t -> tVarName t
SigT t _ -> tVarName t
VarT n -> Just n
ParensT t -> tVarName t
_ -> Nothing
-- | 'splitAt' counting from the end.
splitAtEnd :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAtEnd n = swap . join bimap reverse . splitAt n . reverse
-- | Converts names of all type variables in type to capturable ones based on
-- original name base. Use with caution, may create name conflicts!
capturableTVars :: Type -> Type
capturableTVars = everywhere $ mkT $ \case
VarT n -> VarT $ capturableBase n
ForallT bs cs t -> ForallT (goBndr <$> bs) (capturableTVars <$> cs) t
goBndr (PlainTV n ) = PlainTV $ capturableBase n
goBndr (KindedTV n k) = KindedTV (capturableBase n) $ capturableTVars k
t -> t

View File

@ -32,22 +32,11 @@ module Polysemy.Internal.TH.Effect
, makeSem_
) where
import Prelude hiding ((<>))
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Either
import Data.Generics hiding (Fixity)
import Data.List
import Data.Tuple
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.PprLib
import Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype
import Polysemy.Internal (send, Member, Sem)
import Polysemy.Internal.CustomErrors (DefiningModule)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Polysemy.Internal.TH.Common
-- TODO: write tests for what should (not) compile
@ -64,6 +53,8 @@ import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
makeSem :: Name -> Q [Dec]
makeSem = genFreer True
-- | Like 'makeSem', but does not provide type signatures and fixities. This
-- can be used to attach Haddock comments to individual arguments for each
-- generated function.
@ -124,14 +115,14 @@ makeSem_ = genFreer False
-- Please, change this as soon as GHC provides some way of inspecting
-- signatures, replacing code or generating haddock documentation in TH.
-- | Generates declarations and possibly signatures for functions to lift GADT
-- constructors into 'Sem' actions.
genFreer :: Bool -> Name -> Q [Dec]
genFreer should_mk_sigs type_name = do
checkExtensions [ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleContexts]
dt_info <- reifyDatatype type_name
cl_infos <- traverse (mkCLInfo dt_info) $ datatypeCons dt_info
(dt_info, cl_infos) <- getEffectMetadata type_name
tyfams_on <- isExtEnabled TypeFamilies
def_mod_fi <- sequence [ tySynInstDCompat
@ -140,11 +131,12 @@ genFreer should_mk_sigs type_name = do
(LitT . StrTyLit . loc_module <$> location)
| tyfams_on
decs <- traverse (genDec should_mk_sigs) cl_infos
decs <- traverse (genDec should_mk_sigs) cl_infos
let sigs = if should_mk_sigs then genSig <$> cl_infos else []
return $ join $ def_mod_fi : sigs ++ decs
pure $ join $ def_mod_fi : sigs ++ decs
-- | Generates signature for lifting function and type arguments to apply in
@ -154,205 +146,28 @@ genSig cli
= maybe [] (pure . flip InfixD (cliFunName cli)) (cliFunFixity cli)
++ [ SigD (cliFunName cli) $ quantifyType
$ ForallT [] (member_cxt : cliFunCxt cli)
$ foldArrows $ cliFunArgs cli ++ [sem `AppT` cliResType cli]
$ foldArrows sem
$ fmap snd
$ cliArgs cli
member_cxt = classPred ''Member [eff, VarT $ cliUnionName cli]
eff = foldl' AppT (ConT $ cliEffName cli) $ cliEffArgs cli
sem = ConT ''Sem `AppT` VarT (cliUnionName cli)
member_cxt = makeMemberConstraint (cliUnionName cli) cli
sem = makeSemType (cliUnionName cli) (cliResType cli)
-- | Builds a function definition of the form
-- @x a b c = send (X a b c :: E m a)@.
genDec :: Bool -> ConLiftInfo -> Q [Dec]
genDec should_mk_sigs cli = do
fun_args_names <- replicateM (length $ cliFunArgs cli) $ newName "x"
let fun_args_names = fmap fst $ cliArgs cli
let action = foldl1' AppE
$ ConE (cliConName cli) : (VarE <$> fun_args_names)
eff = foldl' AppT (ConT $ cliEffName cli) $ args
-- see NOTE(makeSem_)
args = (if should_mk_sigs then id else map capturableTVars)
$ cliEffArgs cli ++ [sem, cliResType cli]
sem = ConT ''Sem `AppT` VarT (cliUnionName cli)
[ PragmaD $ InlineP (cliFunName cli) Inlinable ConLike AllPhases
, FunD (cliFunName cli)
[ Clause (VarP <$> fun_args_names)
(NormalB $ AppE (VarE 'send) $ SigE action eff)
(NormalB $ makeUnambiguousSend should_mk_sigs cli)
-- | Info about constructor being lifted; use 'mkCLInfo' to create one.
data ConLiftInfo = CLInfo
{ -- | Name of effect's type constructor
cliEffName :: Name
-- | Effect-specific type arguments
, cliEffArgs :: [Type]
-- | Result type specific to action
, cliResType :: Type
-- | Name of action constructor
, cliConName :: Name
-- | Name of final function
, cliFunName :: Name
-- | Fixity of function used as an operator
, cliFunFixity :: Maybe Fixity
-- | Final function arguments
, cliFunArgs :: [Type]
-- | Constraints of final function
, cliFunCxt :: Cxt
-- | Name of type variable parameterizing 'Sem'
, cliUnionName :: Name
} deriving Show
-- | Creates info about smart constructor being created from info about action
-- and it's parent type.
mkCLInfo :: DatatypeInfo -> ConstructorInfo -> Q ConLiftInfo
mkCLInfo dti ci = do
let cliEffName = datatypeName dti
(raw_cli_eff_args, [m_arg, raw_cli_res_arg]) <-
case splitAtEnd 2 $ datatypeInstTypes dti of
r@(_, [_, _]) -> return r
_ -> missingEffArgs cliEffName
m_name <-
case tVarName m_arg of
Just r -> return r
Nothing -> mArgNotVar cliEffName m_arg
cliUnionName <- newName "r"
cliFunFixity <- reifyFixity $ constructorName ci
let normalizeType = replaceMArg m_name cliUnionName
. simplifyKinds
. applySubstitution eq_pairs
-- We extract equality constraints with variables to unify them
-- manually - this makes type errors more readable. Plus we replace
-- kind of result with 'Type' if it is a type variable.
(eq_pairs, cliFunCxt) = first (M.fromList . maybeResKindToType)
$ partitionEithers
$ eqPairOrCxt <$> constructorContext ci
maybeResKindToType = maybe id (\k ps -> (k, StarT) : ps)
$ tVarName $ tvKind $ last
$ datatypeVars dti
cliEffArgs = normalizeType <$> raw_cli_eff_args
cliResType = normalizeType raw_cli_res_arg
cliConName = constructorName ci
cliFunName = liftFunNameFromCon cliConName
cliFunArgs = normalizeType <$> constructorFields ci
return CLInfo{..}
-- Error messages and checks
mArgNotVar :: Name -> Type -> Q a
mArgNotVar name mArg = fail $ show
$ text "Monad argument " <> ppr mArg <> text " in effect "
<> ppr name <> text " is not a type variable"
missingEffArgs :: Name -> Q a
missingEffArgs name = fail $ show
$ text "Effect " <> ppr name
<> text " has not enough type arguments"
$+$ nest 4
( text "At least monad and result argument are required, e.g.:"
$+$ nest 4
( text ""
$+$ ppr (DataD [] base args Nothing [] []) <+> text "..."
$+$ text ""
base = capturableBase name
args = PlainTV . mkName <$> ["m", "a"]
checkExtensions :: [Extension] -> Q ()
checkExtensions exts = do
states <- zip exts <$> traverse isExtEnabled exts
maybe (return ())
(\(ext, _) -> fail $ show
$ char '' <> text (show ext) <> char ''
<+> text "extension needs to be enabled\
\ for smart constructors to work")
(find (not . snd) states)
-- | Converts names of all type variables in type to capturable ones based on
-- original name base. Use with caution, may create name conflicts!
capturableTVars :: Type -> Type
capturableTVars = everywhere $ mkT $ \case
VarT n -> VarT $ capturableBase n
ForallT bs cs t -> ForallT (goBndr <$> bs) (capturableTVars <$> cs) t
goBndr (PlainTV n ) = PlainTV $ capturableBase n
goBndr (KindedTV n k) = KindedTV (capturableBase n) $ capturableTVars k
t -> t
-- | Constructs capturable name from base of input name.
capturableBase :: Name -> Name
capturableBase = mkName . nameBase
-- | Replaces use of @m@ in type with @Sem r@.
replaceMArg :: TypeSubstitution t => Name -> Name -> t -> t
replaceMArg m r = applySubstitution $ M.singleton m $ ConT ''Sem `AppT` VarT r
-- Removes 'Type' and variable kind signatures from type.
simplifyKinds :: Type -> Type
simplifyKinds = everywhere $ mkT $ \case
SigT t StarT -> t
SigT t VarT{} -> t
ForallT bs cs t -> ForallT (goBndr <$> bs) (simplifyKinds <$> cs) t
goBndr (KindedTV n StarT ) = PlainTV n
goBndr (KindedTV n VarT{}) = PlainTV n
goBndr b = b
t -> t
-- | Converts equality constraint with type variable to name and type pair if
-- possible or leaves constraint as is.
eqPairOrCxt :: Pred -> Either (Name, Type) Pred
eqPairOrCxt p = case asEqualPred p of
Just (VarT n, b) -> Left (n, b)
Just (a, VarT n) -> Left (n, a)
_ -> Right p
-- | Creates name of lifting function from action name.
liftFunNameFromCon :: Name -> Name
liftFunNameFromCon n = mkName $ case nameBase n of
':':cs -> cs
c :cs -> toLower c : cs
"" -> error
"liftFunNameFromCon: empty constructor name"
-- | Folds a list of 'Type's into a right-associative arrow 'Type'.
foldArrows :: [Type] -> Type
foldArrows = foldr1 $ AppT . AppT ArrowT
-- | Extracts name from type variable (possibly nested in signature and/or
-- some context), returns 'Nothing' otherwise.
tVarName :: Type -> Maybe Name
tVarName = \case
ForallT _ _ t -> tVarName t
SigT t _ -> tVarName t
VarT n -> Just n
ParensT t -> tVarName t
_ -> Nothing
-- | 'splitAt' counting from the end.
splitAtEnd :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitAtEnd n = swap . join bimap reverse . splitAt n . reverse